Yan Jiu shook her head, "Forget it! Let's solve this first!"

Xiao Li nodded and joined the experiment.

In fact, she knew in her heart that if she wanted to talk about them, she must have said it long ago, and their relationship with each other was not as simple as Xiao Li thought.Yan Funingyue was kind to her, in other words, Yan Funingyue was her reborn parents.For the brothers Dabao and Erbao, she wanted to protect them from the bottom of her heart.

There are some things the children don't want to say, and she won't force them to ask them, which is actually quite good.

imperial capital.

After Yun Fusheng finished the last operation, he was a little tired. He returned to the office, changed his clothes, glanced at the time on the table, and frowned deeply.

"It's so late again!"

Originally, I wanted to go back early and go to Chunyu Li's house to get some food, but now it seems it's too late!Even if there are rich delicacies, they are all leftovers!

There is no food at home, even if there is, he is not willing to do it himself.

Whenever he sees shredded potatoes and shredded pork that are perfectly cut, he himself feels no appetite.Especially when he sees something, it always reminds him of things at work, and he is in a very bad mood.

He took the elevator downstairs, opened the car door and slowly drove out of the parking lot, wandering aimlessly in the street, looking for a place to solve the problem of food and clothing.

Suddenly, a black figure rushed out from the side of the road in front of him, he slammed on the brakes, and the car went a long way before stopping.

"Damn it, there are still people dying at this late hour!"

Yun Fusheng was in a bad mood, he opened the car door and got out of the car to look, only to find a woman in black lying on the ground.Don't ask him how he figured it out, as a doctor, wouldn't it be too embarrassing if he even got the sex of a person wrong!

He smelled a faint smell of blood, and squatted down to check it quickly. When he took a closer look, his face changed instantly!

is her?

How could it be her?

Why is she here?

A series of questions appeared in his mind, but no one could answer his questions.He checked her body casually, and found that she had been shot in the arm, and there was a knife wound in her abdomen, and the blood flow continued.

"Damn it! Every time I meet you, nothing good will happen!" Yun Fusheng cursed, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

As if hearing a familiar voice, the fainted man loosened his fingers, without any power to fight back.Yun Fusheng picked him up, put him in the car, and turned around to drive back.

Judging from her appearance, she may have lost too much blood, and there is nothing at home, so she must go to the hospital.

Yun Fusheng drove the car, kept speeding up, and ran through two red lights before returning to the hospital.He thought to himself, when the woman wakes up, she must make it up to him.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of his desperate efforts to save her.

He carried the man out of the car and walked directly into the emergency room. The nurse on duty was startled when he saw him, and saw the man in his arms preparing for the operation without saying a word.

Yun Fusheng put the person on the hospital bed, cut open the wounded clothes with scissors, and cleaned and disinfected quickly.

The nurse also came in, "Dean, let me help you!"

The little nurse's cheeks were slightly red.

"No! Get out!" Yun Fusheng didn't have time to talk to other people at this moment, because his bad mood made his tone extremely bad.

The little nurse's eyes turned red, she turned around and ran out.

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