Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 5 5, Mr. Facial Paralysis, Korean

She smiled softly, and suddenly bent down.

Deliberately approaching his car window, pretending to be charming.

One hand rested on the glass window, preventing him from closing the window.

He stretched out his other hand with a smile, and before he could react——

Her hand was like an octopus, grabbing his so handsome face that both humans and gods were angry!

"Hey~, little brother, I think you have used too much hyaluronic acid? Otherwise, how can you maintain without a single wrinkle? Are you made in Korea?"

She smiled frightfully, and secretly rubbed his face vigorously, as mercilessly as kneading dough!

I still didn't forget to sarcasm: "Tsk, the whole face looks paralyzed, the more you look at it, the more permeable it becomes. Or, wait for the little brother's facial paralysis to recover one day, sister will come and take care of you, goodbye~~"

The little brother in front and the back of the little brother shouted happily.

She also deliberately used the word "care" as a pun, as if he was a cowboy.

Before this guy was about to get angry, she quickly retracted her claws.

A gloomy cold air blows in the face.

She trembled with fright.

Don't dare to look at his eyes that are so dark that they are almost hazy!

Almost reflexively, she picked up the bag and stepped back.

Holding the beating heart in his hands, there was a trace of revenge.

She didn't dare to look back at the expression on the man in the car.

Stepping on high-heeled shoes, Patapada entered the Yemo Empire Hotel...


The third floor of the hotel.

As soon as Ye Huanyu entered the arena, the smell of perfume mixed with various brands hit her nostrils.

In the huge venue, the clothes are fragrant and the shadows are on the temples.

It is colorful and resplendent.

It can be seen at a glance that it is a social dinner for the upper class.

"Xiaoye, you're here!"

When Li Guang turned his head, he saw a woman standing at the entrance of the venue.

Walking towards her quickly, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"President Li." Ye Huanyu nodded with a smile.

An inexplicable uneasiness rose in my heart.

"Xiaoye, you are so beautiful tonight!"

Li Guang held the back of her hand in a gentlemanly manner, and gave her a kiss.

Ye Huanyu frowned subconsciously, and unnaturally withdrew the back of her hand.

"Mr. Li, it seems that Anna should be more suitable for today's occasion."

Anna is the company's PR manager.

Anna is definitely much better at dealing with such high-class occasions than a small employee in the engineering department.

Li Guangzhen didn't think so.

Smiling, he took a glass of champagne from the wine boy and handed it to Ye Huanyu.

"Xiaoye, to tell you the truth, the banquet tonight is actually the prelude to the bid for the 'Ying' project."

Ye Huanyu was slightly taken aback.

The 'Ying' project is now a key project that almost all construction industries in City A are rushing to.

Recently, the engineering department has been so busy fighting for this project, no wonder Li always sent her over.

"But Mr. Li, I'm just a small employee in the engineering department who hasn't worked for half a year..."

"I just want you to be new!"

Fresh enough!

Li Guangzhen smiled deeply at the corner of his mouth, "Xiaoye, I asked you to come, of course I have my intentions. Don't worry, as long as you perform well tonight, you will be rewarded with a bonus. Come, drink this glass of wine, and wish us the best of luck." The bid was successful."

Ye Huanyu took the wine glass handed over by Li Guangshi, hesitating a bit.

He glanced at the figures in the meeting hall.

Maybe it's because I'm too useless that I'm afraid to face such an occasion.

In the five years in the United States, relying on the 500 million to live, she hardly went out to work except to take care of her mother and children.

She didn't start again until her savings were exhausted half a year ago and she returned to China.

But I found that I didn't understand many things.

Now, she is very pleased to be able to work in the engineering department of Guangshi Company.

"Why don't you drink it, Xiaoye? Don't tell me, you can even get drunk with champagne, hehehe..."

Ye Huanyu blushed a little and shook her head, "Mr. Li laughed, then, I wish the company a successful bid."

She didn't hesitate anymore, and clinked glasses with Li Guangzhen with champagne.

All in one drink.

Li Guang stared at her as she drank the wine, a hint of calculation flashed in her slender eyes...

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