Back to the Qin Dynasty as a prince

Chapter 118: Please get into the game first

The gate of the arsenal is extremely strong, especially if it is an underground building, it directly reaches the sky.Building things underneath, unless it is a natural cave, or you have to face extremely harsh problems on top of the project.Of course, these problems were solved by the talented disciples of the Mo family before Fusu came.An arsenal on earth is at best a strong house.If you want to attack the arsenal, the door is extremely strong and it is difficult to break open. If you want to open the roof and make a hole on the ground, throw it into the fire and attack it with fire. After all, the roof of the house can be lifted no matter how strong it is.But if the house is built underground, how to lift the roof?The arsenal built underground in Wuling used the earth as its foundation, and as for the roof, it was directly the soil layer above the head.If you want to lift the roof, you must have the skill of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground!No matter how clever a mechanism engineer is, there is nothing he can do, not to mention that the Yu Family doesn't have a single high-level talent who knows how to forge engineering.

Yuzhi is not stupid, after all, he has good genes.If you can stabilize your mind, you may not be able to see some opportunities for fighting.Facing the extremely familiar Wuling, of course he knew the result after closing the gate of the arsenal.Although Yu Zhi didn't know what cards the opponent had, and he didn't want to believe the guess in his heart, but once he dragged down to the front line, he would definitely not be able to accept the supplies provided by Wuling.We have heard of the grain, fodder, military equipment and fish that are transported out of Wuling every day, that is a huge number, if there is a mistake here, even if the front line is safe and sound, his family will definitely lose power in the clan.

Therefore, this is the last chance for Yuzhi.If Yuzhi can't seize the opportunity to occupy this arsenal and wipe out the thugs in one fell swoop, he will lose everything.

He has been forced to the tip of the cliff, and there is no way to retreat.If you retreat again, you will only die!

The first three rounds were like Tian Ji's horse racing.In the first round, Fusu used his inferior horses to fight against the opponent's superior horses, which Fusu himself gave up.It is counted as a failure to help Su, but in fact Fusu has no loss.On the contrary, Fusu quickly won the second game with the abandonment of the first game.Fusu made up for the loss of the first round with the left wing's clearance, and then Fusu made a desperate effort to organize the officer corps and personal guards to beat the heavy armor officer on the right wing with sacks all over his head.Fusu's desperate counterattack successfully killed more than 100 material officers on the right wing. In this way, Fusu avoided the dilemma of two sides attacking.In the third game, of course, Fusu won.

Although Fusu had won two of the three rounds, after a fierce battle, facing the Mausoleum Guard Army, which was regarded as a regular army, Fusu's 100 men had already lost tens of hundreds.In fact, only these more than [-] people can have combat power.But the Mausoleum Guard Army is different. Although the [-] heavy armor officers on the left and right flanks of the Mausoleum Guard suffered a great loss at the hands of Fusu, in fact only dozens of people died and more than a hundred were slightly injured.Most still have fighting capacity, but lost the will to fight under the shadow of defeat.With the will to fight, Fusu can use weak soldiers to defeat a strong army several times his own.Without the will to fight, even though Yu Zhi could become a peerless wise general in vain, he could not recover from the decline.

Therefore, even when Fusu retreated, the mausoleum guards who rescued the right wing still had the main force.But under the influence of a timid and fearful general, his morale was low and his will to fight was weak.

Yuzhi wants to change these, and wants to seize the last chance to come back.As long as the morale of the soldiers is raised, the only thing he can do is to learn from the mob leader he hates the most: lead by example.

As a result, the heavily armored guards rushed to the arsenal gate that had just been opened, and chased after the vigilant thugs.The main general and the guards were first, followed by the more than two hundred heavy armor officers left behind by the return village.Finally, there are the crossbowmen who provide long-range fire support.

Nearly [-] people started running in the open square, with a great momentum.At this moment, Yu Zhi's actions finally restored the morale of the army a little. After all, he is the leader of an army, and no one would disobey orders under the circumstances of military law.Yu Zhi was able to set an example and restore the morale of some troops. This mausoleum guarding army is still strong enough to defeat Fusu, who is already small in strength.

Yuzhi obviously also saw this, so he used the remaining courage to make a final fight.After all, this is related to his future fate. If he really loses, it will even cause Wuling to be unable to provide military supplies for the front line. If the situation on the front line becomes more corrupt, his family will not be able to atone for his sins even if he dies.

Yu Zhi's fighting spirit, which had faded away after several consecutive blows, finally emerged, and the guards in his hands were finally willing to let go.When the two armies are facing each other, unless it is not at the most critical moment, there must be a reserve team.Just like Xiao He's defense of Ji County, no matter how fierce the battle on the city wall is, he will not put all his troops on it.Only when the emergency city defense is critical will the reserve team be dispatched to regain the lost ground in one fell swoop and force the defense back.

Although Yu Zhi is not a qualified general, he may not even know the role of the reserve team.In fact, Yuzhi even planned to defeat this group of thugs with a single blow from the very beginning, and there was no concept of retaining the reserve team at all.But in fact, the guards used by Yu Zhi to save his life are the reserve team of the Mausoleum Guard Army.

There are few soldiers in the fish system, so that after dispatching all the heavy equipment officers at one time, there are no troops left to attack the middle road.But Yuzhi has a guard who is also a heavy material officer as a guard. If Yuzhi shoots the guards up to attack Fusu's array at the beginning, and then asks the crossbowman to switch to melee, maybe the battle situation has already made him Victory was achieved.

But history has never been if, the fish system has not been so smart to consider these "very dangerous" strategies.Similarly, Fusu did not give up on ravaging Yuzhi's weak mind.

But at this moment, the fish system strikes.The guards who had been hiding in the snow to save their lives attacked.It has been almost an hour since the battle started, and two hours of continuous fighting may not be enough for even professionally trained soldiers, let alone Fusu's men who have not received continuous professional training?Fusu can only pray that Longxi County pays enough attention to the training of the militia so that these people can have more strength.

Since the start of the war, one of the guards in Yu Zhi's hands has not participated in the attack.Although these one hundred elite fighters were forced to advance and retreat back and forth infrequently, they had never been exposed to combat.Similarly, even Fusu has been sweating profusely since the start of the war, but Yuzhi and the 100 men on hand are still full of strength.

Fusu's three hundred rebellious troops participated in the whole battle, especially the bodyguards and military officers were exhausted.It is impossible for the rebellious army in this state to beat the fish guards, which is a new force.

Seeing the leader of the mausoleum guarding army leading the new force rushing over with his head open, Fusu started running without looking back.At this moment, Fusu even threw off the heavy white armor on his body.As Fusu took the lead, the guards couldn't wait to take off their armor while running. As for the officers, they watched the movements of Fusu and the guards for no reason.It wasn't until Fusu kept winking at the quicker-thinking officers that they understood, and quickly took off the armor that hindered them from running fast.He even did a full set of acting, Fusu and his personal guards didn't throw away their weapons, they even threw away the smallest dagger they had in hand, and Fusu screamed prodigal in his heart.

The tomb guard army chasing behind was not fast at first, and the distance was about 34 steps.The distance is not far, but hanging like this doesn't even give you a chance to shoot arrows and crossbows.Both sides were not running fast. Fusu couldn't run fast because of the decline in physical strength, and the armor hindered his hands and feet. He didn't run fast until the armor was taken off, and then he ran like a rabbit.Most of the guards behind the mausoleum didn't have much fighting spirit, they were beaten several times in succession and lost confidence, of course they didn't have fighting spirit, how could they run fast?What's more, they also have an extremely confused general, who gets promoted first and gets rich first, and kills him later.Who hasn't harbored resentment towards this young officer who is greedy for life and afraid of death?He almost blamed all the failures on him!But as soon as Fusu and the officer corps began to take off their armor and throw their weapons, they were dumbfounded.This group of "thugs" who were originally majestic and invincible would be afraid of fighting?And it was the main general they looked down upon that achieved this effect as soon as he came on the stage! ! !

Such a strong stimulus made them a little unbelievable.But as long as you think about it carefully, you are right. After all, the number of people is twice as large as that of the "thugs", and it is still a new force.The battle situation is changeable, and their chief general mustered up to make such a wise decision at such a critical moment, clearly wanting to grab the most fat credits at the moment when the enemy's strength is weakest!Such a judgment quickly occupied the minds of most veterans.Never think that the people are so ignorant. In fact, in Didao City, the starting point of the westbound business road with a strong commercial atmosphere, there are many Qin people with active minds.Especially for a soldier who has been a soldier for many years, his brain turns even faster.They may not be good at fighting for the first place, but they are absolutely familiar with being greedy for petty gains.

Thinking about it this way, why didn't the guards of the mausoleum look green?The disdainful look at the chief officer Yu Zhi suddenly turned into admiration at this moment. Although the chief officer is a bit greedy, at least he is not too stupid.As a result, the pace of pursuit was several times faster.Even if you can't kill this group of thugs and get the head, those armor and weapons that are only near the arsenal door are still very valuable!You must know that the armors left by Fusu are all excellent products in the arsenal, at least high-end products that can only be equipped at the level of a hundred generals!You don't have to sell it for money, it's enough to make a fortune!

Thinking about it this way, the feet of these tomb guards suddenly became angry.More than [-] people cheered and passed the fish and the fish guards who were still in the state of jogging and fast running.

Yu Zhi originally wondered if his body was shaken, and the enemy would flee far away.The doubts in my heart have not been figured out yet.But he clearly understood the loud voice in his formation: "Look at that white armor, it's the fine armor that at least a lieutenant can equip. At least [-] yuan! Hurry up, whoever snatches it will get it, After passing this village, there is no such shop!"

"I want the full body armor, whoever asks me is in a hurry!"

"Don't squeeze me, don't squeeze me!"

...% ...

Greed is now occupying the hearts of most soldiers.In their view, the thugs who were overwhelmed by their own soldiers would of course stop and run away as soon as they saw it.Although the thugs took some advantage, how can they compare with

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