Empress Dowager Feng made careful arrangements quietly. He neither appointed or dismissed prominent officials in the court, nor asked about all the decision-making arrangements of Emperor Xianwen, but only found two lovers.Although the two lovers, Wang Rui and Li Chong, are both talented people, but because they both went to the Queen Mother's palace and enjoyed the joy of fish and water with the Queen Mother, the appointment of these two as officials by the Queen Mother Feng did not arouse Emperor Xianwen's displeasure. Pay attention to.

Emperor Xianwen believed that it was nothing more than the empress dowager's greed for male sex and rewarding those who favored her.As for Empress Dowager Feng's appointment of eunuchs, Emperor Xianwen didn't take it seriously. Instead, he thought it was the empress dowager's lack of desire for power, and she didn't want to go in and out of the court.

On this day, when Emperor Xianwen was going to court, suddenly a eunuch outside the Golden Palace shouted loudly: "The empress dowager is here, and all the officials kneel down to welcome you!"

All the officials in the Manchu dynasty were surprised: How could the Empress Dowager Feng, who had not been in court for a long time and announced her resignation to Emperor Xianwen, suddenly appear in the court hall?Is there another accident in the palace?

While all the officials knelt and greeted anxiously, Empress Dowager Feng came to the Golden Palace surrounded by a group of eunuchs and court ladies.Emperor Xianwen was very surprised, and he was very surprised. He didn't know what the sudden appearance of Empress Dowager Feng meant to him.

Emperor Xianwen hurriedly stepped down from the dragon chair, and saluted Empress Dowager Feng: "I will see my mother! My son is discussing matters with courtiers. I don't know why my mother suddenly came here with a phoenix?"

Empress Dowager Feng said coldly: "Your Majesty, I originally hoped that your Majesty would become a wise ruler and govern the world of Wei. However, I received a secret report saying that the Emperor was young and didn't know loyalty, virtuous and treacherous craftsmen, so that a villain would succeed. I don’t believe it, so I have to go to the court to get the emperor to confirm it personally.”

Emperor Xianwen was secretly surprised, he knew that the visitor was not kind, Empress Dowager Feng went to the court today, she went straight to Emperor Xianwen to question her.However, Emperor Xianwen regained his composure after a little panic.Emperor Xianwen believed that through more than two years of pro-government, he had gradually taken the initiative, and in terms of strength, he was no longer afraid of Queen Mother Feng.What's more, Emperor Xianwen was always worried about the appointment and removal of officials by himself, and he had always thought about the answer to the empress dowager Feng.

Seeing that Empress Dowager Feng really used the appointment and removal of officials as a breakthrough point, Emperor Xianwen replied calmly: "My mother, my sons and ministers are eager to seek talents, and they will use them when they find useful ones. Why do you appoint treacherous ministers? I am afraid that I will be in front of my mother." , the one who framed his son is the treacherous minister, right?"

Empress Dowager Feng said coldly: "Your Majesty, I want to ask you, what is your reason for killing Li Fu?"

Empress Dowager Feng knew that everyone in the court knew everything about her and Li Yi.If Li Yi was mentioned, the courtiers might think that the Empress Dowager was asking the crime for selfishness, not to mention the scandal in the Empress Dowager's palace, many ministers in the court have long been dissatisfied.Therefore, Empress Dowager Feng never mentioned Li Yi, but only asked about Li Fu.

Emperor Xianwen naturally knew how powerful Empress Dowager Feng was, and he also expected that Empress Dowager Feng would not ask about Li Yi. After all, Li Yi's death was implicated by his brother Li Fu, and Li Fu was the key to the empress dowager's contest with Emperor Xianwen.

Emperor Xianwen said: "Li Fu is guilty of 22 crimes, and his crimes should be punished. What does the mother think is wrong?"

Empress Dowager Feng stared at Emperor Xianwen and said: "I think that Li Fu is a man with extraordinary talents, and he is loyal to our Great Wei, and he is a clean and honest official. What is the crime?"

Emperor Xianwen said: "Li Fu was the first to commit the crime of covering up, and later it was found that he was suspected of treason. The old ministers ordered the three lords to interrogate. The evidence is solid, so they ordered Li Fu to be killed! All the three lords signed and pledged on Li Fu's case." , Empress Mingcha!"

Empress Dowager Feng turned her head and asked the three justices who were standing there: "Taiwei Yuanhe, Situ Liuni, Sikong and his slave, is what the emperor said true? Did you and the other three decide the matter of interrogating Li Fu that day?"

The Sangong knew the Queen Mother's intentions a long time ago, and he was also dissatisfied with Emperor Xianwen's seizure of the power of the Sangong and the reuse of people who opposed the Queen Mother.Hearing what the queen mother said, the three princes looked at each other, and the Taiwei Yuan congratulated him and said: "Go back to the queen mother, the old minister was ordered to hunt that day, the emperor summoned the ministers to wait in the palace, and suddenly said that Li Fu, the supervisor of Zhongshu, conspired against him, and ordered the left and right to take it down. See also Tuoba Ming read out 22 articles of Li Fu's crimes, and Li Shi and Feng Shu came forward to testify. Although the ministers did not believe that Li Fu was guilty of treason, the emperor ordered the ministers and other three people to sign and pledge, and the ministers dared not disobey. "

Situ Liu Ni also went out to play and said: "Report to the Queen Mother, the words of the Taiwei and the people are true. The ministers were afraid of the majesty of the emperor, so they had to sign and draw a pledge. Although the ministers were suspicious, they also wanted to report to the Queen Mother after returning to the palace. Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager will make a holy decision to re-trial Li Fu's case. I never thought that the emperor's servants and other three people had just signed and pledged, and ordered Tuoba Ming to lead the guards to kill the three Li brothers outside the palace."

Empress Dowager Feng said coldly: "Your Majesty, is this really the case?" Emperor Xianwen Tuo Bahong was speechless for a moment.Empress Dowager Feng said again: "Who can prove Li Fu's 22 crimes?"

Emperor Xianwen gave him a wink, Tuoba Ming, who had been the supervisor of Zhongshu at that time, hurried out of the class and knelt down, trembling with fright, he said: "Go back to the empress dowager, the case of Li Fu was tried by the emperor's secret decree. The 22 crimes committed by Li Fu were reported by Shangshu Li Xin when he was the governor of Xiangzhou, and at the same time, Feng Chan's younger brother Feng Shu also reported Li Fu!"

Empress Dowager Feng said angrily: "Without any real evidence, you dare to falsely frame ministers, you are so courageous! This Feng Shu, you say is Feng Chan's younger brother. Who is Feng Chan? This palace has long known that Feng Chan occupied the people's fields back then. It was Li Fu, the supervisor of Zhongshu, who found out about this matter, and I personally issued a decree to kill Feng Chan. Feng Shu, Feng Chan's younger brother, holds a grudge, so he framed Li Fu for a hidden crime?"

Tuoba Ming was so frightened that he dared not speak, Shang Shu Li Xin hurriedly knelt down and said, "Report to the Empress Dowager, when Li Xin was the governor of Xiangzhou, he had a good relationship with Li Fu, the supervisor of Zhongshu, so he discovered 22 crimes committed by Li Fu. A secret report to Master Tuoba Ming, Supervisor of Zhongshu."

Empress Dowager Feng said angrily: "Bold Li Xin, you dare to lie in front of me! Let me ask you, you were the governor of Xiangzhou at that time, and Tuoba Ming was just a small Zhongshu servant, and his official position is far inferior to yours. At that time, the emperor had exempted Tuoba Ming officials in front of all the officials, as a majestic governor and a great official in the frontier, how could you inform the lower officials or even the white robes about the crimes of other ministers?"

Empress Dowager Feng's words caused all the officials to whisper and nod in agreement.Empress Dowager Feng scolded again: "My palace has asked Feng Xi, the king of Changli, to inquire clearly. Tuoba Ming conspired to frame Li Fu in order to fight for the position of Zhongshu Supervisor. It just so happened that Li Fu and Li Xin had good friends, and Li Xin was corrupt and perverted the law. Li Fu pity Covering him for his talent! Tuoba Ming took Li Xin as a breakthrough point, secretly arrested Li Xin according to the emperor's secret decree, threatened and lured him, and finally got Li Xin to come forward to falsely accuse Li Fu, and even asked Feng Chan's younger brother Feng Shu to make false statements , perjured Li Fu!"

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