Back to the Qin Dynasty as a prince

Chapter 90: Ji County is in critical condition

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Ji County.

Compared with the rebels who suffered heavy losses outside the city, the defenders in Ji County are also not happy.The 6000-man siege defenders for the first time didn't think much of it. After all, the law of war says: ten times the siege, and only ten times the force is suitable for siege.Except for the weak offense of the east gate under the practice of encircling three gates and one, the defenders of the other three gates are self-sufficient and able to withstand it.But the second time 8000 people took turns to attack the city made the defenders feel uncomfortable.After the intensity increased, the local city guards were forced to dare not slack off because of the countryside, and the soldiers under Qing Ni were even more strong-willed and resolutely fought back.But no matter how strong the will is, it cannot make a person more of a person.Qing Ni had only 5000 infantry, and the county soldiers only had more than [-] slack-trained local garrisons.This is due to the geographical importance of Jixian County. Compared with Xixian County in the southwest mountainous area, which only has more than a hundred swordsmen and archers to maintain law and order, it is not easy for Ji County to have more than a thousand soldiers guarding it.Counting the civilian husbands with some fighting strength, the entire Ji County has less than [-] fighting strength.Among them, one-third should be left as a reserve team for rotation, and the soldiers who can defend on the city wall are divided into less than a thousand soldiers on the city wall in each direction.

The situation where more than a thousand civilians can be gathered like the previous day's siege, and half of the reserve team came to attack the incoming enemy has never happened again.Under such circumstances, the offensive and defensive battles are actually the resilience of the offensive and defensive parties, the will to defend the city, the abundance of supplies, and the abundance of manpower.

The first and second points, the rebels are not as good as the defenders. Since the rebels are rebels, they are untenable in righteousness. The only ones who can fight bravely and fearlessly are those who tie themselves to the Yu family chariot The core team on the board.Ordinary soldiers will not have that awareness and follow a doomed rebel force wholeheartedly.On the contrary, the defenders will not be like this.The soldiers guarding the city are originally local people, and it is their due righteousness to protect their homes and the country, not to mention that the Qin people are warlike and never timid.Now that Taiping has no military exploits, it is a joy to be able to obtain military exploits.It's just that this time the foreign enemy has been replaced by an internal thief.What's more, if you meet a thief outside the door of your house, you should fight bravely, so why be afraid of it?On the other hand, the rebels were originally from the same county, and they could hear the local voice in their ears, and their firmness in their hearts would be reduced by three points.

These are all things Xiao He, Kong Qianchun and other officers and generals repeatedly instilled in the soldiers.In this way, it was possible to hold on for six days. Even though the city wall fell to the enemy several times, it was still taken back with the officers leading the team and taking the lead.

However, it does not mean that Ji County is indestructible and can hold on for as long as a month.Ji County is small and has insufficient storage.On the third and fourth points, they were completely defeated by the rebels.Outside the city, supplies can be obtained from Didao, the county seat of Longxi at any time. Longxi is a border county, and beyond the border wall is the nomadic area of ​​the Yuezhi people, where there are frequent wars.Although Qin Qiang was conquering the world at this time, there were still small-scale battles.Under such circumstances, Qin's armaments in Longxi were not small.And Didao's savings as a county city is also a large number, but at this time these savings are in the hands of the rebels.Xiao He, Kong Qianchun naturally didn't know that the Yu Family's Wuling had military supplies and rice hidden in Wuling, but Didao's weapons inventory was still something that worried the two of them.Although Ji County also has some stocks, it is simply not comparable to a big city like Didao.If Xiao He hadn't obtained a batch of city defense supplies from Fengxiang as soon as he came, I'm afraid that Ji County's city defense supplies would have been used up by now.At that time, the scramble on the city wall will directly fall into hand-to-hand combat, and the defenders who do not have enough supplies to defend can only choose to fight the enemy with spears and bronze swords.But Xiao He didn't get much materials for defending the city from Fengxiang. After all, although Fengxiang is a big city, once Longxi rebels, Fengxiang will directly face the enemy's soldiers.Coupled with the troubles caused by Hu Hai in Xianyang, it is not easy for Feng Xiang to squeeze out something.

In this way, the consumption of the offensive and defensive sides is definitely not something that Ji County can afford.As for manpower, the small town of Ji County has only more than [-] households, and the entire population of the city is only [-] strong.No matter how many, the order in the city will be completely chaotic.

Xiao He walked on the desolate street, and said to Kong Qianchun: "Master, all these houses along the edge of the city wall will be demolished. Once the enemy army comes, the catapults will continue, and sooner or later all the houses will be destroyed. At this moment, It is already hard to live in. The county lord is kind enough to distinguish with the people. After the war, the county government is willing to do its best to compensate."

Hearing what Xiao He said, Kong Qianchun shook his head and smiled wryly: "Why do you need Doctor Xiao to be so polite, just do as you ordered. Kong has also read some military books, don't you know which one is more important at the moment? Please rest assured, doctor, I will definitely be with you next time." The county people can distinguish clearly."

Subconsciously, after Kong Qianchun finished speaking, he wanted to look over to Cheng Kuang'an, the deputy county lieutenant, but only saw a blank space.His expression was stunned, war is so cruel.

Looking at the devastated county town, Xiao He didn't know what to think.After experiencing the battle beyond the three gates, Xiao He has matured rapidly.The pattern in my heart is no longer limited to a small corner, and of course I know the importance of Ji County.There was a rebellion in the west of Longxi, but Fusu transferred Qing Ni's elite team to Xixian County to hide early in the morning. Presumably, he also predicted that the Yu family had evil intentions early in the morning.But I didn't want to, Didaocheng didn't use this army at all.Fortunately, Ji County now has such a strong army, otherwise, how can a mere county town hold back tens of thousands of enemy troops?

The siege begins, and the siege soldiers work together.All kinds of supplies were found to be extremely scarce. Fortunately, the eastern part of Longxi was the area influenced by the Li family in Longxi.The wealthy family in this land also knew that in order not to threaten the Yu family, the best way was to play a role in the defense of the city.As a result, the material collection and personnel deployment were timely and smooth.

But as the high-intensity siege lasted for six days, Xiao He was extremely shocked by the materials used in the city.Naturally, defending the city is not something that can be done casually, the first thing is morale and supplies.Not to mention morale, it is very sufficient.Among the materials, the first is food.The location of Ji County is important, it is located on the riverside, the land is fertile, and the stock is also considered abundant.Coupled with the materials from Fengxiang, it is not a problem to support an army of 4000 people for a month.But the tools to defend the city are lacking.

The tool for defending the city is the first long-distance lethal weapon.Long-range attack weapons are strong bows and hard crossbows, the bows and arrows used; giant crossbow stones, the long spears and boulders used.Bows and crossbows, among the four things, there are no more than a thousand bows in Jixian County, and no more than [-] arrows.There are seven hundred crossbows and twenty thousand arrows.These are probably the most expendable things.In addition, there is also the giant crossbow brought by Xiao He from Fengxiang, set up on the city wall, the crossbow bolts are as big as spears, and can pass through more than three people with one blow.This kind of giant crossbow is very precious, Fengxiang resented Xiao He for taking five of them away from Fengxiang by relying on his rank.And the stone is only more than [-] frames. 【A stone is a trebuchet...】

There are not many craftsmen in the city, and longbows and crossbows and giant crossbows are not divine weapons of heavenly weapons, and they will be damaged every time they are used.After six days of high-intensity siege, half of all the long-range equipment was useless, and it would take a month to repair all of them.What's more, many precious parts and components cannot be manufactured in Ji County.For example, there are only two bed crossbows available in Ji County at this time, and there are only ten stone crossbows left.This was disassembled and repaired with complementary parts, and then quickly moved to the city wall.

In addition, the daily use of the arrow rain to suppress the enemy's siege troops on the city is very huge, and even the arrow rain dare not stop when the siege is fierce.In this case, the consumption of bows and arrows is still second, and it is still a question whether a strong bow and hard crossbow can be used after high-intensity use.After all, even if the bow and crossbow of the Qin Dynasty were the best in the world, the bowstring crossbow machine would have various problems after frequent use.However, there was a shortage of supplies in the city. Not many of the beef tendons and animal horns used for the bow strings and the precision parts needed for the crossbow machine could be replenished in time, and they would be exhausted soon.What's more terrible is that these things cannot be produced in the city, not to mention beef tendons and animal horns, and there are no skilled craftsmen in Ji County to produce crossbow parts.

Under such circumstances, once the city is attacked, the huge loss accumulated in the city can make Xiao He, Kong Qianchun's hair all gray.For the rest, bows and crossbows are also lacking, and the amount of use is huge, but what can be produced in the city is very scarce.Due to Qin's prohibition of private fighting, few people owned weapons.In this way, there is no workshop for refining weapons in the city at all, and even if ordinary craftsmen are gathered together for military production, it is difficult to make up for the big gap in use.In this case, not to mention the giant crossbow and stone!

The power of long-range weapons in the city is gradually declining, and the suppression of troop projection outside the city is naturally getting smaller and smaller.More enemy soldiers boarded the top of the city and began to attack the city.Push up the city wall and install the city gate.Drag the siege into the worst period.

At this time, the defensive utensils that the city defenders can use are wood, boulders, kerosene, and gold juice.As the name suggests, lumber and boulders are heavy and heavy beams. If such a beam is thrown sideways, the soldiers climbing on the ladder will have difficulty avoiding it even if they have the ability to do so.If you are hit and fall, if you are crushed by a tree, you will not die and you will be seriously injured.It should be a great weapon for defending the city!Not to mention the boulder, throwing a stone at the enemy soldiers on the ladder has the same function as a wood.The kerosene is not the kerosene used for burning, but actually the boiling hot oil soup.As the saying goes, go up the mountain of knives and down the pan of oil, but the mountain of knives may not be so cool.The oil pan is absolutely fatal.The oil soup is boiling hot, once poured down, the damage surface is large, and the technical content required is not large, so it can be assisted by civilian husbands.This frees up more professional soldiers to participate in the defense.And the golden juice is the feces of boiling soup. If it is poured down, people will be burned, and if the feces are infected, they will undoubtedly die.These are low-tech, but very effective defensive means.

However, the wood had been limited to use on the fifth day of defending the city, and the boulders had already been used up.Oil soup and golden juice were discontinued due to the shortage of firewood.Several important means of defense were restricted one by one, or were forced to cancel.

It's winter, and the apocalypse is getting colder.It is cold and windy in the northwest, and it is okay for people to be in the lee of the city. It is not a problem to wear heavy clothes and wrap them tightly in several layers.But on the top of the city, the wind is bitterly cold. If you stand for a while, your whole body will be frozen and your hands and feet will be stiff.You have to go into the house to warm up for a while. If you are lucky, there is more firewood in the quota to warm up the fire, which is a rare comfort.On the day of December, more and more things happened in the city to fight for firewood and soldiers for heating.If Xiao He didn't care about the people, and forcibly plundered the people's accumulated supplies, he would be able to get enough again, but most of the people's hearts and minds would definitely be lost.Xiao He knew this clearly.

Xiao He was anxious in his heart, but he still had to put on a calm and calm look on his face.Among the senior officials, Cheng Kuang'an, the county lieutenant, died for the country.

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