Xiao Li raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips and lowered his head

Yan Jiu said slowly: "The magnetic field around that field is affected. As long as it is close to the swamp, basically all radio equipment will lose its function. Moreover, as long as you step into its radiation range, it will cause harm to the human body. Harmful. The moment many children step into the desert, they will grow bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, grow old, and then die."

The other children gasped, and Dabao asked in amazement, "Have you found out why?"

Yan Jiu shook his head, "After the sand is brought out from there, it has no effect. According to the research, the magnetic field there is very strong, which produces a strange force. The current science cannot explain the reason for it. "

"Are you worried that our bodies have been irradiated?" Er Bao asked again.

"That's right!" Yan Jiu didn't deny, "Your mother entrusted you to me. Besides training you, my task is to ensure your safety in emergencies. But this time, your actions exceeded It's within the range I think!"

Erbao was silent for a while, then stretched out his hand to poke Dabao, Dabao was stunned for a while, and seemed very reluctant.Yan Jiu looked at the two brothers strangely, remained silent, and silently waited for the result.

"Can't you take it away?" Dabao groped for the pocket on his waist with his small hands.

Er Bao shook his head firmly, "No!"

That thing is likely to be a scourge, and it must not be taken back!

"Okay!" He just took it out, and Dabao took off the pocket on his waist, trying to take out the contents, but was stopped by Erbao's hand.

Dabao had a sudden epiphany and put the pocket on the table.

"What is this?" Yan Jiu asked in surprise.

Er Bao said: "I suggest you make complete preparations before opening it."

"Isn't this okay now?" Yan Jiu didn't believe that the ordinary-looking bag could protect against anything.

Er Bao didn't explain, just looked at her steadfastly, and finally Yan Jiu compromised.She stood up and picked up the pocket on the table, and walked outside, turning her head and talking to them before she left.

"Your rooms have been prepared here, and then call her to report that you are safe, and I will send you back tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Erbao took the lead to make a decision, Xiao Li understood, got up and took them to the lounge, ordered the people outside to take good care of them, and then quickly walked towards the laboratory.

He didn't dare to underestimate any of the kid's words. He put on his clothes and walked into the laboratory.I found that Yan Jiu was also wearing the same clothes, staring at the things on the laboratory table with a solemn face, and didn't even notice that he came in.

"What is this?" He looked at the yellow crystal and asked suspiciously.

Yan Jiu shook his head, "It's not sure yet, but what is certain is that they must have brought this thing back from inside!"

"You mean where they went?" Xiao Li was taken aback, "But they..."

Yan Jiu said in a deep voice: "That's what I'm wondering too! They went in there, not only did they not receive any radiation or change at all, but they were able to bring this thing out of it, which really makes me curious."

"Why don't you ask?" Xiao Li suggested, seeing her unhappy face, he added, "If you find it inconvenient, then I can ask."

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