The Northern Wei Dynasty started with martial arts, fought in all directions, and unified most of northern China.Therefore, the emperors of all dynasties paid attention to riding and shooting, and were good at hunting.

On this day, the sun finally dispelled the dark clouds, shining on the snow-covered silver world in northern Xinjiang, and the scenery was exceptionally enchanting.It is a rare warm sun in winter and there is no wind in the wild, which is good for hunting.

Emperor Taiwu was sick in bed because of a slight cold, so he ordered the prince Tuobahuang to lead his officials to hunt.The prince took the order and led the officials to Donglin Hunting Garden.

The prince's golden helmet and white horse, holding a golden carved bow, gallops mightily in the silver-white field.All the generals yelled loudly outside the hunting ground, scrambling to drive the prey to the prince, while a group of civil servants accompanied the prince.

A group of white deer were driven by the generals to the hunting circle of Prince Tuobahuang. The prince bent his bow and set up an arrow, and shot three deer in succession.Amidst the cheers of the officials, Prince Tuobahuang said triumphantly: "My lord, you also shoot a deer to show the officials."

Tuoba Jun came out in response, took a small golden carved arrow bow handed to him by Feng Yuan beside him, drew out a golden arrow, aimed at a deer, and shot it out.The deer didn't seem to feel anything. Although it was terrified amidst the cheers of the crowd, it kept running back and forth.

The prince's face was a little displeased, and suddenly all the officials cheered in unison, saying that His Royal Highness was extremely brave, and shot the white deer with one arrow.

The prince was very surprised, suddenly saw Yi Hun, the chariot general not far away, smiling with his beard curled up, and a carved iron bow just hung back on the horse's neck, he suddenly realized it.It turned out that Yi Hun, the general of chariots and riders, was brave and good at fighting, especially his archery skills were unparalleled in the world, and he made many contributions to the Great Wei's victory.Just now Yi Hun saw that His Royal Highness was young and unable to shoot the white deer, fearing that he would not be ashamed in front of the officials, so he secretly bent his bow and set up an arrow, shot the white deer, and secretly helped the little Highness.

The prince was secretly happy, his interest suddenly became high, and he shouted to the left and right: "Go and ask the general Yi Hun to come here on a chariot. This prince wants to hunt tigers with General Yi Hun."

Yi Hun heard the order and came, seeing the prince's happy face, he was secretly delighted, knowing that the arrow he shot just now had already made his future official career more brilliant.

The crown prince ordered the civil servants around him: "As civil servants, you are not good at fighting. The crown prince and General Yihun are going to hunt tigers. You can accompany your highness here, and you don't have to go with them."

Everyone promised loudly, the prince raised his whip, and the white horse immediately galloped towards the dense forest in the distance.Seeing that the prince had gone, Yi Hun hurried out, following the prince.

Seeing the crown prince, Yi Hun and a group of personal nurses disappearing into the dense forest, Tuoba Jun looked at the snow-covered mountains in the distance shining brightly under the bright sun, and said to the officials: "My father is brave, I can't match it." .Dear dear friends, in view of this beautiful scenery, you are all pillars of the country and capable ministers of governing the country, why don't you write poems and paint pictures to remember it?"

A group of civil servants cheered loudly, and followed His Royal Highness Xinma Youjiang, scrambling to write poems.There were also court painters who splashed ink on horseback, writing or painting, and presented them to His Royal Highness after completion.

Tuoba Jun seemed very happy, ordered his left and right, and rewarded all the officials.Because of their low official positions, Lang Minzhan and Xi Biao didn't dare to flatter Tuoba Jun before the officials. They rode on horses, looking quite depressed.

Seeing that the time was right, Feng Yuan quietly came to the two of them, and said with a smile: "Lord Min, Lord Xi, all the ministers are in high spirits, why are you so depressed?"

When the two of them saw Feng Yuan, they were overjoyed, knowing that His Royal Highness regards Feng Yuan as his own sister and obeys his words. If Feng Yuan is willing to speak well in front of His Highness, they will definitely be able to get close to Tuoba Jun and seek wealth.

Min Zhan said with joy on his face: "Miss Feng, Mr. Xi and I have humble official positions, and we dare not be presumptuous in front of all the adults. If Miss Feng speaks well, we can discuss history and classics in front of Your Highness."

Feng Yuan looked forward with beautiful eyes, looked at the two and smiled sweetly: "You two adults, please follow me!"

The two were overjoyed, they hurriedly got off their horses, and followed Feng Yuan to the front of His Royal Highness Tuoba Jun's horse.Seeing the two of them kneeling on the ground, Tuoba Jun couldn't help feeling suspicious, and shouted, "Who are you? Why did you kneel in front of the horse?"

The two of them didn't dare to show their anger, Feng Yuan took the reins of Tuoba Jun's horse and said sweetly: "Your Highness, these two are Mrs. Lang Minzhan and Xi Biao from the Secretary's Office. I am ordered to go to the Secretary's Mansion to pick up the book, and thanks to the careful selection of the two adults, I obtained the commentary on the Six Classics written by Master Situ Cui and presented it to His Royal Highness."

Tuoba Jun was puzzled, he didn't know Feng Yuan's intention of attracting the two minor officials to him.Feng Yuan winked playfully at Tuoba Jun and said, "Your Highness, there seems to be a stone monument not far ahead. Your Highness might as well order the two adults to go to see this monument."

Tuoba Jun obeyed Feng Yuan's words and immediately nodded in agreement.Feng Yuan was favored by Tuobahuang and his son, thanks to her aunt Zuo Zhaoyi.Zuo Zhaoyi is well aware that there are many beauties in the palace, and if she wants to win the favor of her master, it is difficult to stand out only by her beauty, she must impress her with her literary talents.Therefore, Feng Yuan, under the tutelage of Zuo Zhaoyi and Tuoba Jun's nurse Chang, read poetry and books, and read classics and history, and she really got the special attention of Prince Tuobahuang and his son.

When a group of people came to the ancient tablet, they were surprised to find that it was written by Wang Xizhi of the previous dynasty, and it mentioned the grand hunting occasion of Emperor Jin.

Feng Yuan invited Min and Xi to interpret the inscription for His Royal Highness Xiang.Min and Xi were overjoyed, they cheered up and spoke so hypnotically that the little Highness was fascinated by it.

Tuoba Jun liked it in his heart, looked around and said: "Masters Min and Xi are so proficient in classics and history, and each rewards 1000 taels of silver."

The two hurriedly knelt in front of Tuoba Jun to thank him, and Feng Yuan sighed deliberately: "Wang Xizhi in the previous dynasty was a great calligrapher, and the inscription on the book stood here for immortality, and it was copied by people all over the world. Supervising the history of the country, but really relying on two adults to catch the sword."

"It's a pity that the history of the country is actually read by the royal family, but it is not publicized to the world. If the history of the country is like an inscription, standing between heaven and earth, the world can see it, that is the world's luck, the talents of the two adults , and should be known to the world.”

Min Zhan and Xi Biao were moved by what Feng Yuan said. They peeked at Feng Yuan, but seeing that she seemed to be talking casually, they didn't dare to ask more questions.

After hunting and returning to the palace, Prince Tuobahuang talked about his shooting and killing the tiger with great enthusiasm, and praised Yihun for his bravery and loyalty.

He asked about Tuoba Jun and his officials, and Tuoba Jun told the truth.Prince Tuobahuang's face darkened and said: "I heard that Min and Xi are flattering and treacherous, Feng Yuan, you are so bold, you dare to confuse my son."

Feng Yuan hurriedly knelt down, and said softly: "His Royal Highness calm down, let Feng Yuan explain the reasons in detail! Today, Feng Yuan has brought two courtiers in front of the little palace, not to introduce to the little highness, but a plan to eliminate adultery. In January, Situ Cui Hao and a group of ministers will be killed by the emperor."

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