Big events can change a person's mind and give him a new understanding of his former ideals and previous ideas.

Regarding the conclusion of Sarah's case, from the beginning to the end, everything that happened in between was a long-term test.

She gritted her teeth and survived, and I have to say that she handled it very well.

But because of this, when the full stop symbolizing the end is drawn, it feels like the whole soul has been reorganized.

This feeling may please others.Because it means abandoning the old self and ushering in a brand new self.

Jiujiu doesn't like change.She was not afraid, but all the changes came too suddenly, and she was not ready for anything.

Read books in the library with peace of mind, enjoy the shade under the shade of trees in the school, fight with Amy and Lily with rice flowers and pillows in the "House of Love"...

Everything seemed so simple and beautiful.

That's the life she wants.

After everything is over, what was left behind, it is time to turn back and pick them up.

Although many people were a little puzzled by her decision, they still chose to respect her thoughts.

It's just that when Jiujiu came to look for Qi Siyang again, he found that in the empty house, only the TV was turned on and stayed on the news channel.

The coffee mug on the table was still full.It's just getting colder.

Been out for a while, maybe two or three days.

After all, it was the third day after they came out of the bar.

Seeing the same surroundings, it must be that nothing strange happened here, and they left in such a hurry.

What will happen to him?Could it be related to Vincent?

It must be related!Recalling that when I asked my brother for someone, he didn't agree so readily.

It's just that at that time, she was only thinking about convicting Vincent and letting Sarah's spirit in heaven rest in peace.He didn't pay much attention to his brother's reaction.

He quickly picked up his mobile phone and dialed his number, but there was nothing but a busy signal.

Called again and again, still the same response.

Where he went is unknown.How to find him, also do not know how to start.

This lost mobile phone number seemed to be the only link between her and him.


Ten days passed, 20 days passed, and there was no news for a month.

Jiujiu calls him every day.Nothing but a busy tone.

Even so, it made her feel a lot more at ease.The most basic common sense tells her that it is impossible for a mobile phone to be on standby for such a long time.

My brother must have kept the battery life of the phone.As for why he didn't answer his phone, there may be many reasons, but at least it shows that nothing happened to him.

This reassured Jiujiu a lot.

Time will not slow down or stop because of someone.

After completing the professional assessment, it was time for heavy snow to cover the entire road.

Jiu Jiu was accompanied by a boy.Take great care of her.

When she walked out of the classroom, a thick coat was already draped over her shoulders.

"Charlie, I'm not cold." Even so, there was a happy smile on his face.And left a light kiss on his cheek.

"Haven't you heard that there is a kind of cold call: Mom sees you cold. There is no mother here, only me." Charlie learned this sentence after reading a domestic forum recently.

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