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Chapter 97: The First Successor Fights Against the Rebel Army

Fusu wanted to eat some small tofu at this moment, but was interrupted by Yang Mouyigan who rushed over.Feeling aggrieved in her heart, Fusu's face was heavy and serious.The rest of the people originally thought that Fusu, a young man whose reputation spread throughout the world, should be easy to talk to, but when they saw Fusu's serious face, they suppressed other thoughts in their hearts and bowed respectfully to Fusu.

Fu Su stretched out his hands in a vain way, and Fu Su didn't expect much from the prisoners who could be won over.Among the prisoners in the prison, apart from Fusu's nearly 20 personal guards, there are about two to 300 Mohist chivalrous men, Mogong, and Mobian in the close prison.Excluding those who are close to Fusu, the rest are the local tyrants who offended the Yu family and were suppressed and imprisoned here, or the merchants on the westbound business road who wanted to make a fortune alone and did not tame the Yu family, as well as the accompanying hires and servants of the merchants. , Guard.However, whether they are personal guards, Mohists, or merchants who used to be covered in gold and jade, they are all disheveled at this time, most of them have disheveled hair and dirty faces.Looking at the "beggars" in the dark, Fusu didn't expect them to have much fighting power.

Besides, the Mohist disciples who can give Fusu substantial help are not here at the moment, and the Mohist people have already been transferred to another secret prison.

Thinking this way in his heart, the first one Fusu got close to was of course the excited guards at the moment.Compared with those "beggars", these Fusu's personal guards are much more energetic.First of all, they are all strong fighters with strong physiques, and they can hold on even if they are hungry for a few days.Secondly, although these personal guards are in the prison, they are very capable, and they can even contact each other in the prison.There were nearly 20 people, except for two who were seriously injured and could not fight.Seeing Fusu at this moment, more than a dozen personal guards were full of excitement, and they were all in high spirits. They were armed, but Fusu had a lot of elite combat power.

Fusu greeted each of them in person, asked for warmth, encouraged them with words, and promised a lot of money.Immediately, these personal guards were very excited, feeling that Fusu hadn't forgotten them, and wished they would die for Fusu immediately, no hesitation.

After finishing all this, Fusu asked several guards to follow Yuchan to block the main passage of this prison cell and do a good job of posting.They dug out enough food, clothes, and some unsophisticated iron swords and spears from the prison.But above all food and clothing are the things that all prisoners urgently need.

The number of people who rushed over was about [-] people. If there were no accidents in the prison, these prisoners would almost stay here for the rest of their lives.Originally, his eyes were dim, and he couldn't see any energy in them.If Yang Mou hadn't led his personal guards to find these people and tell them that there was a way out, these people would almost have been numb for the rest of their lives.Seeing that Fusu is going to lead a group of people to counterattack Wuling, he feels unbelievable at first, and then thinks of the temptation of regaining freedom.

Empty teeth are always not very convincing.Fusu knew this very well, and immediately distributed the meals and clothes.Although there is a large amount of grain, rice and cloth stored in Wuling.But these are all prepared for the army, how can they be used by all the prisoners?In addition, the underground jailers in Wuling are not a good job at all. If they can blackmail the prisoners, even if they can, they can't knock out the money and water, because the money and water have been knocked out before they are sent in.If the prison guards do nothing but pay, it is really not enough. If they want to make money, they can’t blackmail the prisoners, but they also want money. What can they do?Of course, I can only find a way from the rest of the prison.

Therefore, the cell boss and the jailer thought of a way to supply this supply.The daily grain and rice are deducted again and again, so that a group of prisoners can barely keep from starving to death, and there is no way to eat enough.Wanting to eat well is even more wishful thinking.He is a strong man who is five big and three thick. After arriving here, within three months, he can be turned into a sick, dark and thin sick with decades of hard work.

If the body is better, it can still endure.If you stay in prison for a long time, no matter how strong your body is, it will collapse.Therefore, the easiest way for Fusu to win the trust of these prisoners is to first get the material conditions up.Seeing a large pot of thick porridge being brought out with an oily smell, the prisoners watched the thick porridge go away with a sigh of relief, their expectations were followed by deep disappointment.

Just when these prisoners were extremely disappointed, Fusu said loudly to the prisoners: "Except for those of you who are considered young and strong, the old, weak, women and children still imprisoned in the prison are also people I will not leave behind! You are young and strong, and you can survive for a while, but what about those old and weak women and children? Some of them are your parents, some are your brothers and sisters, and some are your wives and children, can you leave them behind?"

An intermittent weak voice said: "Flesh and blood relatives, how can we lose them?"

"Of course I can't throw it away, but so what if I can't. I don't have to eat, so I can only starve to death."

"That's it. Who can save it?"

Fusu's voice was raised again, and he said: "Who says it won't work? I help Su, and I want to save you. You are all citizens of Great Qin, oppressed by traitors, how can I not save you as the Prince of Great Qin? They are the people of my Ying family, and they are the people I protect. How can I not save them? You just wait at ease, the old, weak, women and children must be rescued first for these meat porridge. Then, you will be equipped with meat porridge. Clothes, even weapons!"

Fusu's voice was so loud that the guards were filled with emotion.The prisoner's eyes became more hopeful after hearing this.

Sure enough, after the guards dragged the porridge to the cell, the guards took out a piece of simple but thick clothes.It's December now, and it won't be long before the snow falls.Moreover, the calendar used for calculation in Qin Dynasty was different from that of later generations.This December is actually equivalent to the December of the lunar calendar.The weather in Qin Dynasty was much warmer than that in later generations, so there was no heavy snowfall.But that's the case, the weather is already quite cold.The weather is cold, people have to eat much more than usual, and people have to keep out the cold, and their requirements for material conditions are also much higher.

Most of Fusu and Yuezhi's clothes were of good quality, and they were effective in keeping warm.But how can the rest of the people keep out the cold with their ragged clothes?Fusu first rolled the hot meat porridge, and then the clothes, immediately won the hearts of all the prisoners.

At this moment, Yang Mou shouted in a rather loud voice: "Young master has an order, if anyone is willing to die for freedom, you can come and join the rebel army!" After a short pause, Yang Mou added: "Enough food and clothing, military pay !"

As soon as Yang Mou's loud voice came out, the young and strong men among the prisoners who had been infected by Fusu's words were moved.As if to deepen their excitement, two more guards came out carrying a large load of meat porridge and a lot of clothes, and said to Qing Zhuang: "The meat porridge is here, line up to get it. Everyone has it!"

The prisoner Qing Zhuang, who was still a little hesitant, took full action immediately, and ran to the meat porridge vat with little effort, crowded together.Seeing this, the guards immediately punched and kicked, and slapped them hard, which made all the prisoners line up honestly.

Seeing this festival, Fusu's heart moved, and he stood on the desk and said, "Everyone who can read, come out to Dao Yuchan. Food, rice and clothes are given priority!"

As soon as Fusu's words fell, six weakened men ran to Fusu's side. Fusu led the six men to find Yuchan, and said to Yuchan, "It must be difficult for you to do things alone. These people, you Let them wash up first, get clothes, food and equipment, and then follow you to do things. There is still half a day, you take these few people and manage the supply of the rebellious army."

Hearing Fusu's words, Yuchan bowed respectfully, turned around and said kindly to the six people, "Follow me, take care of food and clothing. But you have to work hard for your son!" After finishing speaking, Yuchan still glanced at Fusu from the corner of his eyes. Su glanced at Fusu and saw Fusu nodding lightly, then happily led a few people away.

Except for the guards who are physically strong and have enough fighting strength, the rest of the prisoners in the prison are mostly old, weak, women and children, and Fusu doesn't know who is really young and strong.There are more than ten personal guards, although they know some of them when they are scattered in the prison, but these people add up to only a few dozen people, which is not enough at all.

Fusu first asked Yang Mou to lead a team of stronger prisoners to subdue the few old guards left in the prison, and forced the old guards to find out the weapons in the cell.Another team of personal guards was sent out to find dozens of grains and rice from Yuchan's grain storehouse to make porridge to appease the prisoners.

At this moment, Fusu felt lucky to be the first to find these personal guards.If there is no one under his command, Fusu will lead a thousand old, weak, young and strong prison cells in a mess, and it will be impossible to do anything. Once the formation guarding the mausoleum comes, the 1000 people in Fusu can only attract attention and make Fusu escape. .

If Fusu wants to pull a powerful force out of the prison, he must first settle the prisoner's heart.Different from the prisons of the prefectures and counties where all the vicious people were imprisoned, although there were a few thieves underground in Wuling, most of them were caught in the Wuling prison only after they offended the Yu family.Although these people may not be so good, they are not too rebellious to be tamed.Fusu showed his kindness, and let the guards beat and kick him without mercy. The prisoner was grateful to Fusu for a while, but at the same time, he was afraid that Fusu's guards would not dare to do anything wrong.

After stabilizing the prisoner side, Fusu selected some literate cultural people as subordinates to follow Yuchan to organize logistics work.Fusu initially set up an airs in the prison to dissuade the rebels, at least he could do something.

The purpose of Fusu's actions is of course to annihilate the guarding army and occupy Wuling.It would be even more wonderful if the tomb guards could be completely wiped out in Wuling.Of course, Fusu didn't have much confidence in this point.In Fusu's hands, there were no more than 1000 fine cavalry and more than a dozen personal guards. It was unrealistic to use such a few people to completely wipe out [-] people.

Of course, being able to do it naturally is the best.

After two hours of busy work, Fusu and the others finally figured out some clues in the prison.And from Yuchan's mouth, Fusu also knew where the Mohists were.

The Mo family is another important force that Fusu can win over, and it is even related to whether Fusu can win Wuling.In order to grasp this force that is most familiar with Wuling, even though the Mohist guards are heavily guarded at the moment, Fusu still has to rescue him quickly!

In the prison, it was busy.However, before Fusu rescued the Mo family, he had to deal with another rather serious matter.

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