Hecarim didn't go away. {Top} Point {Small} Say 3

He froze in the air.

Then, join his invincible ghost army.

Bit by bit, it turned into ashes.

The whole process was silent.

It's like sunlight melting snow, naturally.


Dismason just watched his capable subordinates annihilate without any emotional fluctuations.

As for Drizzt, he also seemed to have no intention of pursuing the victory for the time being.

He just bowed slightly again, took off his hat and saluted solemnly.


Signaling you to stop struggling.

"You go." Dismason was still as majestic as a prison, and said to the remaining one.

And the remaining one.

Spider Queen Elise, she is already afraid.

Really, scared.


When she used to manipulate those ignorant believers who were bewitched by her, she only felt that she was omnipotent in heaven and earth.

Now, when facing the world's top existence.

She finally knew how shallow and weak she was.

She was afraid.

She finally understood what it was like for those stupid human beings who could not struggle to die under her mouth to show those helpless eyes at the last moment before they died.

That's how she feels now.

To advance is to die, to retreat, or to die.

So, she chose.

Get out of the way.

It means, if you pass, I will not stop you.

"Oh?" Drizzt showed an expression of interest, but he still smiled and nodded, "You're not bad."

And Dismason.

For the subordinates who betrayed themselves in front of their own faces.

But there was no thunderbolt.

He just looked at Drizzt.

Said: "You come."

"As you wish." Drizzt bowed for the third time.

Lifting her head, she gently stroked Evelyn's cheek beside her.Start walking.

Evelyn looked at his back with complicated eyes, and then at the terrifying god possessed by Thresh.

She thought of the difficult life she had lived in his shadow, and watched her man challenge him now.

I feel that everything is really disillusioned.

So she closed her eyes.

Never mind anything.

But yes, life, death.

"Boom—" The battle had already happened the moment she closed her eyes.

Space collapses.

The messy sky that had been divided by the void.Under the terrifying energy fluctuation again.

Crash, reorganize, corrupt.

No more recovery.

It had turned into a bright yellow sky.

Under the violent impact of this terrifying energy plate, deep scars that were almost purple began to appear.

This is a battle between gods.

Raise your hands and throw your feet, it is a change that will destroy the world.

Dismason was on a high place, and he held up the seductive soul chain in his hand that was completely different from the past and was no longer rusty.

Infused with supreme divine power.Wave it into a law.

A sword of law.

A sword of terrifying law capable of piercing through all the essence of the world between opening and closing.

As for Drizzt, he was constantly moving.

He kept shifting his position in those empty gaps and real spaces.

He is telling fortunes.

Under the sweep of Dismason's almost invulnerable law sword.

He is still calmly and leisurely, almost strolling back and forth between the void and reality.

He was playing the cards in his hand one by one.

He is choosing his fate.

Own destiny, Dismason's destiny.

At this moment, he is the God of Destiny.

Lady Luck is smiling.

"Ka—" He finally selected a card.

When Dismason swept with another hook of law.

Among the thousands of fates, he was drawn out.that card.

that card.

The wheel of fate.

Destiny, on whose side?

In this God versus God confrontation.

no doubt.

Drizzt smiled confidently.

He played the card squarely.

at the same time.The five major emotions stretched out behind him like wings, and then rushed out.

Upright, the wheel of fortune.

The god of luck came.

God of luck.

Always be by my side.

So, bye.

"Buzz—" There was a crash.

The power of fate, superimposed on the great power of the five gods, collided with the sword of law.

There were ripples like water waves.

Then there is breaking.

Potential like a broken bamboo.

Lady Luck.He tipped the scales straight to Drizzt's side.

Smiling, Drizzt.

He pressed the two fate-throwing fingers to his lips and swung them vigorously.

This is a farewell, but also a necessary ritual before meals.

To show.Respect for food.


It's like it's raining.

Or the rocks that have existed for tens of millions of years are rapidly weathered in the huge wind.

The huge iron chain that was indestructible quickly dissipated in the face of fate.

The sky is crying.

The light of the void that has been integrated with Dismason began to fade.

He opened his arms, and let out a silent roar as if welcoming a helpless fate.

Those arms that were about to break through the ground were all frozen in the air, unable to hang down.

Even the gravedigger who had been digging the grave with his head down all the time raised his head and looked at the chaotic sky.


The Shadow Isles are dying.

Everything about it will evaporate.

There will be no more legends.

There will be no more fog.

Maybe in a few days, there will be no more, world.

"Roar—" Dismason finally roared out.

He struggled and broke out of that body.

He exudes a rich green glow, calling for the entire island to wake up.

There are already heavy shadows, starting to emanate from every inch of the Shadow Isles.

He has been imprisoned in this barren place for countless times, and he has long been integrated with this place of fetters.

He wants to show his true self.

Subvert everything.


win or lose.

time and space! ! !

"Karala——" Countless sand and stones began to crack and destroy.

Dismason is about to fully recover.



Will not give him this chance.

"No." He shook his head, and he wagged his fingers.

He refuses, such a thing.

He drew out one card, two cards, three cards, four cards with incomparable elegance.

Countless cards.

Those cards keep flying to every corner of the island.

And so the stars fell.

Shadow Isles, silence.

And the card representing the wheel of fortune just flew to its end.

It was firmly nailed into the soul that Dismason wanted to escape.

"Then, I won't be polite." Drizzt swallowed with a smile, and bowed, "Thank you for your hospitality."


Between heaven and earth, there was a sound soon, the sound of eating.

This is the seventh day of the fire from the sky.

It was also the first day of the Great Destruction.

The Shadow Isles, sunk. (To be continued..)

ps: Trained.

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