
no answer.

The Void figure in the sky still raised its arms, silently looking at the uninvited guest in front of it under the almost purple sky.


Still silent.

It was unknown whether it was Kassadin or Malzahar's void figure that just released his hostility.

leave here.

"It doesn't matter, no matter which one you are, good morning, my..." Drizzt bowed slightly, maintaining enough respect.

For myself, food.

"Get out of here, mortal." The visitor from the void in the high sky finally had to speak, with indifferent arrogance and majesty.

"You seem to have misunderstood me, I'm here..." Drizzt shrugged his shoulders, shook his head and said, "I'm not here to say hello, I'm not here for sightseeing, let alone just passing by, I'm here... "

"Eat yours."

eat yours.

This is the most direct declaration of war.

next second.

Drizzt had already stepped in front of the visitor from the void.

No extra nonsense.

Go to war.

"Boom—" Drizzt punched out dense cracks in the entire purple sky.

But that visitor from the void had already used the power of the void to travel to another direction.

"Sure enough, such a brutal way of fighting is still not suitable for me." Drizzt was not discouraged when he missed the enemy, he just nodded at the visitor from the void who appeared on the other side.

Go ahead, start drawing cards.

And that visitor from the void who didn't know whether it was Kassadin or Malzahar had already launched a counterattack.

He held out a hand of his own.

Right hand.

The right hand that has been completely emptied into the power of the void.

In the void, he pointed in Drizzt's direction.

The space where Drizzt was located began to shatter into pieces.

It's like, a painting whose ink has been dried by the years and started to peel off.

And Drizzt.It is the person in the painting.

He frowned, probably feeling the pull from the origin of the whole world.

He draws a card.

Then flashed behind him the god representing all kinds of extreme emotions in the world.

Fearlessness, fear, pride, lust, pain.

Five emotions come out.

The whole picture on the verge of collapse just stood still there.

Will be broken not broken.There is an incomparably paradoxical beauty.

"The tower." He squeezed the card in his hand, the selected card, looked at the towering tower on the card that was destroyed by lightning, and the person who fell from the tower, and sighed .

What a bad card.

What a shit.

Whether it is upright or reverse, it is the most painful abyss.


"Your life must be very bitter." Drizzt shook his head, casually threw out the card, "For you."

You, born, are lonely.


Cards fly out.

The scene of the whole world changed in vain.

The white snowfield originally covered by the purple sky.

Suddenly there was a loud thunderstorm.

It was originally empty, only in the snowy sky.

Suddenly, a tall tower stood up abruptly.But it was immediately destroyed by a huge lightning falling from the sky.

The rocks pierced through the sky.

Sand and stone splashed everywhere.

And the visitor from the void that was still standing in the air.

For some reason, it started to fall.From the shattered tower.

Fall, into the abyss.

Everything is like a reproduction of the content of that card.

This is prophecy and true creation.

tall tower.

Tower of Doom.

Drizzt created a world with just a snap of his fingers.

After absorbing the power of Dismason.His strength has risen a whole level.

The void visitor tried to resist, trying in vain to escape on the way down.

He is moving.

With the powerful force of the void, he is constantly moving.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, it was in vain.

He is still falling.

He had fallen into Drizzt's trap.

He was the one who fell.Falling prey.

Drizzt was suspended in that broken painting, with his hands propped up, watching this scene, as if he was watching a drama.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "It's really pitiful."

It's really lonely.

He closed his eyes and drew out, the second card.

second card.

Yes, holy sword.

As soon as the cards fly out.

It immediately turned into a huge holy sword, and pierced that poor man who was still falling and rising.

"Stab—" the long sword pierced through the air.

With a single sword, a visitor from the void was directly nailed to the ground.

He didn't even struggle, nor...

Never had the chance to tell his story to others.

He died like a snow fell.

The sky turned orange again.

The crack was suspended empty, and it was unknown when new people would come out of it.

In the distance, there seemed to be a whining sound, the cry of a bird.

I don't know what it is, what it is lamenting.

Drizzt opened his eyes, glanced at the distance, then retracted his gaze, and said to himself, "It's not suitable to eat bird meat in the morning."

He landed and started walking to his breakfast.

But was pulled.

Evelyn, from the air, showed her figure.

"What's the matter?" Drizzt turned his face sideways, smiling very gently.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Evelyn didn't look at the man nailed to the ground, she didn't dare to.

Even though she had killed countless people, at this moment, she dared not look at the not so bloody and tragic scene.

As if looking at it, the world is gone.

"What... what am I going to do?" Drizzt still smiled, and he slowly stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Evelyn's face.

But Evelyn took a step back.

"I want us to live long enough to have lots of kids..."

"No..." Evelyn interrupted him, shaking her head, "That's not what you think."

"Then... what do I think?" Drizzt slowly withdrew his outstretched hand, he broke free from Evelyn, and continued walking.

Not long after, the whole world rang out again, the ear-piercing sound of eating.


Evelyn's voice was very soft.

"you've changed."

I have changed?

Drizzt, who was buried in the food, raised his head and looked into the distance blankly.

What have I changed?

He subconsciously chewed a mouthful of something that was completely indescribable.

After a long time, he said, "You... won't understand."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head to eat again.

From start to finish.

He didn't even look back, that woman.

Vaguely, he felt that he seemed to have lost something.

what is it then?

Is it the human heart?

Is it important?

Not important anymore.

Then lose.

The sound of eating got louder.

This is, the second day.

The eighth day of the fall of the skyfire.


come down. (To be continued..)

ps: The first update.

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