Qi Sijiu smiled slightly at him: "You bookworm really impresses me."

Charlie put on a haughty look, with his arms folded on his chest: "I can't help it, who made my girlfriend a Chinese. Know yourself and the enemy, and you will win every battle."

"I have to say a few compliments to you." Jiu Jiu knew very well what he had always thought of him.From a guy who knows almost nothing except computers, he can now pull a few 'plain talk' in front of himself.

But the more he behaved like this, the more uneasy she felt inside.

Because she has realized that such days will not really last long.

It is also true that she cherishes every time they get along.

Every time she said goodbye to each other and looked forward to seeing each other again the next day, she would turn her head the moment she entered the apartment and watch his figure gradually disappear into the darkness.

At this moment she will be very sad.Such days are becoming rare for her.

"Jiu, what's wrong with you?" Charlie felt that she was a little different from the past at the moment.Or maybe it's her absence, even the most nervous ones can still feel it.

Jiu Jiu's thoughts were brought back again, and he shook his head: "It's nothing, I'm fine, don't worry."

Such perfunctory, Charlie will not easily buy it.He put his hands lightly on Jiujiu's shoulders, and looked at her intently: "What happened, you must tell me. Do you know, I feel very uncomfortable seeing you like this."

Looking at his appearance for a long time, I can't help but sigh.If you don't want to face it, you still have to explain it, don't you?

"Charlie, let's break up."

"What?" Charlie felt a little unbelievable, a little excited, and couldn't help but increase the strength of his hands, "Jiu, I know that because of my graduation thesis and graduation project, I don't care enough about you. Please give me a little time, wait for me They're done, and you'll be compensated. How about a vacation in Hollywood, or Hawaii?"

He was a little flustered, and anyone could see that.

This made Jiujiu feel even more uncomfortable: "Charlie, it's not that you did anything wrong. This is a problem we can't avoid. I only have one year here, one year, do you understand? This semester is over, and I'm going back to China. "

In fact, Charlie knew all this, but he didn't think it was a big deal.He always thought that as long as their relationship was good, she would stay.

However, her answer today completely shattered this seemingly resolved idea.

"Jiu, please stay. You know, I really like you very much, love you very much. We can have a happy family here, and we will have lovely children. We can take them to Disney on weekends. "

What a wonderful future life...

But think of it so far away.

The force of Charlie coming from his shoulder made Jiujiu feel a little pain.At this moment, her heart is also so painful.

"Charlie, I have to go back. I have my parents, my brother and many friends waiting for me. I can't lose them, do you understand. I really want to cherish your feelings for me, but now I can only I can apologize back."

Jiujiu was already in tears at this moment, she broke away from Charlie's hands with all her strength, wiped away her tears, and ran towards the apartment without looking back.

Only Charlie, who was already stiff, was left.

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