Qin Huo drove the car to heavy.Qing Restaurant.

"Master, we're here." Qin Huo didn't intend to get out of the car as usual, he was always waiting for the master in the car.

This time, he thought that Qi Yemo would open the car door and get out of the car to eat alone like before.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yemo actually said, "Qin Huo, go and order food. Serves for two."

Qin Huo was a little surprised that his master, who was used to being alone, had started...not used to it?

Qin Huo quickly pretended to be nonchalant and nodded, "Yes, master."

The two got out of the car.

Qin Huo respectfully walked ahead of Qi Yemo and led the way.

"Welcome!" The welcoming lady smiled mechanically.

Qi Yemo's slender eyes.The legs are heavy as soon as you step forward.Qing restaurant, then subconsciously paused.

A familiar smell hits the nostrils.He remembered that night when he came here for dinner with that woman Ye Huanyu...

The restaurant is still in full swing as it was back then.

"Master, do you want to book a box?" Qin Huo asked in a low voice.

He glanced coldly at the almost crowded lobby, almost every table was full of customers.

Unconsciously frowning, he subconsciously raised his hand to cover his nose, he is not used to crowded places as a clean freak.

He frowned deeply, looking at the bustling scene in the lobby, he couldn't help feeling regretful for coming!

Although heavy.Qing Restaurant is quite famous in City A, but to him, it is just a commoner restaurant!

How can he be worthy of someone of his noble status?

What's more, he hates spicy food!Tsk tsk, look at the smog here!

And he came here unexpectedly, to hell!

"Book the most luxurious box!" There was a hint of forbearance in his voice!

Qin Huo's forehead was slightly sweating, and somehow he had offended his master again, so he quickly responded, "Yes, this subordinate will order it immediately."

Just as Qin Huo turned around to book a box, Qi Yemo glanced impatiently at the lobby, and in his disgusted and contemptuous eyes, he was suddenly stunned by a beautiful figure——

For three full seconds, Qi Yemo's shocked pupils narrowed quickly.

A gleam of cold light flashed, and he spit out three gloomy words, "No, use, use it!"

Qin Huo was a little surprised, looking for his master's eyes, when he saw Miss Ye's face with a bright smile on the table near the window, Qin Huo was wet with sweat.the...


Facing Liu Chengze's enthusiasm, Ye Huanyu smiled stiffly.

Liu Chengze was sweating profusely after eating, and almost lost his eyesight from laughing. He continued cheerfully:

"Huanyu, when can I meet your parents?"

Ye Huanyu was taken aback, "This..."

"Hehe, Lin Jiao mentioned to me that you are an illegitimate daughter. I don't think your parents would object to us being together. In this way, everyone can sit down early to discuss a good day and settle things between the two of us." , What do you think?" Liu Chengze took it for granted.

Ye Huanyu's eyes widened, it was a bit difficult to digest Liu Chengze's words, "Could it be too fast?"

After all, they just met tonight for the first time.

"How could it be?" Liu Chengze shook his head disapprovingly, "Some people have been in love for many years and they still haven't been together, while some people have only spent a second in love for a lifetime! Huanyu, I think you are my true destiny Goddess, now I can't wait to imagine the beautiful life we ​​will have together in the future. In the near future, children will be born one by one. Will the children love spicy food like us... Wow, light It's wonderful to think about it, it's really exciting... Huanyu, do you think our child will be like you or me?"

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