"Oh, then tell me, how does your mommy usually control you?" Xuanyuan Minrou became more and more interested in this daughter-in-law whom she had never met.

Dabao and Erbao try to reduce their existence as much as possible, fearing that this problem will affect them.

Maybe it was because they were brothers in one heart, and they were blessed by the Buddha. The pair of big and small women talked very happily, completely ignoring the two of them.

"My mommy is very stinky, and the worst thing I can see is that I'm sloppy, even when I'm sleeping, I'm very harsh." Ran Ran wrinkled her fingers and frowned, counting Yan Fu Ningyue's crimes one by one.

Xuanyuan Minrou nodded in satisfaction, her daughter was delicate, but issues of etiquette and habits could not be ignored.In this regard, she is on the side of her daughter-in-law.

"Your mommy wants to raise you up as a lady, it's for your own good."

Well, this one doesn't count, so let's talk about the next one!

"She doesn't really know kung fu, but she always forces us to practice kung fu."

Ran Ran found that Mummy's crimes seemed to be less and less, and she was full of resentment just now, why there is not one left now.This one, which was reluctantly said, seemed to be for their own good, and even the penalty stand was invisibly laying the foundation for them.

The granddaughter's perplexed look raised Xuanyuan Minrou's evaluation of her daughter-in-law to a higher level.

Let's not talk about other people, just talking about the girls of Chunyu's generation, there are really not many girls who can do it.It's not that Xuanyuan Minrou's eyesight is high, as a bystander, those girls are really fancy but not useful.

After breakfast, the three children bid farewell to Chunyu Minrou, and quickened their pace towards Canglan Courtyard.

"Seventh Uncle!"

Entering the yard, the seventh old lady was sitting on a rocking chair under a big tree drinking tea leisurely, while Bai Wuruo was standing alone on a stake.It was very sunny at this time, and Bai Wuruo had obviously been standing on it for a long time, the clothes on his body were already wet, and the sweat on his head dripped down his temples.

"Well, you guys go too!"

The old man didn't even open his eyes, he just threw a sentence over and dismissed the three brothers and sisters.

The three little guys looked at each other, Er Bao turned and walked towards the wooden post, Da Bao and Ran Ran followed at the same time.

Ran Ran said in a low voice: "This old man is so lazy, he can compete with Ms. Yan Fu!"

Da Bao choked, his face flushed.

The leisurely old man under the tree paused, his expression was really awkward, but it was only for a moment.

Erbao, who was walking in front, said, "Ms. Yanfu is Mommy, and the lazy old man is Seventh Uncle. My sister can't be so rude in the future, Mommy will be upset."

The second treasure who always hangs around in the study in his spare time, the speed and quality of word recognition are gradually increasing, and he doesn't know what books he has read in the past few days, so the education for Ran Ran is completely in line with Yan Fu Ningyue's requirements Do.

Ran Ran quietly stuck out her tongue towards Er Bao's back, Da Bao smiled and stretched out his hand to pinch her nose, and whispered: "Er Bao has twice as many things in his pocket today than usual!"

Ran Ran's eyes lit up, and the little complaint she had made about Er Bao disappeared in an instant.

Seeing his younger sister's face changing so quickly, Dabao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the foodie girl is too innocent, too easy to deceive, and I don't know if my future brother-in-law can put her in prison.

Apparently, someone felt Dabao's extremely worrying thoughts and was secretly thinking about something.

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