Hearing what Empress Dowager Feng said, Li Xin was so frightened that his body trembled like chaff.The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are well known, the elder brother of Empress Dowager Feng, Feng Xi, the king of Changli, has a lot of friends, and there are many strange people under his command, and there is almost everything in the world that he does not know.Since Empress Dowager Feng can speak out, Feng Xi must have obtained a lot of evidence.

Empress Dowager Feng sneered and said: "Your Majesty, the matter of Li Fu is an unjust case. What's more, Li Fu's crime is limited to covering up Li Xin's embezzlement and perverting the law, and the crime is not to die! How can the emperor behead Li Fu, but the main criminal Li Xin Use it as a Shangshu?"

Emperor Xianwen was silent, he didn't expect Empress Dowager Feng to grasp this point, and couldn't help regretting his negligence.He originally thought that Li Xin's false accusation helped him get rid of his great hatred for Li Yi, and according to his prior promise, he should be promoted to Li Xin's official position.Li Xin was originally the governor of Xiangzhou, if he wanted to be promoted, he must be above the second rank of the imperial court, so Emperor Xianwen allowed Li Xin to be the minister.

Although he thought that this matter might be used by Empress Dowager Feng, but when Emperor Xianwen was actively winning people's hearts, Li Xin was tied to the chariot of Xianwen to support his family because of false accusations against Li Fu, and he must be loyal to Emperor Xianwen, so Emperor Xianwen took the risk of using Li Xin.What's more, Empress Dowager Feng's strategy of showing weakness deceived Emperor Xianwen, making Emperor Xianwen think that Empress Dowager Feng really no longer interfered with the government.As long as Empress Dowager Feng doesn't show up, who dares to question the emperor?

Emperor Xianwen remained silent, and Empress Dowager Feng shouted loudly: "Where are the guards? Come here, arrest Li Xin, who corrupted the law and falsely accused ministers, and beheaded immediately!"

Li Xin cried and begged the Queen Mother for mercy.Empress Dowager Feng sneered, and Li Xin turned to Emperor Xianwen for help.Although Emperor Xianwen knew he was wrong, he made up his mind to protect Li Xin.It's not that Emperor Xianwen really wanted to save Li Xin, but that Emperor Xianwen clearly realized that killing Li Xin was the queen mother's demonstration against him.If Li Xin is killed, Emperor Xianwen's prestige will be obviously frustrated.Those who had been enemies with the Empress Dowager, and those who followed Emperor Xianwen would be disappointed, and all officials in the imperial court would only follow the Queen Mother's orders, and Emperor Xianwen would be truly emptied.

Emperor Xianwen was aware of the danger he was in, and he had already prepared the worst plan to meet his mother and queen.When Emperor Xianwen saw Li Xin begging for help, he said loudly: "Wait a minute, we will discuss the matter of Li Xin later! The guards retreat quickly!"

The guards of the Golden Palace hesitated for a moment, and as soon as they let go of Li Xin, Empress Dowager Feng said angrily: "All the guards, if they violate the order of our family, they are all guilty of the same crime as Li Xin, and they will be executed together!"

When the guard heard the words, he was so frightened that he stepped forward and pressed Li Xin down again.Emperor Xianwen's eyes were also reddened at this time, and he said loudly: "The queen mother once promised in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu court that she would never intervene in political affairs and truly return the government to her sons and ministers! Now Li Xin is my Minister of Wei, not a member of the harem. Man, how can the queen mother dispose of it without authorization? I am the master of this matter! Is Lu Dingguo safe in the palace?"

Lu Dingguo, Lu Li's son and Shangshu in the palace, heard the words and came out of the class and said: "The minister Lu Dingguo is waiting for the order!"

Emperor Xianwen was proud of himself, determined to coerce Empress Dowager Feng into submission by force, and shouted loudly: "The guards in the palace, quickly lead the guards, and escort the empress dowager back to the palace to rest! There must be no mistakes!"

The officials were shocked, they all understood that Emperor Xianwen and Empress Dowager Feng had broken up for power struggle, even to the point of forcing each other by force.Above the Golden Palace, all the officials were silent, not knowing how this court battle would end.

What surprised them was that although Emperor Xianwen had issued the decree, Lu Dingguo, the Shangshu in the palace, seemed not to have heard it, and still stood on the golden palace without any movement.

Empress Dowager Feng had a calm face, and said coldly: "Lu Dingguo, I will send the soldiers of the old guard to kill Li Xin's traitor outside the Golden Palace; take down the treacherous minister Tuoba Ming, and ask to behead them together." ; In addition, General Suwei will go to Xiangzhou as soon as possible, and have Feng Shuman's family copied and beheaded!"

Lu Dingguo, the guard in the palace, said loudly: "I respectfully obey the Queen Mother's order!"

Lu Dingguo yelled, more than a dozen old guards went to the Golden Palace, immediately captured Li Xin and Tuoba Ming, and escorted them out of the Golden Palace.After a while, the guards came to report that the heads of the two had been beheaded.

Emperor Xianwen was horrified, knowing that Empress Dowager Feng had already controlled the court situation without showing any signs of expression.The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were also horrified by this sudden change.

Empress Dowager Feng turned to Emperor Xianwen and said, "Although Murong Baiyao had contacts with Yi Hun, I have already pardoned his crimes! Later, Murong Baiyao took the crime and made meritorious deeds. He conquered seven cities and occupied Licheng, an important town in the Southern Dynasty. In order to commend his merits, the palace named him King of Jinan, why did the emperor kill Murong Baiyao by listening to the words of his courtiers for some trivial matter?"

It turned out that after Emperor Xianwen secretly arrested Li Yi, he casually sent envoys to Licheng, Shandong, and ordered Murong Baiyao to commit suicide.The purpose of Emperor Xianwen doing this is to exercise his military power in order to prevent one day from breaking with the queen mother.He knew that the Empress Dowager had pardoned Murong Baiyao's crime of treason with extraordinary grace, and accepted Murong Baiyao's heart, and then Murong Baiyao vowed to kill the Queen Mother, and only then did he make great military exploits.

Murong Baiyao was originally a genius, but now he has commanded a large army and is loyal to the Queen Mother.Emperor Xianwen expected that if he broke with the queen mother in the future, the day when they met in battle, whoever was more powerful would rule the world.Therefore, fearing Murong Baiyao's talent and his military power, Emperor Xianwen ordered him to commit suicide.

Empress Dowager Feng clearly controlled the entire situation at this time. Under the command of Lu Li's son Lu Dingguo, the soldiers of the old guard did their best to obey the Empress Dowager's orders. Emperor Xianwen had lost the opportunity to confront the Empress Dowager.Seeing the Empress Dowager's question, Emperor Xianwen was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

Empress Dowager Feng turned to the civil and military officials and said: "The emperor listened to the words of the courtiers, and killed the pillars of the country by mistake. The decree of the palace was passed down, and it was the name of Murong Baiyao, the king of Jinan, for his burial. Murong, the son of Murong Baiyao, the king of Jinan, attacked his father in Jinan. Lord Wang!"

Empress Dowager Feng then ordered Zhongshu to order Gao Yun to read the Empress Dowager's edict in front of all the officials, appointing and dismissing a group of officials.When the courtiers heard the Queen Mother's order, they all knelt down and shouted, "The Queen Mother is holy."

Empress Dowager Feng murdered Li Xin who framed Li Yi to death. She not only avenged her sweetheart, but also got rid of a corrupt official that everyone hated, and established a good image of the court's rectification of officials.Other lawbreakers, such as Wei Luohou, governor of Qinzhou, governor of Yongzhou, Wang Muchen of Yidu, etc. were sentenced to death for embezzlement, and Chen Ti, general of Chang'an Town, was fined and moved to the border.Those who are upright and honest officials are commended and rewarded to varying degrees.

When Gao Yun read out the imperial edict of Empress Dowager Feng, all the ministers jumped for joy, while Emperor Xianwen's face turned ashen.He knew in his heart that because he killed Empress Dowager Feng's lover Li Yi, he finally got into a catastrophe.What Emperor Xianwen was most worried about at this time was that Empress Dowager Feng would lose all his cronies, and the next step for Empress Dowager Feng would naturally be to face Emperor Xianwen.

What will Empress Dowager Feng do to Emperor Xianwen?Emperor Xianwen Tuo Bahong was well aware of the cruelty of the court power struggle, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.He was most worried that Empress Dowager Feng would completely empty him out from now on, and once again come to court to listen to politics.But what Emperor Xianwen didn't expect was that what he was about to meet was an even more terrifying storm!

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