Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 44 44, the battle between the poor baby and the dog

"Woooo..." Bella huddled in the corner, so dizzy that she couldn't even stand still.

Staring at the eyes as big as beads, he looked up at Yangyang stupidly.

Its pitiful expression seems to say: let me go, as a Shar Pei, it is not my fault that I am ugly and stupid, I am innocent...

Yang Yang sighed again, holding something hot in his hand.

Crouching down, he raised the hot thing and approached Bella, muttering old-fashionedly——

"Hey, baby, grandma said that Dad doesn't like you because you are so ugly, you are the king of ugly in the Sharpei world. Ah, as a fighting dog, you can't be so ugly , Do you know... Dad is because you are too ugly, so you often don't go home, so that I haven't seen Dad yet... Come on, give me a ball, I will be gentle..."

Bella watched helplessly as the terrifying object in Yangyang's hand was approaching it bit by bit——

It trembled and moved back inch by inch. When it reached the corner of the wall, it realized that there was no way out.

"Ahh... Wang Wang Wang..." Help, kill the dog...

"Good boy, good boy..." Yang Yang raised his lips and smiled innocently, "In order to be able to see Dad, so that Dad won't come home because of you, then I have to put your ugly The pleats are scalded, flattened! Hold on, the pain won’t hurt when you open and close your eyes..."

Saying that, Yang Yang raised the steaming iron in his hand~——

In the end, it was still hideous and creepy to cover... on Bella's wrinkled fur...

Creak creak creak, the sound of hair being scorched.

"Ahh——" Bella's miserable cry pierced through the Qi family mansion.

The servants couldn't help but laugh anymore...

What kind of bad idea is this, young master Chenchen?

Will it look better if you iron Bella?

Looks better, is it still called Bella?

After a while, the screaming stopped.

The servants only saw Bella who had been burned bald and black, as if she had just experienced a fire.

It staggered and limped, dragging its tortured, but still wrinkled little body, passed through the crowd in despair, ran out of the house in despair, and went straight to the swimming pool in the courtyard...

She looks like a girl after being raped, running to the swimming pool in despair...

Before Bella committed suicide, she looked up to the sky and screamed sadly, woo woo, farewell to Chenchen...

Bella made a heroic leap into the pool.


After this remaining life, it's over.

Bella seemed to still hear Yang Yang's cool voice in the swimming pool——

"Hey, your swimming skills are so good, can you drown in the pool?"

Oh woo gurgling, Bella let out a groan, I can't live this day...


After half an hour.

Hurrah, the sound of a hair dryer came from the room.

Bella was lying on the tatami like a muddy mud.

With a lazy look, enjoying the temperature brought by the hair dryer.

Yang Yang is holding a hair dryer and drying his body for it.

The baby and the dog who were making a fuss just now were strangely calm now.

While blowing, Yang Yang was still stroking its wrinkled face, and said, "Damn it, it turns out that your ugliness can't be changed even by plastic surgery the day after tomorrow. I now announce that I will completely give up on your transformation. "

"Wow." Bella groaned.

Forgive it, it can't drown after tossing in the pool for so long, it's really exhausted, so it doesn't even have the strength to cheer.

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