When the desert is under the scorching sun, the temperature is very high. After a long time, it will make people easily dehydrated and unconscious.

Ouyang Yueyue felt dizzy before digging twice.

Big beads of sweat kept dripping.

In the end, he couldn't support himself, and fell flat on the sand all at once.

Mo Xiang, who was fixing the chains on the other side of the car, didn't hear the sound of the shovel digging into the sand. "What, you're running out of strength so quickly? When will we go out at your speed?"

Didn't get any response.

Is this girl angry with herself?

Mo Xiang put down his work, went around the car and saw that she was lying motionless on the sand.

Quickly helped her up, only to see that her eyes were closed tightly and her lips were pale.

Mo Xiang picked her up and put her on the car, and opened all the doors so that she could get some ventilation and not be exposed to the sun.

Then he brought a water bottle and dripped some water on her lips. At this time, it is absolutely impossible to pour a lot of water into her.

After dealing with her, the rest of the self-rescue needs to be done by yourself.

Pick up the shovel again and quickly shovel off the sand under the wheel.

Then tie it to the tire with an iron chain, and finally take off your jacket and put other useless cloth and other things on the car under the wheel to increase the resistance.

Finally, he closed all the doors, got into the car, held the steering wheel firmly, and lightly stepped on the accelerator.

As the engine roared again, the wheels kicked up the sand.

A puff of smoke.

The car vibrated and finally rushed out of the pit.

On the journey again.

This time, he was quite busy, he had to hold the steering wheel while keeping one hand free, and kept dripping water on Ouyang Yueyue's lips.

Gradually, her lips began to regain their color.

This is mainly because he is not very dehydrated.

When she slowly woke up, she vaguely saw that she seemed to be in a car, and felt a slight vibration.

"Take it and drink it yourself."

A glass of water appeared in front of her.

Seeing water, it was like seeing a life-saving straw, and I reached out and grabbed it.

"Drink slowly."

I took a big sip first, and instantly felt comfortable.

At the moment when her eyes turned black, she almost felt as if she was going to die, and what was even more frightening was that she couldn't make a sound at that time.

"Your physical fitness is so poor that you can pass out after just digging with two shovels."

Ouyang Yueyue hugged the water glass: "I'm a girl, I can't do such heavy work."

"Don't make excuses for yourself, lazy is lazy. Jasmine won't be like you."

Speaking of Jasmine, Ouyang Yueyue suddenly realized that she hadn't contacted her since the last time she called.


"Hey, has the date forgotten us these few days?"

In the evening, Ouyang Yueyue was lying on the big comfortable bed, holding the phone in her hand, stretching.

Jasmine's face flushed slightly: "Who am I dating, talking nonsense."

Ouyang Yueyue curled her lips: "Still pretending to me here, who else is of course with your Mr. Qi."

"I'm not dating him, we're just ordinary friends." Jasmine hurriedly explained, she didn't even know why she was so eager to break up the relationship.

"Hey, why are you so anxious? I think you have a guilty conscience. Don't be like this. You should find a partner when you are older. Although that guy is a bit cold and moody, he is still a good person."

What kind of evaluation does Ouyang Yueyue give to Qi Sichen...

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