"No, I don't dare to take this risk, and I have no way to communicate in prison."

"Okay, I will try my best. But gorgeous, even if you go out in your lifetime, even if this child is born, as long as I am here, I will not let you take revenge. Now Huangguo is signing a contract with Xilingguo The peace agreement, if there is any bad effect on the Huang Kingdom because of your change...Hua Li, you know what choice I will make."

"I...I know." Bei Chen nodded gorgeously, "Although I am unwilling, even though I hate, I will not repay the favor, I just want to raise this child well. I will not even tell him his real identity. "

"Okay, I believe you."


Ouyang Xiu originally wanted to ask Dongfang Lian to think of a way to save Beichen Huahua, but this seemed to make things difficult for her.

So, he went to find Dongfang Ji himself.

This time, it was in the main hall of Xiling Palace. He was the subject of Huang Kingdom, and Dongfang Ji was the monarch of Xiling.

"Brother Ouyang, you asked me to release Beichen Huali?"

"Yes, the foreign minister knows that such a request may be embarrassing for His Majesty Xiling. His Majesty Xiling may not be easy to explain to your courtiers, but Princess Beichen is the fiancée of the foreign minister. As a man... ...I can't ignore her no matter what. So I implore His Majesty Xiling, you can show me your kindness."

"Does His Majesty Huang Kingdom know about your request, and the queen?"

Dongfang Ji stared at Ouyang Xiu closely.

"I haven't told them, especially the queen, the ministers don't want to embarrass her."

"Brother Ouyang, you are my benefactor. In fact, I should give you a favor. Well, Princess Beichen... I can let her go. However, Beichen Huali must disappear, and from now on she will be just a Girl with no status, can you do this? Besides, I want you Ouyang Xiu, I want you Taiwei Mansion, as a guarantor, if Beichen is gorgeous in the future, if there is anything that is not good for Xiling, I will find you, Ouyang show……"

"The minister agreed to be her guarantor."

Ouyang Xiu accepted, and he also knew what the responsibility of the representative would be after accepting.

"Then...you will marry Beichen Huali, right? If you marry her, she will be your wife. If she behaves badly in the future, I will have a reason to look for you."

"If His Majesty is also optimistic about our marriage, of course he will, besides, I also have a marriage contract with her."

Marrying Beichen Huali is the only way to save her, otherwise Dongfang Ji won't be at ease.Dongfang Ji asked him to marry Beichen Huali just because he wanted him to stare at Beichen Huali for the rest of his life.

"That's good. Let's hold your wedding in Xiling."


The fact that Ouyang Xiu wanted to marry Bei Chen Huali came so suddenly that Dongfang Lian was surprised when she heard it.

"Why all of a sudden... Ouyang Xiu, is this my brother's intention? Did he let you do this before agreeing to let Beichen come out gorgeously?"

Dongfang Lian shook her head, she couldn't allow Ouyang Xiu's marriage to be unhappy at all.

"I did it voluntarily. Empress, you don't know. When I was in Beichen, Huahua took good care of me. Although I didn't have any relationship with her... But, as the empress told me before...Putian Under the circumstances, if you can't find someone you love, then it's not bad to marry such a person."

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