Bai Muxi quickly mixed two glasses of cocktails and placed them in front of Qi Sichen and Jasmine.

"She's been busy filming recently, and I'm planning to let her retire after she finishes filming this one."

"why is that?"

Both Qi Sichen and Jasmine were very surprised, now that Su Yingwan is at the best stage of her career, it would be a pity if she just faded out like this.

"It's easy to go wrong if you get together less and leave more. Besides, it's not bad for her little money. I think it's good to stay together like your father and mother."

Bai Muxi was telling the truth, there were too many chaos in the entertainment industry.


"Turn left, turn right, there is a pit ahead..."

In the desert, a well-modified jeep is raising billowing dust.

Mo Xiang held the steering wheel with a calm expression, and Ouyang Yueyue was in the co-pilot's seat, acting as the navigator.

Holding a map in her hand, she was guiding Mo Xiang to follow the race section.

In the beginning, their cooperation was not so good, it can be said to be very bad, terrible.

Fortunately, there is a schedule for familiarization before the game, which will not be included in the team's overall score and personal score.

At that time, it was common for her to point her in the wrong direction.

Who insisted on choosing this road idiot plus map blindness? In order to allow Ouyang Yueyue to quickly enter the role, Mo Xiang put in a lot of effort.

For this reason, the ear stud men in the same team also made jokes and laughed at them.

After a long time, Ouyang Yueyue still had some resistance at first, but she never got used to the man with the ear studs, and it was a shame to be ridiculed by him.

So she also repositioned herself.

When it comes to the official competition, not to mention Ouyang Yueyue is still a decent navigator.

In the first two stages, the run-in was not so ideal, and the results were somewhat unsatisfactory.

But Mo Xiang stopped scolding her.

The stage they are running now has the most complicated terrain in the entire race.

According to the instructions, the car crossed two small sand dunes, and there was an open plain ahead.

"Looking at it now, we can regain a lot of time." Ouyang Yueyue put the map aside and said with a little ease.

Mo Xiang concentrated on driving the car without making any comments.

In his experience, the more peaceful and unobstructed the place, the more likely there are variables.

Sure enough, less than 5 minutes after her words fell, the car sank suddenly and then turned off.

Suddenly, Ouyang Yueyue almost bumped into the front windshield.

"Ah, how did you drive the car, accidents can happen in such a flat place." She looked at Mo Xiang with some complaints.

And Mo Xiang got off the car directly, went to the front of the car and saw that the right front wheel had sunk into a sand pit.

What a nuisance, he pulled a portable sapper shovel out of the trunk.

At this time, Ouyang Yueyue also jumped out of the car to check the situation.

"Dig the soil." Mo Xiang said, throwing the shovel to her.

"Hey, are you a man? Let me be a girl to do this kind of hard work." Ouyang Yueyue threw the shovel on the ground angrily.

Mo Xiang took out another iron chain: "How about I dig it, and you put this on the tire?"

This is a technical job, how could Ouyang Yueyue say: "You are ruthless."

As he spoke, he bent down and picked up the shovel and began to dig a hole.

Mo Xiang was handling the iron chain on the side.

Shoveling soil in the desert is not an easy task, the sand is so loose that one shovel goes down and more fills back up.

Looking at the shining sun, when will this dig...

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