"I heard from Butler Wang that Dad doesn't like children who are unclean, disobedient, or poor at learning..." Yang Yang muttered to himself, "What should I do if it's swollen? Unclean, disobedient, and bad at studying...all of them got tricked..."

"Woo..." It deserves it.Bella was so comfortable that she didn't even bother to lift her eyelids.

Yang Yang pouted, and continued to read, "Actually, I really miss my mother, Ke Su, I really want to see my father...Although, he is your Chenchen's father, not mine. , but... am I the same as Chenchen? Then my father and Chenchen's father should also look the same, what do you think?"

"Woo..." God knows.Bella was perfunctory, and she was about to fall asleep comfortably.

"A ball, do you know, my mother said, my father patted PP to fly to the kingdom of heaven when I was very young, saying that I would never see my father in this life... A ball, I don't worry Oh...to tell you, I actually secretly tried to shoot PP many times, but I just couldn't fly...I think my father must not be human, he must have turned into a bird..."

"Oh..." Your dad is a bird man.Bella could hardly bear Yang Yang's thoughts.

In the end, Yang Yang seemed to have made a big decision: "Well! My bird man father must be like Chang Chenchen's father... I would be reconciled to seeing him with my own eyes! In this way, even if I leave, there will be no I'm sorry. Well, that's the decision..."

"Huh..." Bella snored.


Qi's building.

Ye Huanyu stepped into the elevator while nibbling on the bread in her hand.

Damn, it's fine if Qi Yemo tormented her all night without sleep.

She just went home to spend time with her son and mother, and she hadn't had time to lie down yet.He called and said coldly that if she was late for work, her salary would be deducted.So, she rushed over with her head covered.


The elevator door opened slowly.

Linda was already waiting at the elevator door.

He glanced at Ye Huanyu who was about to come out.

Suddenly, cold water was poured on his face, and he attacked forcefully.Come--

Ye Huanyu couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Then, hurriedly took the umbrella that had been prepared in his hand, clicked, and opened it gorgeously...

With a splash, the water melted when it met the umbrella.

Ye Huanyu survived.

However, Linda's stupid behavior still pissed her off!

wipe!I didn't sleep all night, but it was enough to get angry.

"Ye Huanyu! You actually..."

Linda looked at Ye Huanyu's umbrella in disbelief.

With a mocking look at Linda coldly, Ye Huanyu slowly put away the watery umbrella. "Linda, you are so stupid to use the same trick twice, the number of steps is too low-level!"

With that said, she stepped out of the elevator door.

He raised his back and walked directly to Qi Yemo's office.

However, it was discovered that the president's office, which had always been closed by the gate, turned out to be a lie——

She slowed down curiously, and seemed to faintly hear a woman's laughter like a silver bell coming from the room...

Ye Huanyu frowned subconsciously.

This man is really a veritable disaster.

Pei Daier at the other end committed suicide because of him, while this end was laughing and laughing with women in the office!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she urged her to come to work early in the morning just to watch him kiss a woman.relative.Me me?

She remembered what he said a few hours ago in the hospital that he couldn't accept a woman he didn't love as his wife.

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