Power in the World: After Eternal Age

Chapter 61 Reusing Gao Yun

Emperor Xianwen went to court, and Empress Dowager Feng set up a seat to listen to the government.The eunuch yelled: "If you have a book, you will play, if you don't have a book, you will retreat!"

All civil and military officials paid homage to the emperor and the queen mother, and they all remained silent.Feng Yuan intentionally reused Gao Yun, and deliberately said: "Gao Aiqing, I saw that you hesitated to speak, does Aiqing have a book to play?"

Seeing the Queen Mother's roll call, Gao Yun bit the bullet and went out of the train and said: "Go back to the Queen Mother, I have nothing to do with Gao Yun!"

Gao Yun had been advising Emperor Xianwen Tuoba Jun's father Tuoba Huang before, and he was a veteran minister of several generations. He also had credit for supporting Tuoba Jun.But because Gao Yun was a Han Chinese, Tuoba Jun never promoted him, and Gao Yun also kept silent and became his writer.

Empress Dowager Feng said coldly: "Gao Yun, you have been a veteran of several dynasties, and you have always been known in the court and the public for your honesty, loyalty and filial piety. Now you are hesitant to speak, but you lie that you have nothing to play. You are so bold, you deceive the emperor when he is young. Huh?"

Gao Yun was so frightened that he knelt down and said: "Go back to the emperor and the queen mother, the old ministers dare not! The former Situ Cui Hao ignored the power of heaven and caused disasters in the history of the country. Emperor Taiwu killed the historian headed by Cui Hao, but he only pardoned the minister. Emperor Taiwu and the crown prince are so kind, how dare they ask for something? But asking for nothing!"

Empress Dowager Feng took a breath and said: "Gao Aiqing, I forgive you for your innocence, but if you have something to say, you can say it directly! The emperor is the first to ascend the Great Treasure, and I hope that loyal and upright ministers will offer good strategies to govern the country. If you have anything to say, you can say it!"

Gao Yun just said: "Thank you, the emperor and the queen mother! My minister Gao Yun believes that it is the job of the historian to record the affairs of the royal court. From the emperor to the common people, no matter the merits or demerits, the historian should record it. Your Majesty The way a king governs the country should be based on history. The old minister Gao Yun implores the emperor and queen mother to restore the official historian of this dynasty!"

Empress Dowager Feng was overjoyed and was about to speak.Emperor Xianwen Tuoba Hong, who was sitting on the dragon chair, said: "My queen, Gao Aiqing's words are very kind, and I want to approve Gao Aiqing's performance and restore the official historian. What does my mother think?"

Feng Yuan was very happy in her heart, she smiled and said: "Although the emperor is young, he already has the appearance of a wise monarch. With a little bit of experience, the emperor will no longer have to listen to the government, and return to the harem!"

The civil and military officials were worried about the dictatorship of the Empress Dowager Feng, and the emperor would be emptied. When they heard the words of the Empress Dowager Feng, they all knelt down and shouted long live: "The Empress Dowager is holy!"

Empress Dowager Feng stood up and said: "Gao Aiqing listened to the decree. Both the emperor and the palace will allow you to play, and the system of official historians will be restored immediately. From now on, official historians should have real records, and there is no need for disasters in national history!"

Gao Yun was grateful and thanked him.

A few days later, Gao Yun went to the court and played to the emperor and the queen mother, saying that he had been restored as a historian.

Emperor Xianwen greatly appreciated it, and then said: "What is the original performance of all the lovers?"

Pingyuan Wang Luli played and said: "Long live Qizuo, queen mother! Minister Lu Li has a book to play! Today, Liu Song in the Southern Dynasty is decadent, and the north is soft and weak. I am alone in the Great Wei. The government is clear and bright, the country is rich and the people are strong, and the four directions come to court. Minister Lu Li I thought that the emperor can overhaul the palace to show our heavenly appearance!"

Emperor Xianwen nodded and said: "King Pingyuan's words are very kind, and the couplet also has this intention. Queen Mother, do you think what King Pingyuan said?"

Feng Yuan said calmly, "Gao Aiqing, do you agree with King Pingyuan's words?"

Gao Yun stepped forward, knelt down and said: "I heard that the Emperor Taizu (that is, Tuobagui) pacified the world, so he built a palace in the capital. At that time, all the construction work was carried out during the slack season. Now we have established a country. In a long time, the palaces and rooms are complete, the front hall of Yong'an (i.e. the main hall) is enough to meet the ministers of the world, the greenhouse of the west hall (i.e. the inner palace) is enough to house the emperor, and the high towers and pavilions are enough to watch the distance."

"If you want to build a more magnificent palace, you should slow down and not rush. There will be 2 handymen collecting materials and moving earth and rocks. In addition, the old and young will pay for it. No matter what, it will take 4 people. It will be completed in half a year. The ancients said it well: "If a man does not plow, he will suffer from hunger; if a woman does not weave, she will suffer from cold." Besides mobilizing tens of thousands of people, the loss can be described as huge. I hope your majesty and the queen mother will think carefully. King Pingyuan's words are inappropriate!"

Emperor Xianwen Tuo Bahong was very displeased after hearing this, and the courtiers also talked about it.But everyone knew in their hearts that when Emperor Wencheng entrusted Gu, he had already delegated the decision-making power to the Empress Dowager Feng.Therefore, all civil and military officials all set their sights on Queen Mother Feng.

Empress Dowager Feng also intended to build a palace, but she was very displeased when she first heard Gao Yun's words.But when she thought about it carefully, she suddenly became happy.

Empress Dowager Feng thought to herself, Gao Yun is a small writer, but he dared to disagree with the high-ranking Pingyuan King Luli. It can be seen that this person is really as the former emperor said, a loyal minister and can be reused.

Feng Yuan deeply understands the balance of the emperor. Longxi Wang Yuanhe and Pingyuan Wang Luli are both important ministers in the court, and they are also meritorious ministers who supported Emperor Wencheng on the throne. In terms of qualifications and achievements, no one in the court can compare with these two.

Although the two were loyal to the imperial court, Feng Yuan knew very well the principle of high meritorious deeds, and was eager to control them with the technique of balance.Among the courtiers, Gao Yun was the only one with higher knowledge and ability than these two, but his status was low and he was unable to compete with the two kings.

Feng Yuan said slowly: "The monarch is the same as the father. If the father made a mistake, how can the son not point it out in person? You should learn from Gao Yun, he is the real loyal minister!"

"When the emperor made a mistake, he was always able to speak out. Even if it was something the emperor didn't like to hear, he dared to speak up and never avoided it. You courtiers are all relied on by the emperor, and you have never heard a serious word. I only flattered the emperor according to his will, and begged for a job when the emperor was happy."

"It's hard to put it bluntly. Your daily work is just to stand beside the emperor. You can be a prince in this way. As for Gao Yun, he uses the pen of history to help the country. He is just a writer. Don't you Feel ashamed?"

All the ministers bowed in shame, and Pingyuan Wang Luli felt bored and sullen.Feng Yuan immediately delivered the decree, and immediately granted Gao Yun the title of Zhongshuling.

At that time, the Northern Wei Dynasty still practiced the system of no salary for a hundred officials.Generally, it is easy for officials to have family property. Otherwise, they have to find other means of livelihood to support their families. This is one of the reasons why officials in the early Northern Wei Dynasty were greedy. .

Gao Yun's family was poor, so he always sent his sons to the mountains to cut firewood for self-sufficiency.

Seeing that Gao Yun was named Zhongshuling by Empress Dowager Feng, Pingyuan Wang Luli, who had been humiliated by Gao Yun, thought in her heart: "Gao Yun has always been poor, but now that he is favored by the Queen Mother, he must use his power to seek personal gain and enrich his family. Why don't I The design has ruined Gao Yun's image, but Xuewo will be humiliated by it?"

In the court that day, Pingyuan Wang Luli deliberately played: "Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, the Minister Zhi Zhongshu made Gao Yunsu famous for his integrity. Although Gao Yun is deeply favored by His Majesty, his family is poor, and his wife and children still have no means of living. I ask the emperor and the empress dowager to give Gao Yun land to support him."

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