The eighth day of the fire from the sky. + top + dot + small + say +

Day two of the Great Destruction.

The whole world has become a purgatory.

Under the sky where there is no distinction between day and night.

Everyone has gone crazy.

First up is Demacia.

Under the premise of surging domestic undercurrents and constant resistance.

Jarvan III still wanted to conquer the East at all costs, and finally caused the most terrible backlash.

Under the persecution of the suffocating atmosphere of the last days, no one maintained the little bit of reverence for the royal power in their hearts.

They rebelled.

Rebelled head-on.


The people, revolted.

In this way, Demacia fell into civil strife before launching the so-called Second Eastern Expedition of Jarvan III.

The once fair, peaceful and orderly city-state of Demacia was instantly engulfed by chaotic flames.

Kill, bleed, die, destroy.

The irises scattered all over the ground, but no one shouted loudly for Demacia's long live.

This is the worst of times.

Then, Piltover and Zaun.

Under the premise of reaching an offensive and defensive alliance, the two parties have already started to develop more powerful technological equipment to resist this doomsday natural disaster.

However, the threat comes from outside.

On the mountain.

The Freljord also affected by the Doom.

Almost all the tribes of the East Freljord headed towards Zaun and Piltover.

They need land, food, and security.

After several consecutive peace talks broke up unhappy.

The war has begun.

Without the shackles of the snow mountain, without the restrictions of the League of Legends.

The brave and fierce Xueshan people finally showed their invincibility to the whole world.

Although both Zaun and Piltover have extremely developed technological weapon systems.

But under the attack of pure natural force and survival instinct.

They are still losing ground.

Although the headquarters of the two city-states have not yet been breached.

But the peripheral areas have basically fallen.

Plus those dark cracked sky holes in the sky.

No one knows what tomorrow will look like.

Maybe it's destruction.Or, still destroy.


For yordles.

Destruction is close at hand.

Although all the strength has been raised to resist.

But destruction is still approaching.

The anger of the flame that came from nowhere pushed the entire Bandle City to hell little by little.

The defenses on the outskirts of the city have been completely destroyed.

All yordles shrunk to the inner city.

Relying on the last city defense system to maintain, the last life.

Flames have surrounded the entire city.

All the jungle trees were burned to ashes.

The fertile land was overturned.

All trees are turned into ashes.

It can be heard all night long.There was an arrogant and terrifying laughter resounding throughout the city:

"Die, poor idiots, I will burn your bones to ashes little by little. This is what happened to Bloomlanid when you dared to betray me back then, hahahahahaha!!!"

in the end.

Who can come.

save us?

in the end.

Who can come again.

What about saving the world?


Or the last pure land of Valoran.

Except for long cracks in the sky.

Unchanging orange-yellow sky.

There are also falling fire from the sky from time to time.

It's quiet here.

Although also apprehensive.

Although also full of confusion about tomorrow.

But there was no confusion after all.

Although Chen Senran seems to have made a move to retire.

But not before he officially announced his abandonment of Noxus.

All Noxians, including the old nobles who had opposed him most fiercely, believed in it.Chen Senran, will come back to save them.

Therefore, the situation in Noxus can still be stable.

But it's just stable.

The high-level members of the Noxus military department sat in front of the chairman's table day after day, frowning.

"What do you mean in the sky?"

Like talking to herself, or asking someone else, Katerina said unconsciously.

"I don't know, maybe it's just a prank?" Sivir seemed to want to tell a joke.But in the end, there was no laughing.

"Do you think something will come out of it?"

This sentence was asked by Raven.

"I don't know." Katerina shook her head.

"Is it really the end?"

"Don't know. Maybe."

"Will he come back?"

"do not know."


When the whole of Valoran fell into despair.

This small village is no exception.

This is a village without much character.

Wheat fields, low houses, and endless fields.

Sacco walked on the country road with his Jessica, walking unhurriedly.

The ever-orange sky above his head made everything around him look extremely quiet and uneasy.

"Why did you bring me here?" After a long time.Jessica finally asked.

"Because this is my hometown." Sako was silent for a while, looking at the huge crack in the sky and said.

In the distance, there is a huge pothole smashed by the fire from outside the sky.

This obscure little village is also suffering from the misery of this world.

Just like that time before.

"Oh? Are you coming back for revenge?" Of course Jessica had heard the story of Shaco, his sister, the fate of his eternal life.

But she asked very calmly.No mood swings at all.

"I don't know, maybe." Sacco was also very calm, he narrowed his eyes and looked at this strange but familiar village again.

The paint on his face was a little dry.

"Maybe I'm just homesick." He said softly again.

"Do you really miss home? Think here." Jessica stepped forward, stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and looked at the village.

"Do you still want to kill me?" Still calm, calm to death.

"En." Very lightly, still like the wind.

"Then kill me, before the whole world is destroyed, your time is running out, the world is about to be destroyed." Sacco sighed and laughed again.

He drew his dagger.

Since the world is going to be destroyed.

Then all the hatred should be settled first.



The land of ice and snow.

When all the creatures leave this extremely cold place.

There is only a void figure floating at the highest point of the entire wind and snow.

He raised his arm.

He is calling out to the void, the power of the void.

He is calling.

His calling is almost at an end.

At this time, the entire sky has changed from orange to purple.

In his ears, the cursing from some bird that couldn't come down from some mountain peak became more and more indistinct.

Just at this time.

In the snowstorm.


An elegant figure. (to be continued..)

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