Back to the Qin Dynasty as a prince

Chapter 39: Helpless white-haired man [2 more to be sent]

[ps: There is another update tonight, please support back to Qin]

At night, Fusu led his men to Baiyun Mountain, and the camp was built in a remote place out of secrecy. Ordinary people may know that the soldiers are coming, but they can't find the camp.

Sending troops at night is very secretive and also very difficult.There is still a bit of afterglow, but visibility is good.At night, the semicircle of the moon is obviously not bright enough.It is even more impossible to light torches on the marching road, and it is very difficult for a slightly inferior army to march at night.You must have good soldiers and good discipline to advance.

It's much easier when it's time to fight, because the time to hide has passed, you can light a torch, or even directly attack and burn a big fireball for illumination.

Fusu recruited local garrisons, mainly using cavalry instead of infantry.Firstly, the selection of the cavalry is all selected from the elite infantry, and it is inconvenient for most of them to deploy on the mountain road.On the contrary, it is easy to make mistakes!

The local garrison had a total of 100 cavalry, and the [-] palace cavalry lost [-] of them at Qili Pavilion.Fortunately, when the emperor made the decree, Fusu was allowed to make up the three hundred.There are only three hundred cavalry, a total of six hundred cavalry.

The six hundred cavalry marched, the horse's mouth was covered with coarse cloth, and the horse's hoof was also wrapped in coarse cloth.During the march, it was extremely quiet.The personnel were silent, and the officers were on hand to deal with accidents at any time.

Not long after, Li Shou led the way to the foot of Baiyun Mountain.Everyone got off their horses, and it was inconvenient for the cavalry in the mountains.At this time, Fusu did not dare to equip the cavalry with horseshoes. The horseshoes of the horses were easily damaged in the mountain roads, and if the horseshoes damaged the horses, the horses were basically useless.

More than six hundred people walked quietly in the mountains and forests.Fortunately, the mountain road of Baiyun Mountain is not too steep, and Li Shou went there with his father a few years ago.Even know a path that horse thieves don't know.

In this way, the suddenness of the raid is even greater.Naturally wonderful!

It was around six o'clock in the afternoon at sunset, and it took two hours to gallop from the camp to here.Entering the mountain, Fusu ordered everyone to lie in wait, recover their strength, and wait for the order to attack.

As for Fusu, he brought several of Qi Ze's personal guards and his guide Li Shou, and climbed up a high mountain in Baiyun Mountain.Among them, Li Shou walked the mountains and forests all year round without making a sound, while Qi Ze and other personal guards were all skilled in martial arts, rich in experience, and they knew the way to do it. They walked quietly on the mountain road.

To the surprise of several people, Fusu didn't make a sound at all.Fusu smiled secretly, the future self climbed and hiked all the year round, although the level of mountain walking is not as good as Lishou, it is not far behind.

Suddenly, Li Shou knelt down and motioned to Fusu.As Fusu drove up, there was a horse thief leaning against the mountain and dozing off.Nodding towards Qi Ze, I leave the meaning to you.

Qi Ze smiled, his figure ghostly.Sneaking quietly to the side of the sentry post, suddenly jumped up and circled behind the post, and wiped the short dagger in the throat of the post.The blood flowed like a gushing, and he supported the sentry post and put it on the ground.

Fusu frowned suddenly, his arms straightened, and the crossbow in his sleeve shot away.A secret whistle was about to loudly warn, but fell to the ground clutching his throat, Qi Ze blushed and hurriedly put the whistle on the ground quietly.

Fusu secretly smiled in his heart, this time Ze wanted to show his assassination skills in front of him, but he didn't want a secret whistle to find out.Later, several personal guards came to report.All sentry posts, both light and dark, were brought down.

Fusu nodded: "I caught a few tongues, ask them out as soon as possible."

The personal guard leads the order to go down.The guard's torture method is still very good. In an emergency during wartime, the guard put together the six tongues he caught.Ask the first one, don't you say?Beheaded in person!Ask the second one, but I hesitate to say it.No matter, hacked.Ask the third one, this tongue collapsed directly.

Then the last three tongues asked about the layout of the cottage.The distribution of the horse thieves' residence, and the captives are where the group of doctor apprentices are held.

Everything is ready, it's just time.Fusu ordered everyone to build up their strength, and then rushed to kill the bandits.Until the early hours of the morning, the most sleepy time of the week.

In the cottage, the third family held a banquet and robbed a few mothers-in-law.Called a few leaders to drink and eat together.It was a celebration of the robbery.

The horse thief is not as good-mannered as Fusu, drinking in big bowls and eating meat in big pieces.His mouth was dirty, and he kept cursing.There is no taboo about meat and vegetables in speech, drinking orders, guessing wine and fists, you come and go, so happy.Busy until late at night, the leaders returned to their own territory surrounded by a crowd.

The half-moon hook, the time has reached midnight and early morning.The leaders of the horse thieves put their arms around the women they snatched from the small village to sleep, while the little one fell asleep after eating and drinking.

The entire cottage was silent, only the sound of sighs came from the hinterland of the cottage.

"Master, when will these robbers let us go?" A handsome young man asked the master.

The young man's master is an old man in his sixties, with a kind face and kind eyes, but now he looks a little embarrassed in this situation: "Son, I will. Since the young master invited us to treat the illness, he won't leave us alone."

The voice of the young man who was still in the stage of changing his voice was a little embarrassing: "If this Fusu hadn't invited us to Shangjun, how could we have been caught. It's so disgusting!"

The old man glanced outside the room: "Shut up!"

After finishing speaking, a tall horse thief yawned and said, "Why are you arguing? If you want to die, say it!" After a few curses, the boy turned pale and bowed his head.

If you are careful, you can see that the boy's throat is flat, and he was discovered by these horse thieves licking blood in the den of thieves.It is self-evident what will happen.

The young man felt terrified and thought to himself: Why hasn't the young man the teacher said comes yet?

Outside the cottage.

Fu Su asked softly, "What time is it?"

Qi Ze replied in a low voice, "It's Yin's time."

Fusu laughed softly: "Yinshi is the time when tigers are at their most ferocious, but it is also when bandits are at their weakest."

Qi Zeli and the others laughed in response.

Fusu said solemnly: "Then, let's release the fierce tiger and eat these bandits!" Then he shouted: "Attack!"

Qi Ze took the order awe-inspiringly!

After the order was issued, two hundred crossbowmen raised their longbows, and the long arrows were ignited with fire.Hundreds of rockets fired into the cottage with kerosene.

At this time, the sergeant who was lurking and rushing in quickly cut through the post of the gate of the cottage with his short dagger, and then quickly opened the gate.A group of soldiers led by officers from all walks of life quickly seized various key points.

The crossbowmen suppressed them from a distance, and shot and killed anyone who appeared first.Afterwards, the trapped men composed of elite sergeants rushed over quickly, and the horse thieves couldn't get together at all.Once a little more horse thieves gathered together, a small team of fighters would rush over and disperse in an instant.

As for the war horses that the horse thieves relied on for their livelihood, Fusu immediately dispatched Qi Ze to lead the elite to occupy them.Rushing into the stable, a painful crossbow arrow shot, and the guard leaned to the end.The horse was immediately taken away by the groom, after all, it was also a trophy.

As for Li Shou, the guide was not idle either.Because he was familiar with this cottage, Fusu immediately asked him to take 50 people to rescue the doctor.

The sound of fighting shook the sky, and the whole village suddenly rang.The leaders of the horse thieves rushed out of the house one after another to find out what happened.

The third master also heard the screaming, quickly lifted the quilt and clothes on the boat, picked up the weapon, and rushed out.It's like a dream in my heart, this scene is so familiar.

Last night, they had just sneaked into the Qin camp and captured a group of doctors.The horse thief, who is used to buying and selling without money, came to revenge so quickly.

The third family was panicked, and tried to calm down: "Go and call all the brothers over here!" He yelled at his confidants for a while, and seemed to have found some courage.

The direct descendants of the third family are the closest and the farthest from the gate, so naturally they were not affected.Quickly rushed to the front of the third head's house, seeing dozens of people, the third head's mind calmed down a little.I thought that even if I escaped now, I would have some capital.Courage seems to have returned to him.With the longbow on his back, the third family walked out of the door, stood in front of the door and began to lecture.The general is nothing more than to unite as one, kill back, eat meat in large pieces, and drink in large bowls!

Suddenly a group of black shadows shot at extremely fast flashed in the eyes of the third master, and with a puff, it hit the center of the eyebrows.

"Xiao Jiu's arrow skills are getting more and more handsome." A man dressed as a veteran glanced at Xiao Jiu who was standing on a high place.

The young man called Xiao Jiu scratched his head embarrassingly: "Actually, I didn't know that guy was a thief. It's just that I feel uncomfortable seeing him being so arrogant."

San Dang condescendingly wanted to show off his prestige to the younger brothers, and sent the younger brother to die while the elder brother fled.But I don't want to, standing too high, too outstanding, and too easy to attract firepower.

The world is unpredictable, and the third master who shot and killed Yang Zhi secretly was also nailed to death on the porter with an arrow.

The boss died, the younger brother saw it.What else are you playing?Fleeing one after another, the trees loosened to the lake.These horse thieves did all kinds of crimes, burning, killing and looting. If they were not protected by the boss in the pass, once they were discovered by the government, they would definitely end up with capital crimes.Although fleeing, running around.But no one wanted to surrender to Fusu.

Fusu took the lead, with the sword flying in his hand, his swordsmanship was fierce.There was no single enemy under his command, and the situation was quickly brought under control.

Although the horse thieves are fierce, they are just ordinary infantry without horses, and they are not very elite in infantry combat.Just like a shark in a pond, even though it is very fierce in the sea, it can't show much power in the pond.

Plus three hundred elite palace guards and three hundred local cavalry.The superiority in numbers and the confusion in command made this group of horse thieves completely suppressed and beaten by Fusu.

If it weren't for the ferocity in the horse thief's heart, the desire to survive would have caused the horse thief to explode with more combat power than usual, and he would not collapse even after a while.

The leader of Fusu's palace cavalry, Fu Cheng, was looking for prey like chopping melons and vegetables, and asked, "My lord, do you want to keep prisoners?"

Fusu frowned, and wanted to blurt out: Surrender but not kill.However, after a change of heart, he made up his mind: "Kill them all!

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