On the square of the Discipline Hall, thousands of outer disciples were filled with righteous indignation and stood up against the disciples of the Discipline Hall. The momentum was extremely tense. The disciples of the Discipline Hall were all warriors, and there were more than 500 people at the moment, although the number of them was less than half of the number of pharmacists. But the martial arts cultivation base is much higher, so naturally I am not afraid of it, but I am afraid that the matter will become a big problem.

Wu Zijin was also standing in the crowd, looking at the two sides that were on the verge of confrontation with cold eyes, and glanced at the crowd, as soon as the conflict broke out again, someone would shout that the Discipline Hall would beat someone up, and the situation would definitely get out of hand. Yuan Fangran can't protect himself, let's see how he protects Ning Su, hum!

After receiving the order, the two pharmacists standing at the front of the line and confronting the Discipline Hall disciples nodded calmly, gathered a spiritual power ball in their hands, and threw it at the legs of the Discipline Hall disciples blocking them.

"Ah! The Discipline Hall has beaten someone!"

"Too much deceit! We fight!"

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!"

In an instant, the scene was extremely chaotic. Just now, the two pharmacists suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, and the Discipline Hall disciples in front of them also had gloomy faces and surging spiritual power in their hands, so the tense situation suddenly escalated into a physical conflict .

Well played, well played!It's best to kill a few pharmacists!At that time, Yuan Fangran will have to go to the skin if he is not dead!As for Ning Su, Wu Zijin sneered viciously, the culprit of all this was Ning Su, plus she was carrying a strange treasure, Ning Su would definitely die!

"Stop it!" Ning Su was very fast, but when he rushed over, the scene was already in chaos. The side of the Discipline Hall was better, but the pharmacist was screaming again and again, some people couldn't dodge and were knocked down on the ground The ground was trampled on.

Ning Su released the coercion of Tai'a Realm at the same time, and said coldly again with a cold face, "Stop it!"

A powerful coercion roared in. The pharmacists of the outer sect were only in the realm of true energy. How could they bear such coercion? I didn't dare to continue fighting.

"Help up all the fallen people first, and the injured go to the left to heal their injuries." The Discipline Hall is still heavily guarded, and the movements are uniform. Ning Su doesn't need to worry about anything. Looking at the dark group of pharmacists in front of him, Ning Su The coercion has never slowed down, "If you are not injured, step back one foot, whoever has something to say, ten steps ahead, one person at a time!"

The pharmacists were naturally unwilling to obey Ning Su's orders, but they couldn't bear the coercion like a steel knife, which seemed to be hanging above their heads. If they didn't follow Ning Su's orders, they would immediately feel chest tightness and difficulty breathing, so thousands of The human pharmacist had to move.

The injured Bailai people walked to the left and sat down, some wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, some swallowed the elixir, and those who were not injured all backed away a foot, widening the distance between them and the discipline hall disciples.

"Ning Su, you are the culprit, why do you order us!" Someone in the crowd shouted angrily, wanting to provoke the war between the two sides again.

"Hmph, the culprit? Did I ask you to come to the Discipline Hall to gather crowds and make trouble?" Ning Su sneered, and her thin figure walked three steps forward. Behind her was the majestic gate of the Discipline Hall, flanked by The Discipline Hall disciples stood up and stood in several teams. Standing proudly, Ning Su showed an icy aura all over his body, and his icy eyes swept across the audience like knives. Never hired!"

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