Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 96 The twin brothers recognize each other

"Ah—" Yang Yang screamed suddenly.

Chen Chen inserted her finger into her ear in time.

"Wahhahaha... so my father is not a birdman, your father is my father, yohe~ Yangyang has a father, wahaha..."

Yangyang rolled up excitedly, rolled Chenchen's neatly folded quilt into crumpled ones.

He shouted happily, "Qi Sichen, does my mother belong to you too?"

"Yeah." Chenchen said lightly, ever since he knew that there were people like Yang Yang in the world, he secretly checked the information, until he found the twins, he didn't know that the person who was exactly like him was his twin brother.

This recognition also made him secretly happy for a long time, especially after knowing that Yangyang's mother was his mother, he was even more excited.

It's just that he, who has always been calm and introverted, doesn't express his happiness like Yang Yang.

"Great! Then you are my little brother!" Yang Yang felt that today was the most beautiful day. Not only did he know of his father's existence, but he also had an extra little brother. He thought he would wake up with a smile in his dreams.

Chenchen twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's brother."

"" Yang Yang insisted.

Chen Chen frowned, ignored Yang Yang, went straight to the writing desk, opened the drawer, took out a stack of papers, and threw them in front of Yang Yang, "Whoever has poor grades is the one who is small."

Xu is because of being by Qi Yemo's side, Chenchen is used to proving it with strength.

Yang Yang took the test paper in his hand, those terrible grades in the past made his mouth pucker, "I hate..."

Then, after turning to the horrifying test papers that Qi Sichen pretended to pass, Yang Yang was shocked, "One hundred points, one hundred points, one hundred hundred points again! Qi Sichen, Are you human?"

"Hmm." The corner of Chenchen's mouth curled up slightly, revealing an imperceptible smug smile.

He didn't know that the better he did in the exam, the more he would be a disaster for Yang Yang.

"Ah oh... I can't stand it anymore..." Yang Yang covered his pupils with his small hand in a stern manner.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at Chenchen in a miserable way, "Qi Sichen, you exam madman, you're making me unable to live in the future..."

Chenchen glanced at the shameless Yangyang, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Resign yourself to fate!"

"I don't want... I'm brother..." Yang Yang shouted weakly.

Chenchen didn't bother to talk to him, picked up Yangyang's schoolbag, and patted the dust habitually, "Go back, so that grandparents don't worry."

"Why am I going back?" Yang Yang Buyi pouted, "That's your home, okay?"

Chenchen took a serious look at Yangyang, then shook his head, "It's not home..."

In the past five years, Chenchen has been setting an example of a good boy in the Qi family, but no matter how hard he tries, he still can't win a glance from his father.On the contrary, in the Ye family, he has his mother's Chong love, which makes him understand who is the best person for him.

"Qi Sichen, you can't take over mom!" Yang Yang jumped down from CHUANG, "I want to let mom know that I'm back."

Just as Yang Yang was rushing out of the room, Liu Fen just came in from outside——

"Ah, Yangyang, you..."

She looked at the tied rope scattered beside the stool, and hugged Yang Yang, "I'm sorry, grandma, son, don't blame grandpa, he is also in a hurry..."

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