"I did it voluntarily. Empress, you don't know. When I was in Beichen, Huahua took good care of me. Although I didn't have any relationship with her... But, as the empress told me before...Putian Under the circumstances, if you can't find someone you love, then it's not bad to marry such a person."

"..." Dongfang Lian was stunned.Is this Ouyang Xiu's revenge on her back then?

"Empress, don't think too much, Xiu has no other meaning. It's just gorgeous and she needs me now."

"Well, if that's your choice."

That day... Dongfang Lian and Ouyang Xiu didn't continue talking, and even when Ouyang Xiu got married, Dongfang Lian couldn't attend his wedding.

She was afraid of seeing the happiness that didn't emanate from her heart when he married Beichen gorgeously.


That day, Long Jingkuang went to Ouyang Xiu's wedding and came back to tell Dongfanglian.

"They worshiped. Dongfang Ji didn't attend, but it was presided over by the ceremonial officer of Xiling Kingdom. It seems that it is Xiling's intention to ask Ouyang Xiu to marry Beichen Huahua and be her guarantee. Ouyang Xiu, in order to save Beichen Huahua, It's why I made this sacrifice..." Ouyang Xiu didn't have that kind of affection for Beichen Huali, and Long Jingkuang also saw it, although he really hoped that Ouyang Xiu would really fall in love with a woman, so that he would really feel at ease.But……


Dongfanglian was speechless and didn't express any opinion, but just nodded.

"Why didn't you go to his wedding?"

"I don't want to go."

Dongfanglian walked a few steps in the garden.

Long Jingkuang could see that she was in a bad mood, "Lian'er, you can't interfere with his choice, and his future is also his own choice, not forced by you."


Dongfang Lian was still speechless. Although she knew that what Long Jingkuang said was true, how should I put it, Ouyang Xiu's today had something to do with her.

"We won't talk about him anymore. It's so late, let's go back and rest."

Long Jing sighed wildly, and decided not to continue this unpleasant topic.


Dongfang Lian nodded, and went in to rest with Long Jingkuang.Now she can't do anything, if she intervenes too much in Ouyang Xiu's affairs, it will no longer fit her status.


At the same time, Xiling Harem.

In the name of reporting something important, King Yi sent someone to inform Princess Xiling, who is also the current queen of Xiling... Xiling Fangfei.

Xiling Fangfei looks like a good wife and mother. She takes good care of her and Dongfangji's only child every day. She basically doesn't care much about political affairs. Even King Yi asked to see her, which surprised her a bit.

However, I still met King Yi.

"I don't know if King Yi is visiting late at night, what's the matter?"

"Queen...the old minister also has something important to do, so he has to see the queen." King Yi put on the face of a loyal minister, "Queen, do you know that the queen of Huang Kingdom has arrived in Xiling?"

"I also know some things that everyone knows, but why did King Yi come to me for this matter?" Xiling Fangfei didn't understand what this King Yi, who was scheming and always at odds with Dongfang Ji, was fighting. idea.

"Queen... The view of the old ministers is that it is rare to have such a good opportunity to get rid of the Queen of Huangguo. If they are allowed to return to Huangguo smoothly, then they will let the tiger go back to the mountain. We have also written to His Majesty...but he will not listen. .”


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