After dinner, Qi Sichen just chatted with Jasmine and her parents for over an hour, and then sent her home.

He had a worried look on his face, and Jasmine could only worry about him in her heart.

After returning, he got into his room.

"What happened to my brother today? He still looks sullen when he brings his future sister-in-law back. Is there something else hidden here?"

For a long time, he put on the appearance of a little detective.

Of course, Qi Yemo and Ye Huanyu both saw Qi Sichen's performance today.

But after all, he is already a person who can stand alone.

I don't know how long it took before I received a call from Jin Shihang, "Good news, according to satellite cloud images, the local sandstorm is beginning to weaken, and the weakening speed is estimated to disappear completely in four to five hours."

"Continue to follow up, notify the airport to be on standby, and bring some emergency and life-saving equipment along the way."

This is good news, and Qi Sichen couldn't help being excited.

But it didn't take more than ten minutes to be happy, and there were still four or five hours. It was still unknown whether they could hold on.


Listening to the whistling wind outside the tent, it seemed a little quieter than it was at first.

Such a subtle difference is difficult for ordinary people to perceive.

However, Mo Xiang now has some confidence in his heart.

Apart from the sound of the wind, he could also clearly hear Ouyang Yueyue leaning on his shoulder, already sound asleep.

Turning his head slightly, looking at her sleeping state, the corners of her mouth involuntarily raised slightly.

He just couldn't help touching his wrist again.

"Hiss" took a light breath.

What he touched was the mark she left on him—the tooth mark.

It was just over three hours ago that she stayed after drinking a lot.

"Qi Sichen, I understand why you left her to me this time. What a headache. Are you really my brother?"



"Yo Ho, the wind stopped, the tent is still there, we are saved, long live!"

The sleeping Mo Xiang was awakened by Ouyang Yueyue's cheers and forceful pushing.

When I opened my eyes, there was no sound outside.The wind must have stopped.

Get up.

"Hey, why are you still looking lazy and survived a catastrophe? Isn't this worth being happy and celebrating?"

Seeing his laziness in his clothes, I felt angry.

This guy is real, it's okay to look like this usually, how dangerous the situation was yesterday.

Is this guy's nerves different from other people's?

Mo Xiang opened the imprisoned curtain, and a ray of sunlight came in from outside.

It's really dazzling.

Both of them narrowed their eyes.

Then opened the second door, the third door.

The entire tent was flooded with sunlight.

Finally, the door to the tent was opened.

A gust of sand rushed in in an instant, but fortunately there were not many.

"We are saved!" Ouyang Yueyue was the first to run out of the tent cheering.

It's just that she didn't run out for a few minutes and came back again.

It can be seen that he was panicked, "It's not good, the strong wind is coming again." After saying that, he turned around and hurriedly closed the tent door.

Mo Xiang stood in the tent and looked at her, but he also heard a roar coming from the sky, and the sound became louder and louder.

It should be approaching quickly.

"Hey, what are you still waiting for? Pull the curtains quickly." Ouyang Yueyue closed the window in a panic.

Mo Xiang looked at her, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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