The people stationed in the castle had just seen the skills of Chu Wei and Mo Xian. After seeing them coming in, they fled in all directions. Only some people who thought they were capable stayed behind to stop them.

It's just that no matter how powerful they are, they can't reach the magician. It's easy for Chu Wei and Mo Xian to get rid of them.

The two of them went all the way to the castle. On the first floor, there were cells in which all kinds of people were imprisoned. All of them were dirty and messy, like beggars.

"let me out."

"Let us out..."

"You devils, let us out..."

When the locked-up people saw the strange Chu Wei and Mo Xian, they all lay down in front of the railing, waved their hands and roared angrily.

"It seems that we should really let them out." Chu Wei said with a half-smile.

Mo Xian nodded in agreement, letting them out for the dark Holy See to deal with, it seems that they came to the right place.

As the two of them split open the doors of those cells, the people inside frantically walked outside.

"Everyone, go, this is the only chance." Chu Wei looked at the people running wildly outside and shouted loudly. These people are tortured by people, ghosts or ghosts, and they must want to leave here. It is enough for them to create chaos. .

Taking advantage of the chaos outside, Chu Wei and Mo Xian continued to walk forward, but they didn't expect that there were still cells inside, and when they reached the second floor, they were still cells.

"How could the Dark Holy See imprison so many criminals?" Chu Wei said with some regret, could it be that they are still sentenced to prison like the modern times.

The people in the cell were tortured terribly, and living like this should be more painful than letting them die.

No matter what the reason was, the two of them used their strength to split all the cells made of stones. If there was a chance to escape, all the criminals rushed outside like a flood.

"Who are you, dare to let go of the criminals of the Dark Holy See?"

Just as they were about to go to the fifth floor, they saw a few old men in black robes standing at the entrance and staring at them coldly.

Chu Wei looked at them. The upper part is the last floor of the castle. They seem to be much more powerful than the guards below. Are there important people locked up above?

"We felt they were too pitiful, so we kindly let them go." Chu Wei spread her hands and said with a smile.

"Presumptuous, how can the Dark Holy See allow you to mess around." After another old man finished speaking, he flicked his right hand, and a strong black force hit Chu Wei fiercely.

Chu Wei narrowed her eyes slightly, channeled the magic power in her body, and slammed directly towards the old man's power in a flash. With a bang, the air continued to twist, and the energy fluctuated violently around.

Several old men standing at the entrance were knocked back again and again, looking at Chu Wei in shock, how could her power be so powerful and destructive.


Before the old man finished speaking, Mo Xian flew towards him like a ghost, the life-threatening blade in his hand rose and fell, and the man's head rolled directly downstairs, and the others were dumbfounded.

They have already reached the Master Illusionist, and they should not be afraid of anything, but now the young couple in front of them, they, they seem to have reached the pinnacle of Illusionist, God Illusionist.

They look so young, how could they become magicians.

Originally they thought it was impossible, but now seeing the power they used, they had to believe it.

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