Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 95 You said why are we so similar?

Yang Yang stared at Chenchen carefully, and a hint of admiration appeared in his nimble eyes, "Not bad, I guessed it so quickly. It seems that these days, you pretend that I am also very leisurely."

No wonder why he didn't see his mother come to him for so many days.Grandma also regarded Qi Sichen as Yangyang.

Chenchen was still expressionless and calm, "What about you? The Qi family has everything, why are you willing to come back?"

Yang Yang smiled, "The Qi family has everything, why are you refusing to leave my house?"

Chen Chen lowered his eyebrows and remained silent.

Yang Yang grinned at the corner of his mouth, looked Chen Chen up and down, and said proudly, "Tsk, no wonder your dad doesn't like you. You look like you don't want to be approached by strangers all over your body, how can you be so cute and kind?" ah?"

Chen Chen's pupils shrank slightly, as if being poked by Yang Yang.

He gave Yang Yang a hard look, and then walked back to the bedroom.

Now, Chenchen also understands why the Qi family has not sent anyone to look for him these days.

Yang Yang followed Chen Chen, looked around the bedroom he hadn't seen for a long time, "Wow, do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder? My room is as clean as a boudoir!"

"Ye Yangyang, you are as dirty as a beggar." Chenchen snorted coldly, and said calmly, "The Qi family can't find you, and they will search the whole city."

"Oh." Yang Yang snorted twice, "Don't forget, the one the Qi family can't find is you!"

Chenchen's face was a little stiff.

Yang Yang lay down his small body, showing a satisfied smile, "It's still comfortable at home, um, it smells like a mother..."

Seeing his laziness, Chenchen couldn't help frowning, but still didn't say a word.

Yang Yang put his hands on the pillow, glanced at the quiet Chen Chen, and continued to ask, "Qi Sichen, why do you think we are so alike?"

Chenchen raised his eyebrows coldly, his expression very much like Qi Yemo.

Choking at the corner of his mouth, he glanced at Yang Yang disdainfully, "There are two identical people in the world, the only possibility is that these two people are twins."

"Twins?" Yang Yang opened his eyes wide, it was the first time in his five years of life that he heard this word, he was very surprised, "What kind of twins are you?"

Chenchen couldn't help but rolled his eyes, feeling very shameless about Yangyang's stupidity.

"In simple terms, twins are viviparous animals that give birth to two individuals in one pregnancy, while identical twins are divided into two cells by a fertilized egg before it attaches in the uterus, and develop separately. People. Obviously, that's the case with us."

Chen Chen spoke clearly and logically, and Yang Yang was taken aback when he heard it.

After a while, Yang Yang suddenly slapped his head, "You mean, you and I are twins, and we were born by the same mother?"

Chenchen shrugged, if the materials he read were not deceptive.

"Oh my god..." Yangyang chicken was frozen, and his small body jumped up, grabbing Chenchen's small shoulders and shaking, "We were born by the same mother? What about the father? Is your father just me?" dad?"

Chen Chen frowned, "Ye Yangyang, stop! I'm about to faint from you."

"Oh." Yang Yang immediately opened a bright flower with a smile and let go of his little hand, "Answer me quickly..."

Chenchen rubbed his dizzy forehead, and cast a contemptuous glance at Yangyang, "It's terrible to be uneducated. Medically, in a situation like ours, we can only be of the same father and mother."

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