Emperor Xianwen Tuo Bahong heard Pingyuan Wang Luli's play, and he was not surprised and said: "Gao Aiqing, Lu Aiqing's play is true? You just served as the secretary of the Central Committee, and you have been acclaimed by the Great Wei for a long time. Why do you live in such poverty?"

Gao Yun said: "Qizou the emperor, my minister Gao Yun can still live a self-sufficient life, which is much better than that of the common people."

Seeing this scene, Empress Dowager Feng's heart moved, she thought: "Why don't you take this opportunity to promote Gao Yun as a role model for all officials?"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "Gao Aiqing, the Ai family didn't believe what King Pingyuan played. If it's like what King Pingyuan played, I will reward you well!"

Emperor Xianwen lowered his face and said angrily: "Prince Pingyuan, Gao Aiqing is so poor, why did you say it until now? Such a good official who is poor and poor should learn from me." He turned to Gao Yun and said: "Gao Aiqing, Lian wants to bring all the officials to your house to inspect it!"

Gao Yun refused repeatedly, but Emperor Xianwen insisted on refusing.Gao Yun had no choice but to thank En for his consent.Pingyuan Wang Luli was secretly proud of herself: "Gao Yun, Gao Yun, you have always been poor and innocent, because you have no power and power in your hands. Since you refuted my face in front of the emperor, don't blame me for humiliating you. I will Believe it or not, after you are promoted to Zhongshu Ling, you can still live in poverty!"

Emperor Xianwen and Empress Dowager Feng immediately lined up for the imperial car, ordered Gao Yun to lead the way, and went to Gao Yun's house with all the civil and military officials.After driving for a while, Gao Yun suddenly stopped.

Emperor Xianwen called Gao Yun and asked, "Gao Aiqing, why don't you go there anymore? Do you want to resist the order?"

Gao Yun fell on the ground and said: "Qi Zuo the emperor, the front is the Weichen's house, please get off the car and drive into the humble house."

Emperor Xianwen got out of the car with Empress Dowager Feng, looked ahead, and saw only a few thatched bungalows on the side of the road.Emperor Xianwen asked suspiciously: "Gao Aiqing, why don't you see your mansion?"

Gao Yun pointed to the thatched grass and said flatly: "Qizou the emperor and the empress dowager, there is a humble house in front of them." Emperor Xianwen and Empress Dowager Feng were shocked when they saw this, they never imagined that there were only a few thatched huts for the veteran officials of several dynasties.

Under Gao Yun's guidance, Emperor Xianwen and Empress Dowager Feng entered Gao Yun's hut.I saw linen quilts and rough padded jackets piled up on the kang, and there were only some pickles left in the kitchen.Emperor Xianwen sighed to the crowd: "In ancient times, there was no poorer person than this!"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "Your Majesty, Gao Yun is a veteran of several dynasties, and he is still poor and impoverished. You can also see his integrity as an official. The Emperor can reward Mr. Gao, order the world, and make him a model for all officials!"

Following the words of Empress Dowager Feng, Emperor Xianwen proclaimed the decree on the spot, bestowing [-] pieces of high silk and [-] hu of grain, and appointed his eldest son as General Suiyuan and Prefect of Changle, who took office immediately.

After the period, Gao Yun made several submissions, but Tuo Bahong, Emperor Xianwen, ignored him at all, and paid more attention to Gao Yun. Instead of calling him by his first name, he was honored as "Ling Gong".The emperor took the lead, and others followed suit. Since then, Gao Yun's reputation as "Ling Gong" has spread far and wide.

Pingyuan Wang Luli never expected that she wanted to play tricks on Gao Yun and wanted to make her look ugly in front of the emperor, queen mother and all the civil and military officials.He repented very much in his heart, complaining that he did not conduct a detailed investigation of Gao Yun's real situation before writing the book because he was eager to save face.

Seeing that Gao Yun was commended by Emperor Xianwen as a model for all officials, Wang Luli of Pingyuan was extremely upset.He excused his illness and refused to go to court. After discussing secretly with Wang Yuanhe of Longxi, he paid his respects to the emperor and queen mother and returned to their respective fiefdoms.

Emperor Xianwen followed the words of Empress Dowager Feng and respected Gao Yun as his teacher. For officials from all over the country, Emperor Xianwen's measures were to assess the results of governance and emphasize clear rewards and punishments; It is necessary to go down to the localities to observe and understand the customs and conditions, and to issue edicts many times to reduce and exempt unnecessary taxes and corvees.As far as these actions are concerned, he hardly looks like a Xianbei tribe born in the Rongma Desert, but more like a Han emperor deeply influenced by Confucian culture.

Naturally, all of this was done by Empress Dowager Feng behind the scenes. After all, Emperor Xianwen was still young at that time, and all government affairs were in the hands of Empress Dowager Feng.

Empress Dowager Feng followed Gao Yun's suggestion and set up an inspection system.No matter what kind of problems occur in the local area, in the final analysis, it is the dereliction of duty and negligence of local officials, who need to be punished, dismissed, or even executed;

At the same time, if there are grievances or crimes in the local area, they can appeal to the inspectors; if the inspectors accept bribes and find out the injustice, they can appeal to the emperor to strictly prevent the phenomenon of mutual protection between officials and officials.The results of the inspections were good, and the long-standing abuses in many places were eliminated.Under the governance of Empress Dowager Feng, the Northern Wei Dynasty gradually turned from depression to prosperity at the beginning, and the people's hearts gradually stabilized.

Seeing that the power of the imperial court was gradually strengthened, the rebellious King Lu Ruowen of Puyang, General Zhengxi, King Tuobaren of Yongchang, General Cheqi, and King Tuobabo of Leping became restless.They were anxious in their hearts, seeing the strength of their own side and the imperial court's ebb and flow, they knew that in time, the power of the three of them would no longer be an opponent of the imperial court.

Among the three kings, General Cheqi and Leping King Tuobabo are the most powerful.He secretly summoned the other two kings, and discussed: "The power of the court is getting stronger and stronger. If we hesitate any longer, we may be harmed by the court! I want to raise troops, why do the two kings think so?"

Lu Ruowen, King of Puyang, and General Zhengxi, Tuoba Rendao, King of Yongchang, said in unison: "If King Leping raises an army, we two will send troops to help him, and we will follow King Leping to the death. If the capital is defeated, King Leping should be held as emperor, and we dare not Have two hearts!"

King Leping was overjoyed when he heard the words, so he secretly discussed with the two kings about the rebellion.After the three conspired, the two kings went back to their camps, rectified the army and horses, and prepared to rebel.

Feng Xi, the king of Changli, found out about the military situation, and secretly sent people to report it to the Queen Mother Feng and the emperor.The emperor and Empress Dowager Feng were shocked when they heard the report. If the three kings attacked together, it would be very difficult to deal with it with the current strength of the imperial court.

King Puyang is in the east. If he invades the capital, he must pass through the fiefdom of King Luli of Pingyuan. The general and Yihun, the Duke of Dongjun, confronted each other.

The military situation is urgent, such a military and national matter is related to the survival of the Great Wei, and Emperor Xianwen is young, so he can't make up his mind, so all the pressure falls on the shoulders of Empress Dowager Feng.

Empress Dowager Feng couldn't sleep at night, she thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a plan.On this day, after the court officials paid homage to the emperor, Empress Dowager Feng announced the disbandment of the court and ordered Gao Yun to enter the palace to discuss matters.

Although Empress Dowager Feng has plans, she is a woman after all, and she is also uneasy about military and state affairs.She secretly summoned Gao Yun to enter the palace because she wanted to listen to Gao Yun's words to confirm what she thought in her heart.

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