Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 436 Woman, How Dare You Steal My Son 1

"Children, ladies and gentlemen, the most exciting moment of this year's awards ceremony is coming... Next, the award we are going to present is the highest honor of this year's 'Belodis' International Children's Painting Award - the annual award! The only winner of this award is a five-year-old talented painter from an Asian country——Stern. Qi, we will welcome him to the stage to accept the award with the warmest applause!"

After the master of ceremonies finished speaking, the warmest and loudest applause immediately erupted from the audience, enough to circle the beam for 3 minutes...

Offstage, in the first row of VIP seats, Qi Yemo was always so calm.

Qin Huo's usual serious face, in this exciting atmosphere, couldn't help cheering for Young Master Chenchen, and the applause was extraordinarily loud!

However, Ye Huanyu, who was standing under the stage at this moment, felt his heartstrings tighten suddenly, his eyes subconsciously searched for Chenchen's figure, but in the darkness, it was impossible to see who was who.

She walked towards the stage quickly, thinking eagerly in her heart: Chenchen, it's your turn, go up and receive the award, baby...

Standing under the venue, Chenchen's heart tightened. When he heard his name, the little guy subconsciously ran towards the stage——

But when he was ten meters away from the stage——

Suddenly, on stage—

A small circular lifting platform rose slowly, and a little boy in white casual clothes suddenly appeared under the white spotlight!

The black hair was fixed by pomade into a cool and handsome shape, the little guy pretended to be handsome in an Ultraman pose, and there was a black camera hanging crookedly around his neck...

"Wow..." The only winner of the annual award caused a sensation in the audience as soon as he appeared on the stage!

Hey~, Chenchen in the audience stopped in time!Small.Cheek twitches.twitching...

Ye Huanyu was shocked!

She could hardly believe her eyes, yes——

That kid on the stage is Yang Yang who can't be found anywhere!

Qi Yemo sat on the seat, looking at his son posing on the stage, the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly, you bastard!Is the brat planning to embarrass his Qi family in front of the global audience?

Qin Huo sat under the stage and cheered excitedly: "Well done, young master Chenchen—"

Papapa~, however, Qin Huo's voice was drowned in the thunderous applause...

"Dear guests, this is the talented little painter Stern, the winner of this year's 'Belodis' annual award! Come on, let's watch the big screen together. "The painting is from the hand of the little painter Stern!"

"Little Tadpoles Not Looking for Their Mothers" makes people's first reaction is to think of the popular science story "Little Tadpoles Looking for Their Mothers". The little tadpoles in the pond made a lot of troubles while they were looking for their mothers. It was a joke, and encountered too many difficulties and obstacles, until the mother frog was found, and the moment the tadpoles embraced the mother, the unspeakable emotion between the mother and the baby moved the whole world.

But this time Stern drew "The Little Tadpole Not Looking for His Mother".

As soon as the master of ceremonies finished speaking, everyone's eyes were cast on the big screen——

Wow~ What a brightly colored, novel and unique oil painting!

Great use of contrasting colors!

Contrary to people's expectations, people did not see the imaginary pond, and there were no frogs.

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