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Chapter 92: Secrets revealed in the paper

Fusu didn't expect Yue Zhi to respond like this, she was speechless in her heart, took a deep breath, and breathed it out heavily as if she wanted to spit out all the turbidity in her heart.

Thinking of such a good woman as Yuezhi, he must not let her down.Even if you love me now, you can't take her body.Otherwise, it would be a disrespect to Yue Zhi and a disrespect to the relationship between the two of them.

What's more, Fusu still has a difficult entanglement in his heart that he doesn't want to think about.In Fusu's heart, Yue Zhi was no less than Wang Fu, so of course it was impossible to accept Yue Zhi as his concubine.This is not because she doesn't want to accept Yue Zhi.It's that the status of concubines in ancient times was too low, like slaves.Maybe Fusu doesn't care about this kind of thinking of treating people as slaves and goods at all, and he doesn't have this kind of thinking.But Fusu is just a person, even if he is the prince, he can't affect everyone's senses.As a concubine of Ji, Yue Zhi would not be treated with corresponding respect by others.You must know that the ancient literati even took the matter of gifts from concubines to each other as a good story.It can be seen how low the status of concubine Ji is.

Not to mention that Fusu herself would not be willing, even if Yuezhi could cast aside the shackles on her body and be willing to become Fusu's concubine, the Meng clan behind Yuezhi would never accept such a result.It's fine for Fusu to lose Yuezhi first, and then take Yuezhi as his concubine, that would be a humiliation to Mengshi.It is impossible for the daughters of ordinary official families to marry as concubines, let alone a top general like the Meng family of the Qin Dynasty?When this kind of thing is involved, Fusu can't reverse it at all.

That's why Yuezhi said that it would be fine if Fusu was a commoner.A commoner would not be involved in this kind of political marriage entanglement, and it would be difficult for Fusu and Wang Fu to become a couple.Only Yuezhi and Fusu could become husband and wife.After all, according to Meng Tian's temperament, he would not think of exchanging his precious daughter's happiness for political gains or losses.

After thinking about this, Fusu suddenly became worried about gains and losses.But such erratic emotions were quickly cleared away by Fu Su.There are so many people in the world who can't help themselves, but there is no need for Fu Su to continue thinking about these life philosophies at this juncture.

After receiving the parchment handed over by Yue Zhicong, Fu Su quietly studied the contents on the parchment, but did not understand the meaning of the curves and bends on the map.But as soon as he started, Fusu felt something was wrong.Facing Yuezhi's playful smile, Fusu said, "There should be another universe in this parchment."

Yuezhi giggled: "It depends on whether you can guess it, young master."

Fusu pretended to be slightly angry and teased, reached out and tapped Yuezhi's bright forehead, which made Yuezhi's mouth slightly open, full of anger.She was slightly angry on her face, but Yuezhi was surprised in her heart.He couldn't help but think of what Fusu said just now. He said that he was not a prince, but just a commoner who ran around for food every day.After all, if he is really a prince, after decades of upbringing, how could he do such a behavior that only Shi Jingzi would do?

Yuezhi was distracted for a moment, but she didn't see that Fusu had already started to make a move.

As soon as he got it, Fusu felt that the weight of the parchment was unusual, even it was heavier than the bamboo slips in the city.The brocade box is made of precious materials, the wood is heavy, and the sea cannot be felt in the box.But you can feel it when you bump it in your hand.This is also due to the fact that Fusu is cautious about everything at this time, so he is aware of it, otherwise he really wouldn't feel it.

Fusu put the parchment on his hand, covering it with both hands and rubbing it left and right.After a while, as the number of rubbing increases, the inner layer of the parchment can be clearly felt on the parchment.

Fusu said in surprise: "There are still things inside!" Yuezhi laughed triumphantly: "It's natural, if it's just a map outside, how can it look like a map of Wuling?"

Fusu was beyond surprised, and couldn't hide the sudden joy on his face.One must know that Fusu holds an important position, and the kung fu of nourishing qi has been learned in a subtle way.The city has been much deeper, and the emotions and anger are invisible.Being able to express joy in this way, one can see how much surprise Fusu must be in his heart.

Right now, Fusu's own life is involved, Wuling's ownership, and even the situation in Longxi are in between Fusu's next steps.If Fusu could not find the prison earlier and seek Wuling, even if he could get out, it would be hard to do anything.Moreover, Fusu was deeply trapped in the enemy's camp, which was also a big stain on Fusu's courtship. Without enough military achievements, he could never wash it away.At that time, it will be difficult for Fusu even Haosheng to take root in northern Xinjiang!

Thinking about it this way, Fusu's next move seemed crucial.The most critical step in finding the prison and controlling Wuling is of course the terrain of Wuling.Unless Fusu's hand can be extended to Wuling sooner, and the prison can be found with the insider, otherwise Fusu and Yuezhi, a weak woman and a half of the force, even if they have the best resourcefulness in front of dozens of guards guarding the tomb All fragile.

Of course, Fusu has no internal response here. The importance of Wuling cannot be ignored by the Yu Family.Naturally, these scouts are closely related to the Yu family. As far as the newly established Teke is concerned, it has not yet had the strength to shake the foundation of the Yu family in Wuling.In this way, Fusu's current goal may be to find the drawings of Wuling.With the blueprints, it should not be difficult to find a prison according to the drawings.At that time, there will be room for maneuvering and switching in Wuling, so that you won't bump into headless chickens.

But maps have always been important materials, especially in the current Qin Dynasty, they can be described as strategic materials.In terms of ancient technology level, drawing maps is very difficult, and usually it can only be drawn by gathering elite talents with the backing of the country.Moreover, the map even represents the ownership of a region.Just like in Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin, Jing Ke presented the map of Yandi in order to win the trust of the King of Qin.Jing Ke gained the trust with the ownership of Yandi!

Maps are so important, of course they are not so easy to find.The thing that Fusu had had a headache for several days was lying in his arms all the time.How can this keep Fusu from being ecstatic?Immediately, he drew out a short dagger, and gently cut the edge of the parchment, and suddenly, a map with five or six layers of layers emerged.

The map is very easy to distinguish, and the fine strokes on it show its identity.What Fusu didn't expect was that the map was made of fine silk.

Fu Su said with deep emotion: "The Yu family really cares about this matter."

Yue Zhi also nodded heavily: "Writing on parchment is fairly easy. But this kind of brocade that can be written on is not easy to make. The effort spent by the Yu family is really amazing. However, at present, all these efforts have become Our life-saving stuff. It's wasted."

Fusu laughed loudly, glanced at the parchment, and realized: "I said just now that the map on the parchment was incomprehensible. It turns out that this is the clue to piece together this brocade. The mechanism of the Yu family is really Fine. However, everything is in my hands, no matter how fine it is, it’s not difficult to see through it just by guessing carefully.”

Yue Zhi hummed, and then began to piece together the map according to the map on the parchment and the lines on the brocade silk.When Fusu saw him, he also rushed to help. The two of them worked together, but they didn't have a tacit understanding at first, and there was no coordination.Either Fusu touched Yuezhi's hand when he reached out to touch the map, or Yuezhi reached out to open Fusu's hand.The bumps and bumps made Fusu eat a lot of tofu.The progress is not fast, but the scene is a little more charming.

While flirting with the beauty, Fusu was also preoccupied with other things.Once the secret in the brocade box is revealed, the most direct reason for the Yu family's rebellion has been revealed.Fusu was also suspicious at first, even if the Yu family offended him, the Wang family, and even his own master, even if there were these reasons, it was not enough to rebel.

The Yu family offended Fusu, it was a struggle between the interests of the two, and there was not much to blame morally.The conflicts between the Yu family and the Fusu and Wang families are not irreconcilable. Even if the two sides kill people, it is far from being able to force the Yu family to rebel.Even if the Yu family is at its worst, it will only lose a few important people, and it will be reduced to an ordinary local tycoon ever since.Even if Fusu becomes the emperor in the end, he will not confiscate the Yu family and exterminate it.That being the case, the Yu family is not at the last step, how can they take risks and do this kind of rebellious act that is almost dead?

Fusu is now deeply trapped in the enemy's camp and has fallen underground in Wuling.The reason is that there was a major error in Fusu's judgment of the Yu family, otherwise how could he take the initiative to let himself fall into the enemy's camp when he guessed that the Yu family had misbehavior?

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is what a wise man does.Fusu has experienced enough dangers, there is absolutely no need to go through them again.What's more, there is a delicate woman on Fusu's body right now.

All the doubts gathered in Fusu's heart at this moment were resolved.

A direct descendant of the Yu family who works as the chief bookkeeper in Kuaiji County is used to being domineering, and he even took a fancy to Shi Xiaomo.It's okay to look at it, Shi Xiaomo is young and widowed, so it would be a good thing to make a match.Unexpectedly, Shi Xiaomo looked down on him, and things went wrong.The child of the Yu family has a spoiled temperament.How can you forgive me like this?In the name of suppressing bandits, they used the power of the clan to manipulate the county soldiers to suppress the Shanyue people under Shi Xiaomo as bandits, and insisted on forcing Shi Xiaomo to recommend himself as a pillow.Shi Xiaomo has a strong temper, how could he give up?As a result, the county soldiers led by Master Yu were blinded when they went up the mountain, and were beaten back by Shi Xiaomo's private soldiers led by the mountain people.Master Yu suffered a miserable defeat, completely lost face, and couldn't hold his head up among his colleagues.Surrounding the mountain, Shi Xiaomo ran out of tea, rice, oil and salt, and the owner of the fish was determined to trap Shi Xiaomo's Shanyue people to death.

How could Shi Xiaomo be reconciled, since the Yu family's children wanted Shi Xiaomo's clan to perish with the help of clan power, Shi Xiaomo changed hands and ran to Xianyang alone, trying to steal the most important brocade box of the Yu family.The world is unpredictable, who knew that there was a map of Yujia Wuling in that box?No matter who gets it, the Yu family can only bow their heads and obey orders.Once it is exposed, the Yu family will only end up with annihilation.In Wuling, there is indeed indelible evidence of the Yu family's rebellion!

The brocade box is the most direct reason for the Yu family's rebellion!

Fusu sighed in his heart, who would have thought that the poor conduct of a direct descendant of the Yu family would implicate the entire clan and thus fall into a catastrophe, with ten deaths and no life?

Thinking of this festival, Fusu's heart is also awe-inspiring.

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