Feng Yuan knelt on the ground and presented her plan to kill people with a borrowed knife to the prince one by one.Prince Tuobahuang was shocked when he heard the plan, after careful consideration, it really was a clever plan, and secretly admired Feng Yuan's method in his heart.

However, the crown prince Tuoba Huang has read the books of Confucianism after all, and he has a kind heart. He really can't bear to think that Feng Yuan's plan will surely cause a bloodbath.

Seeing that the prince was hesitant, Feng Yuan covered her face and sobbed, "Your Highness, the ministers devised this plan, and dare not hide it from His Majesty the prince. The ministers vowed to kill Cui Hao, and wanted to avenge the killing of the whole family."

The prince sighed: "Feng Yuan, you are young, but you are full of hatred. When will you repay your injustice? Although Cui Hao bullies the world, he is a capable minister in governing the country. If you kill Cui Hao, you are afraid that people in the world will not accept you. There will be chaos."

Feng Yuan said: "His Royal Highness, it is true that the ministers and daughters wanted to kill Cui Hao to avenge their family, but they also killed for the sake of Great Wei and His Highness the Crown Prince. Your Highness, Cui Hao likes to promote the Han officials and suppress the nobles of the Xianbei. My Great Wei Long Xing was born in Xianbei Although the mountain has entered the Central Plains and wants to become one with the Han, it will take a long time."

"In my country of Great Wei, Han has the two surnames of Zhao and Wei. It is not wrong for Cui Hao to help the Han suppress Xianbei, but he is too eager for quick success. Instead of easing the conflict, it made the Zhao and Wei surnames and the Xianbei clan more suspicious. Cui Hao is proud of his merits, the crown prince is the prince of the country, but Cui Hao does not treat the crown prince with humility."

"If the crown prince comes to the throne in the future, Cui Hao will be powerful, how will the crown prince control it in the future? If he follows Cui Hao, then the crown prince will lose his roots in suppressing the Xianbei; if he suppresses the Han, how will His Royal Highness win the hearts of the people of Han and destroy Liu Song after he ascends the throne? And to rule the world? Your Highness the Crown Prince, Cui Hao must get rid of him, so that His Highness the Crown Prince can succeed to the throne and protect the Great Wei forever."

The prince nodded slightly, he had already considered this point, and basically agreed with Feng Yuan's point of view in his heart.

Seeing the prince's expression gradually relaxed, Feng Yuan said again: "His Royal Highness, who has read Confucian poems and books, has a benevolent heart and loves the common people in the world. Now that Western Buddhism has been introduced to China, its teachings advise people to be kind, abide by laws and regulations, and serve righteousness. It is used by the monarch to rule the subjects. Cui Hao preaches morality and destroys Buddhism, causing complaints from all over the world. If His Royal Highness removes Cui Hao, all people in the world who are kind and believe in Buddhism will be grateful to the prince."

"Furthermore, although Cui Hao has talent, he is narrow-minded and rejects others. He is also greedy for money and lust. If he is not eliminated, all officials in the court may follow suit. If this is the case, it will be my great Wei's sorrow, and the country will not be solid. .”

The prince pondered for a while, then said softly: "Feng Yuan, you are right, the prince will allow you to do this, let's get back together!"

Just as Feng Yuan stood up, she turned around behind the screen, bowed her head to the prince, and cried bitterly: "Your Highness, if you listen to Feng Yuan's plan, the old minister will die. I hope His Royal Highness will take pity on you, and the prospective minister will return to his hometown in order to protect the health of the minister's family! "

The crown prince hurriedly helped Gao Yun who was kneeling and crying: "Gao Taifu, why are you crying? Feng Yuan offered a plan to get rid of Cui Hao, how could Gao Taifu's life be in danger?"

Gao Yundao: "His Royal Highness, the minister is now Cui Hao's deputy, and he is in charge of the Secretary's Office, and supervises the production of "Records of the State". If Cui Hao listens to the words of the flatterer and angers the emperor, the emperor will punish all the people in the Secretary's Office. Escaped this calamity?"

The crown prince nodded and said, "If Cui Hao's incident happens, Grand Tutor Gao will indeed be implicated by him. What should we do about this matter? Feng Yuan, since you planned this plan, have you ever thought of a way for Grand Tutor Gao to escape?"

Feng Yuan thought for a while, then said with a smile: "Teacher Gao, do you remember Zhai Heizi, Duke of Liaodong?"

Gao Yun was taken aback, thinking about Feng Yuan's intentions, his face gradually showed joy.

Zhai Heizi, Duke of Liaodong, was favored by Emperor Taiwu Tuoba Tao and sent to Bingzhou as an envoy.When he was in Bingzhou, he accepted thousands of pieces of silk as bribes from local officials.Soon after the incident happened, Emperor Taiwu was furious and called him back to Beijing for punishment.

Zhai Heizi asked Gao Yun for advice: "My lord asked me, should I report the truth or tell lies?" If you show your loyalty, nothing will happen."

Zhongshu servant Cui Lan, Gongsun Zhi and others said that after surrendering, according to Emperor Taiwu's nature, Zhai Heizi must be unpardonable, so they should tell lies when answering Emperor Taiwu.

Zhai Heizi took Cui Lan and others as his confidantes, but instead lost his temper to Gao Yun and said, "Your argument is to lure me to die. It's not worth being a friend!", so he broke off with Gao Yun.

When Zhai Heizi answered Emperor Taiwu's question, he lied in front of Emperor Taiwu as taught by Cui Lan and others.Emperor Taiwu had already sent someone to Bingzhou to investigate the matter secretly, and seeing that Zhai Heizi lied and refused to admit his mistakes, he couldn't help being very angry, and Zhai Heizi was finally convicted and killed.

Thinking of this, Gao Yun couldn't help beaming with joy, and asked Feng Yuan, "Miss Feng, what do you mean by what you said, if something happened in the secretary's mansion, if Emperor Taiwu asked the crime, I should tell him the truth?"

Feng Yuan smiled and did not answer, and said again after a long time: "Teacher Gao, if something happens in the secretary's office, Emperor Taiwu will punish all officials in the secretary's office for editing books. Emperor Taiwu's killing of Cui Hao is a last resort to calm down many conflicts in the Great Wei. In fact, I can't bear it in my heart. Among the officials of the Great Wei Dynasty, the only one who can match Cui Haozhi's ability is Grand Tutor Gao."

"Emperor Taiwu had no choice but to punish Cui Hao. He has already lost his arm. He will not bear to lose Taifu Gao again. I expect the emperor will find an excuse to exonerate Taifu Gao, which will be used more in the future. Moreover, if the emperor pardons Taifu Gao, he will be able to do so." People all over the world admire the emperor's benevolent heart."

Prince Tuobahuang also nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Feng Yuanzhi.Gao Yun was full of joy and was about to leave when Feng Yuan called him and said, "Teacher Gao, Feng Yuan has something to ask. The day before yesterday in the secretary's mansion, I saw that although all the scholars were well-read poets, most of them were Flatterers."

"Only the author Lang Zongqin is quite proud, and he is really a rare talent. I guess Cui Haogu has a high reputation for fame, and all the people under him are following the trend. They all want to leave a name on the "Records of the Kingdom" in order to increase their ranks and become more famous. Hundreds of generations. Taifu Gao can test Zongqin, if he is not willing to follow the crowd, after the incident in the secretary's mansion, Taifu Gao can protect Lord Zongqin in front of the emperor."

Gao Yun readily agreed to bid farewell to the prince and return home with Feng Yuan.

Based on Cui Hao's annotations, coupled with the use of a lot of manpower and material resources, the "National History" decreed by Emperor Taiwu was miraculously completed at an astonishing speed.

In view of Feng Yuan's intentional or unintentional hints in front of the stele of Wang Xizhi in the Donglin Hunting Ground, Min Zhan and Xi Biao had secretly thought about engraving "Records of the Kingdom" on the stele to show their straightness, and at the same time engrave the words written by Cui Hao. Annotated "Five Classics".

Min Zhan and Xi Biao are clever and charming, and they usually flatter Cui Hao to win Cui Hao's favor.Their suggestions were adopted by Cui Hao. Cui Hao played Emperor Taiwu and talked about the benefits of building history monuments. Emperor Taiwu Tuoba Tao readily agreed.

In the spring of the next year, Cui Hao ordered to build a forest of steles of the "Book of Guo" and "Notes on the Five Classics" at the third mile east of the Temple of Heaven.The forest of steles is magnificent, with a radius of 130 steps, and it took 300 million labor to complete.The above inscriptions are all written by Cui Hao.

A forest of steles stands on the side of the road, and the people of Wei State praised Cui Hao for his exquisite calligraphy.Cui Hao and the others were complacent, but they didn't know that the god of death was already waving to them.

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