Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 437 Woman, How Dare You Steal My Son 1

Rather, it seems that in this seemingly abstract but realistic painting, a child of a mother body can be vaguely seen.Palace, son.palace.Inside, there are two small tadpoles hanging upside down, one is a small black tadpole, quietly standing upside down, while the other is a small white tadpole, twisting its body exaggeratedly...

Stern also uses 4D ghost color tracing, which makes people have a strong visual impact when they look at it from another angle, as if seeing the little white tadpole twisting its body vividly...

Such a painting that looks static but hides dynamics is vividly displayed in people's field of vision.

Why didn't the tadpoles find their mother?

Why are the two tadpoles hanging upside down?

And why, a small black tadpole is very quiet, with a touch of sadness; the other small white tadpole is very lively?

So, soon, in this strong color collision, people felt a faint and delicate sadness emerging from the painting...

Qi Yemo in the audience, after seeing this painting by Chenchen, couldn't help but raise his brows, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes, and at the same time, a hint of doubt.

Qin Huo thinks this painting is so beautiful, and it shows a black fairy tale in its childishness. No wonder it can stand out among thousands of works.

But Ye Huanyu burst into tears instantly after seeing this painting——

She understands, it only takes a second for her to understand Chenchen's paintings.

Why didn't the tadpoles find their mother?Because tadpoles can't...

Why are the two tadpoles hanging upside down?Because only when you hang upside down, the tears will not fall...

And why, one is sad and the other lively?Because the one that is sad is the little tadpole that really does not look for its mother...

People are shocked!

It is unbelievable that this painting "Little Tadpole Not Looking for a Mother" was only made by a five-year-old child.

Regardless of the child's wonderful painting skills, even the implied meaning that this painting wants to express is extremely ingenious.

The hearts of five-year-old children are mostly full of sunshine and excitement.Passionate, enthusiastic, and colorful, in the eyes of these children, the perception of the surrounding world and characters is often far more than the perception of emotion.

But Stern, the child, painted the mother and child that people seldom show.Palace, that is the source of human beings, the beginning of all love...

Then, the master of ceremonies walked up to Yang Yang, took the microphone and praised with a smile——

"Hi Stern, your Tadpole Not Looking for a Mother is amazing! Come on, share with us your inspiration for this painting, and some of the stories behind it, please?"

Only then did Yang Yang look away from the big screen.

He tugged his lips, as if he was born to enjoy this feeling of attention!

He raised his eyebrows arrogantly, Qi Sichen's paintings are nothing more than this!Heck, is that bunch of colorful marijuana balls from God?

He patted his shoulder unhurriedly, pretending to be cool and handsome, raised his eyebrows, unceremoniously snatched the microphone from the master of ceremonies, cleared his throat, and replied in English——

"Well, the inspiration for creating this painting is actually very simple. One day I saw a breakfast shop selling fried sesame balls. Look, the round ball on the painting is the sesame ball. , and there are two small tadpoles inside, which are actually sesame seeds on the hemp balls..."

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