The Princess Reborn: The Black Belly Mad Doctor

Chapter 1014 Calm down the situation

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the people, Ning Su's clear voice rang like thunder in everyone's ears with coercion, "Whoever wants to be expelled from the Pharmacist League can stand up now!"

The Discipline Hall is responsible for the safety of the entire Pharmacist League, and is also responsible for enforcing the rules of the Pharmacist League, so it has every right to expel pharmacists who do not abide by the rules from the Pharmacist League.

More than 1000 pharmacists all have extremely ugly expressions. It is one thing to be greedy, and it is one thing to be incited to make trouble, but being expelled from the Pharmacists League and never hired is a big deal. Whoever dares to be the first bird will not want to live!

"Ning Su, you are only a fifth-grade pharmacist, why do you drive us out? You think you have a backer, you can bully others, and drive out anyone who doesn't like mouth... "

The man in the crowd who wanted to incite everyone's emotions suddenly screamed, and at the same time as applause rang out with a loud bang, the man spit out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, he spit out a mouthful of teeth that had been knocked out by Ning Su. The blood in his mouth made the people around him tremble a little.

"Inciting people to gather and make trouble, you are so daring!" Ning Su sneered, his spiritual power turned into a rope and tied the man directly, and under his frightened gaze, he grabbed him from two feet away. Come here, and slapped hard on the ground, "Write down the crime, and be expelled from the Pharmacist League immediately!"

"Ning Su, how dare you?" The man who fell on the ground didn't care about the blood in his mouth, let alone the pain in his body, and stared at Ning Su with angry eyes.

Ignoring the bluffing man, Ning Su looked at everyone present coldly, "I'm here today, if my master Master Yuan is here, I'm afraid everyone will be expelled from the Pharmacist League, the rules of the Pharmacist League have always been It's all about lacking!"

The most important thing in the Pharmacist League is the inner sect, the outer sect is nothing, although Ning Su's words are a bit exaggerated, but if Yuan Fangran was here, he would definitely catch the leader of Chu, and drive them out of the Pharmacist League unceremoniously.

Looking at the frightened crowd, Ning Su eased his expression, "You came to the Medicine Master League to become masters of elixir, but now you are being incited to make trouble at will, even if you enter the inner sect, you think there will be elixir Does Master Yao accept you as his disciples? Take a medicine master who is not firm in character and echoes others as his apprentice?"

"Those who leave the Discipline Hall within a stick of incense will not be blamed! Those who stay here within a stick of incense will be expelled from the Pharmacist League!" Ning Su spoke immediately, and his majestic voice rang in everyone's ears.

Hula, the people who gathered just now ran outside like being chased by ghosts. Baicao King is just a non-existent treasure. There are more than 1000 people here. Who knows who will fall into their hands. Being expelled from the Pharmacist League is not worth the candle!

Except for the typical bloody man who was caught by Ning Su and beaten, everyone else disappeared without a trace. The disciples of Discipline Hall looked at Ning Su with admiration at this moment. Although the junior sister is young, But the attack was ruthless enough, they acted decisively and resolutely, and they also knew that if they really broke out today and killed someone, the hall master would definitely get into trouble.

"Pay more attention, especially the uncles and nephews of the Wu family. As long as you catch those who take the lead in making trouble, the matter will calm down." Ning Su confessed a few more words. One of the masters is the hall master in charge, and the rest are ordinary disciples.

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