Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 4 4, mistakenly provoked the cold president

Night, twilight is heavy.

"Xiao Ye, where are you? Have you arrived?"

"Mr. Li, I'm downstairs in the hotel, I'll be up soon."

"Okay, go straight to the third floor, I'll wait for you."

After Ye Huanyu hung up the phone, she looked up at the luxurious building in front of her.

A few gilded characters came into view:

Daredevil Empire Hotel.

She froze slightly.

Yemo Empire Hotel was the word she heard the most from her colleagues in the company during the six months after returning to China.

It is said that in the past five years, it has become a landmark building in City A.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li would ask her to come here tonight to socialize.

Thinking of the generous bonus, she immediately cheered up.

In order for her mother and Yangyang to live a better life, she must earn more money!

So she clenched her handbag tightly, and when passing a black car parked on the side of the road,

He stopped by the way, glanced at himself reflected in the car window, and tidied up his appearance by the way——

Her long black hair was pulled into a meticulous princess bun.

The understated makeup is also impeccable.

Only tonight is something wrong with this black off-the-shoulder evening dress.

Well, she adjusted her dress facing the car window...

After a while, he looked at himself in the car window mirror with satisfaction.

Generous and decent.

OK, done!

Taking a deep breath, just as she was about to give a self-encouraging smile to the car window—

The window glass miraculously slides down automatically and slowly...

Ye Huanyu petrified!

The squeezed smile froze in mid-air!

Why, why is there someone in the car? ?

Her face turned green and red all of a sudden!

The windows of the car were all opened, revealing a handsome and extraordinary face.

The sharp-edged silhouette exuded a mocking coldness.

The deep eyes lazily raised up, passing a trace of evil spirits, and looking straight into Ye Huanyu's pupils!

Her fingertips trembled.

The heart seemed to be hit by something.

What a handsome man!

"Miss, there is no need for 'service' here."

The man deliberately emphasized the word "service" and cast a disdainful glance at her.

Even though this guy's eyes were contemptuous, damn it, his low-chun voice was like a wing piercing through the air, crashing into her heart unexpectedly, so intoxicating!

Even, there is a little sense of familiarity...

It is distant and strange, but it seems as if it has been heard somewhere.

Her heart suddenly missed a beat!



Only now did Ye Huanyu come back to her senses!

His eyes widened, and anger immediately rushed to his forehead.

What did this guy say about her?

Serve? !

Everyone can hear the irony in these words!

No matter how nice his voice was, what he said made her want to tear this handsome face apart!

What does this guy think she is? !

The humiliation made her flush with anger instantly!

Go to your sister's service, you only serve, and your whole family serves! !

I wanted to yell at him, but then I thought about it.

She gritted her teeth, still maintained a decent expression, and smiled sweetly at him:

"Oh? You seem to have misunderstood, sir. I'm here for 'service'!"

While talking, she intentionally looked him up and down with disdainful eyes.

He also exaggerated to the point of taking money from his handbag, as if my sister was buying a service.

The cool voice replied arrogantly, "Tsk tsk, what a pity, sir, you don't seem to meet my standards yet!"

snort!If you dare to ridicule her, she will not be polite!

So what about being handsome?

What a pity for a face with such a poisonous tongue.

The man obviously didn't show a sullen look because of her provocative words.

He just raised his eyebrows coldly, pursed his lips and said, "It's just right, I don't like women who are neither good nor bad."

Ambitious woman?

How dare he say that she is a nonsense woman? !

She widened her eyes and stared at this man!

very good!

He challenged her self-cultivation again and again!

She clenched her fists, her face was a little livid.

What the hell is a no-nonsense woman?

What kind of bad luck did she have today?

But I borrowed a car window as a mirror to look at it and adjust my clothes!

Do you deserve to be humiliated by this rude man?

Ye Huanyu looked at the man's paralyzed face that hadn't changed for a thousand years.

Too angry!

It was as if emotions had never appeared on his handsome face.

So delicate that there is hardly a trace of wrinkle!

Getting more and more angry!

Can you bully a woman because you are handsome?

Can driving a luxury car despise women?

Clenching his fists shaking with anger, he glanced at him, before he was about to close the window—

Miss Ye did the craziest and manliest move in her life——

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