Liu Chengze's face was intoxicated, as if he had already begun to immerse himself in the beautiful picture in his imagination...

Ye Huanyu was stunned, before she could respond to Liu Chengze's words, suddenly a gust of cold wind hit her.Come--

She flinched subconsciously.

In the next second, a sinister voice that seemed to come from hell came through the air——

"It looks like a pig to me!"

Life and death interrupted Liu Chengze's beautiful fantasy.

Ye Huanyu's heart trembled, she raised her eyes, and the handsome and cold face she hadn't seen for a long time came into view, she couldn't help widening her eyes, shocked and astonished!

Qi Yemo stood proudly in front of Ye Huanyu and Liu Chengze.

Qin Huo's back was wet with sweat.Yes, and quickly pulled the chair away for the master.

Qi Ye's face was cold, and he sat down straight like a zombie!

Ye Huanyu's face turned pale.

"Like a pig? What looks like a pig?" Liu Chengze asked reflexively, startled by Qi Yemo's sudden intrusion.

"Speaking of your child—" Qi Yemo raised his eyebrows, and his cold voice paused through his teeth, "Like a pig!"

"Pig?!" Liu Chengze blushed instantly, staring at his small eyes, "You must be sick! Didn't you see that you disturbed me and my girlfriend's dinner? Get out of here!"

Qi Ye's Mo Jun's face turned cold, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and gritted his teeth, "The tone is quite loud! You haven't even opened your eyes yet, Qin Huo, give him long eyes!"

Ye Huanyu was startled, Qi Yemo's implication was that Liu Chengze didn't have long eyes!

Before she could stop her, Qin Huo grabbed Liu Chengze's face quickly and wiped a handful of chili sauce on the plate——

With a slap, it rubbed against Liu Chengze's squinted eyes...

"Ah—" The cry sounded like killing a pig.Immediately, people at the other tables in the lobby all looked sideways.

"Chengze!" Ye Huanyu subconsciously called out.

Qi Yemo's face became more gloomy, he picked up a hot spoon, and immediately covered Liu Chengze's face——

He patted Liu Chengze's cheek, his posture was elegant, but his fingers were cruel.

"Open your eyes and see clearly who is Lao Tzu? How dare you tell Lao Tzu to go away?!"

"Who..." Liu Chengze's small eyes were stinging from the hot chili sauce, his eyes were blurred, and he was pressed by Qin Huo again.Pressing down on the body, unable to resist, the hot spoon slapped on the face, it was a pain, and the tears flowed out...

"Enough!" Ye Huanyu suddenly stood up, hurried to Liu Chengze, picked up the wet towel on the table, pushed Qi Yemo's spoon away, and helped Liu Chengze wipe the chili sauce.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't even glance at Qi Yemo!

Liu Chengze burst into tears and wailed in a low voice, which attracted the attention of many customers.

Some even secretly picked up their mobile phones to take pictures...

Seeing this, Qin Huo immediately let go of Liu Chengze, and quickly stood in front of Qi Yemo, blocking those who were trying to steal.Take a picture of the master.And he is strong and burly, not angry but majestic, so that the waiters dare not approach him.

"Woo so hot... Huanyu, who are they?" Liu Chengze could barely open his chili eyes.

Ye Huanyu didn't answer, but carefully wiped the chili sauce around the corners of his eyes, frowned and said in a low voice, "Chengze, I'll take you to the bathroom to wash your eyes."

"...Okay." Liu Chengze agreed pitifully.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she supported Liu Chengze to stand up, her wrist was grabbed by a strong force!

She turned her head and gave Qi Yemo a hard look, her eyes seemed to say: Let go!

But this guy frowned tightly, staring at Ye Huanyu, gritted his teeth and asked, "You're doing it for this pig with no eyes?!"

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