Mo Xian exudes a strong murderous aura all over his body, and he glances sharply at the remaining five old men. He has never been here before, but now he has a feeling that the parents he has been looking for may be here, and he must go to the first place. Check out the fifth floor.

"Don't rush in. Even if you break in, you won't be able to leave the Dark Vatican." Seeing that Mo Xian was approaching them step by step, an old man said angrily with a sullen face. There are so many people in the Dark Vatican. It is difficult.

"Really? What if I destroy this place." Mo Xian curled his lips and said coldly. Before they could speak again, he rushed towards them again, and the killing blade danced in front of them.

After Mo Xian's figure stopped, the five old men all looked at Mo Xian with wide eyes in disbelief, and then all fell to the ground.

"Let's go in quickly." Chu Wei pulled Mo Xian and ran towards the door of the fifth floor, but there was a huge stone door there.

Mo Xian stretched out his fist and slammed it hard on the stone door. With a bang, the stone door was torn apart. When the dust cleared, the inside was hazy, and there was an unpleasant stench in the air, as well as the smell of blood.

There are tall crosses in the wide hall, each of which is tied with a thick iron chain.

Mo Xian ran towards those crosses quickly, looking at each one, but he didn't see his parents.

"No?" Seeing the disappointment on Mo Xian's face, Chu Wei squeezed his hand and asked, she would rather his parents be tied here, at least it means they are still alive.

Mo Xian nodded slightly, looking around, her mother had a special status, maybe she wasn't locked up with them.

"Let's search here separately to see if there is any secret room or something." Chu Wei patted his hand to comfort him, and then ran to the left. They had to hurry up.

"There is a secret room behind the statue on the left." Suddenly a very weak voice sounded.

Chu Wei and Mo Xian looked up at the same time, only to see a man with bloody wounds all over his body looking at them. There was no desire to live in his eyes, only the bleak desire to die.

There were a few bang bang bang bangs, and all the erected crosses fell to the ground under the strength of Chu Wei and Mo Xian, followed by the sound of iron chains being shattered.

"If you want to leave, go quickly." Chu Wei said coldly, and then walked towards the statue on the left with Mo Xian, and the two destroyed it with all their might.

After the statue fell, there was no door or anything on the wall. The two knew that there must be a mechanism here, but they didn't have much time to find it, so they directly used the magician's power to destroy the wall.

A black passage appeared in front of them.

"Lady, wait for me here, I'll go in and have a look." Mo Xian pressed Chu Wei's shoulder and smiled lightly.

Chu Wei raised her eyebrows and pouted, "No, let's go in together."

Saying that, without waiting for Mo Xian to speak again, she dragged him and ran directly inside.

They had just entered, and short black arrows shot out from inside. With a wave of Mo Xian's hand, the majestic force destroyed all the short arrows.

With no hidden weapons, the two speeded up and walked forward. Just when they were about to turn a corner, they saw two old men in black robes waving their hands and starting to attack them.

Chu Wei snorted coldly, mobilized the power of the magic master of the dark attribute, and then attacked them with magic tricks, letting them have a good taste of the Beigong family's kung fu.

ps: It's almost over. If you want to read Qianqian's new book, you can join the group: 331015671. You must indicate where you read the book, otherwise you won't add it.

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