Jasmine, mother and daughter, and the current Ouyang Yueyue.

Mo Xiang looked at her, ready to let her beat or scold him.

But it was really beyond his expectation.

Watching her calm down after a short period of emotional fluctuations.

Many people often only have two reactions when they encounter a crisis that is about to come.

One, being manic and restless, not accepting fate, or feeling that one should finally release one's true nature.

Two, calm, accept the calmness of reality, but it does not mean that the heart will be really so peaceful, but it is the nature.

Ouyang Yueyue, on the surface, she is like a sparrow that keeps talking all day long.

But she is lonely in her heart, so she can only constantly use her performance to attract the attention of people around her.

Looking at her calm appearance, Mo Xiang really wanted her to hit him a few times, which was more reassuring than quietly waiting for the verdict from the God of Death.

After another period of silence, Ouyang Yueyue said, "Actually, I shouldn't blame you for treating me like this. I asked for it myself. If it wasn't for..."

When the words came to her lips, she hesitated a little, but decided to say it out.

According to the current situation, maybe the hope of going out is really not that great, she doesn't want to go with the secret in her heart.

"Actually, the behind-the-scenes boss of our team is GT Group. They have been paying attention to you. And I was also falsely dismissed by them, and the task of those who are close to you is to pay attention to your every move."

After speaking, she was also watching Mo Xiang's reaction.

There was no secret feeling in my heart, and I felt much more comfortable in an instant.

Likewise, she waited for his outburst.

Because she knows that Mo Xiang's temper is not that good, which can be seen from the daily contact with him.

Since she showed her sincerity, then she must also be sincere.


A sneer came out of Mo Xiang's mouth.

In an instant, she felt the air in the tent start to become icy cold.

He's going to explode, he's going to explode...

Ouyang Yueyue's heart kept beating, she didn't know what he was going to do, maybe before the big wind and sandstorm outside destroyed the tent, he would destroy it, and then die together with himself...

"Sure enough, there is something hidden inside. When you were suddenly dismissed by them, I felt that it was not that simple. It turns out that you are the chess piece they put beside me. They really took great pains."

His face changed, with the look of alcohol, like a demon breaking free from a cage.

It made Ouyang Yueyue on the side feel a little scared.

After making enough mental preparations for himself, I saw that he calmed down again, and his face softened.

Then there was a burst of wry smiles, "They are really patient enough, don't they just look like his dead brother, so it's necessary to hold on to it."

What dead brother?

What Ouyang Yueyue heard was really inexplicable.

Seeing her stupid look, "They put you by my side, don't they know why?"

Shake his head.

"What a silly girl, if you are like this, someone will sell you, I'm afraid you will have to count the money for others happily."


Ouyang Yueyue immediately lost face again, "You bastard, why are you coming to laugh at me when you are about to die? Could it be that laughing at me can increase your IQ?"

No matter what time it is, I still have the mind to do this.

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