"Good morning, Auntie!"

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Aunt Yuan Ruo who had been waiting in front of the window for a long time. Ran Ran's eyes were dazed for a while before she fully woke up.When I turned my head, I found that the sky was already bright, and my yawning mouth closed instantly in fright.

"Auntie, what time is it?"

Yuan Ruo laughed amused by her actions, and said softly: "It's past eight o'clock now! The two young masters have already arrived, and they just took a rest in the yard for a while."

"Ah! Why didn't Auntie wake me up?"

Ran Ran cried and jumped up from the bed, grabbed her exercise clothes and quickly put them on, jumped to the ground, put on her shoes, and rushed out.

With Yuan Ruo's skill, he didn't stop him!

The two brothers, who were sitting in the yard drinking milk, heard footsteps, turned their faces and saw a white figure rushing out from inside, with long hair dancing behind them, lively and pretty.

"Brother, why didn't you call me?" Ran Ran was a little angry.

Dabao coughed dryly, and explained to her: "Aunt Yuanshan said that after soaking in yesterday's medicinal bath, you must have enough sleep time, otherwise the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced."

"Really?" Ran Ran couldn't believe it, and was [-]% suspicious of Dabao's words.

"Of course it's true, otherwise you can ask Erbao!" Dabao pushed Erbao out righteously, and Ranran immediately looked away, seeing that Erbao's expression did not change at all, she really nodded, only then did she know that Dabao Really didn't lie to her.

"But why did you get up so early?"

"Everyone's physique is different, and the length of sleep is different." This time it was Er Bao who spoke, so Ran Ran didn't ask any further.

When rushing over to have breakfast, Xuanyuan Minrou had just finished handling a trivial matter, and when she heard the servant report that the three children had arrived, she immediately ordered the people around her to prepare breakfast.The breakfast is also Yuan Shan's imitation, everything is exquisite, and everything is just right.

For the sake of the three children, Xuanyuan Minrou also took great pains.

"Good morning grandma!"

The sweet-mouthed Ran Ran greeted her immediately, and the two boys followed behind, although she was a step behind, she was courteous at all.

"Grandma's sweetheart, did you sleep well last night?" Seeing the children in a good mood, Xuanyuan Minrou hugged Ranran in her arms and put it on her lap, asking with a smile.

Ran Ran blushed, "I slept so soundly, I got up late in the morning. Grandma, Ran Ran will definitely not get up late in the future."

Looking at that pitiful demo, no one would be ashamed to punish her.

"You are growing up, and it is good to sleep more, grandma, I hope you can sleep more."

Although Xuanyuan Minrou came from an orthodox family and kept the most primitive feudal customs, her thinking was not feudal at all, and she was also a very enlightened woman.The style of handling things is vigorous and resolute, and she is a very competent mistress.

There is always an imperfect side in life. The son is filial, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is good, and he holds the power of the family, but there is no husband who knows the cold and the hot by his side.Perhaps, this is the only shortcoming in her life.

Now there are grandchildren and granddaughters at the knees of Cheng Huan, a blessing that no one can ask for.

To her, her husband is just a tool for carrying on the family line, and such an independent life is also very good for her.

"Grandma, you're so kind!" Ran Ran took the opportunity to flatter her.

Xuanyuan Minrou asked with a smile, "Why does grandma's good girl say that?"

"Because Mommy is too fierce! I like to control three things and four things the most."

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