Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 6, accidentally provoke a big man

Ye Huanyu put down the wine glass, feeling a little hot in her throat.

Suddenly, the venue was silent.

She still hasn't figured out what's going on.

Everyone's eyes are now looking at the entrance of the venue——

A tall and handsome man walked gracefully into the venue.

Like a luminous body, it attracts everyone's attention.

The man wore a handcrafted global limited-edition white suit, which perfectly outlined his sturdy figure.

Like a born king, he was followed by a group of respectful subordinates.

Short black hair, sparse and meticulous.

Exuding a calm and serious breath.

The ear diamond on the left ear reflects the faint blue luster.

With a face as handsome as a god's, he was definitely a monstrous evildoer who would overwhelm the country and the city.

Unfortunately, it was so cold that there was no warmth at all.

It's him? !

Ye Huanyu recognized at a glance——

Isn't this guy the boy with facial paralysis in the luxury car just now?

Before she could react, the audience erupted!

No matter how stupid Ye Huanyu was, she could guess the unusual reactions of those people at the venue.

It seems that the guy with facial paralysis has some background.

Hmph, at most he's not a rich man, what's the big deal!

"Ah, Boss Qi is finally here!" Li Guang whispered in surprise, taking advantage of the situation to grab Ye Huanyu's shoulder.

She avoided it subconsciously.


You shouldn't be here tonight in a little off-the-shoulder dress!

Li Guang didn't care about her reaction, he walked with her in his arms and said:

"Xiaoye, Boss Qi is a big shot! The richest man in City A, the Qi family, do you know him?"

"The Qi family?"

Ye Huanyu was taken aback suddenly!

In city A, who doesn't know the influence behind the words Qi's family?

It's outrageously rich!

It can turn the clouds and rain, and cover the sky with one hand!

The 'Ying' project is a sub-project of the Qi Group.

It was released for public bidding only a few months ago.

All the companies in the industry, in order to compete for this "mirror" project costing hundreds of billions, all tried their best to get Qi's favor.

Guangshi Company is no exception.

"Yes, he is Qi Yemo, the young master of the Qi family, the president of the Qi Group!"

Qi Yemo?

Ye Huanyu suddenly felt flustered.

Such a dark name.

I've heard it a long time ago that if you offend gods and ghosts in city A, you must never offend people from the Qi family.

She didn't expect this guy to have such a background!

He couldn't help lowering his eyes and glanced at his tender white paws.

Just now she even grabbed that guy Qi Yemo's face triumphantly!

Oh, fuck his seventh uncle...

A chill rose up Ye Huanyu's spine.

"Xiaoye, let's go, let's go say hello to Mr. Qi."

Ye Huanyu panicked.

How could she still have that hot face to post that guy's cold ass?

"Well, Mr. Li, I'm a little anxious, can I go later..."

Li Guang shook his head, hugged Ye Huanyu and refused to let go.

He pointed to Qi Yemo who had already been supported by many people.

Like him, there are countless people who bring beauties to bid.

"Look, Xiaoye, how many people are rushing to curry favor with Mr. Qi, we can't fall behind!"

Ye Huanyu glanced away.

Qi Yemo was almost surrounded by women.

It's no wonder that he was born with a monstrous appearance, and flies surrounded him wherever he went.

Li Guang did not allow Ye Huanyu to resist.

He hugged Ye Huanyu and squeezed into the crowd...

But the scene was so hot that they couldn't squeeze in at all!

Li Guang became a little anxious, and suddenly he had a plan.

Taking advantage of the crowd, he pretended to separate from Ye Huanyu.

Secretly pushed her into the crowd——

Ye Huanyu only felt that she was pushed to the side.

Then, I felt as if I heard the sound of the fabric being 'hissed' behind me...

Not right.

It seems cool there.

Hey hey, something is wrong...



A delicate scream pierced the sky above the venue!

For a moment, the picture seemed to freeze.

Everyone paused.

Except for Ye Huanyu who was still screaming!

So, people began to look for the source of the sound.

Then he gave way to Ye Huanyu very tacitly.

When all eyes glanced at her——

I saw her holding the little dress tightly with both hands.

Close your eyes and scream!

"Miss, your clothes are torn..."

I don't know who in the crowd was so kind to remind her.

Ye Huanyu's shout was hoarse in her throat!

With the chill behind her, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Bastard, who doesn't have eyesight and dares to tear her clothes? !

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