Gao Yun said: "Empress Dowager, my servant thinks that the chariot general and King Leping Tuoba are not trustworthy. If King Leping joins forces with King Yuanhe of Longxi and King Luli of Pingyuan, they have the same heart. Although they are not powerful against Liu Song, But I am not afraid of Liu Song. I am sorry to say bluntly, King Leping Tuoba supported his troops with self-respect, and he was not of one mind with the imperial court. Don't worry about it, if King Leping Tuoba turned against him, colluded with Liu Song and violated our capital, how should we deal with it? ? If this is the case, my great Wei will die!"

Empress Dowager Feng pondered for a while and said: "Gao Aiqing's words are very kind! However, my palace thinks that King Leping Tuobabo is a relative of our great Wei clan, how can he collude with foreign enemies? Both my palace and the emperor deeply believe in King Leping, and you love me, don't doubt it. !"

Gao Yun wept bitterly in the hall, knelt down and said, "Empress Dowager, please consider this matter carefully! Minister Gao Yun also heard rumors that Tuoba Bo, King Leping, had a long-standing relationship with Lu Ruowen, King Puyang, General Zhengxi, and Tuoba Ren, King Yongchang. If the three kings rebelled, even if the three kings did not collude with Liu Song of the Southern Dynasty, with the power of the three kings, the court would reluctantly oppose it."

"King Tuoba Ren of Leping lives in the south, and to the south of the capital, there is a general of chariots and riders, Yihun, the Duke of Dongjun, stationed there. In the east, there is Lu Like, the king of Pingyuan; if Tuoba Ren, the general who conquered the west and the king of Yongchang, rebels, then Yuanhe, the king of Longxi, will reject him. In this way, we can keep our great Wei safe overnight."

Empress Dowager Feng lowered her face and said: "Gao Aiqing, the three kings are not against you, why are you so suspicious? Wouldn't it make the kings feel cold!"

Gao Yundao: "The empress dowager, my minister is lofty. Confucius said: People have no long-term concerns, but they must have near-term worries. The major affairs of the country must be thoughtful, and the minister is just thinking about the worst. Please forgive me, the empress dowager!"

Empress Dowager Feng eased her expression and said: "Gao Aiqing, I also know that you are loyal. Today in the court, all the discussions are innocent. If according to Gao Aiqing's view, the three kings really turned against each other, what is your opinion?"

Gao Yunxi said: "Thank you, Empress Dowager! Do you still remember, Empress Dowager? My minister used the matter of Tian Ji's horse racing to advance to your empress. This is a strategy to prevent the three kings from rebelling!"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "I don't know much about it, I hope Gao Aiqing will explain it in detail!"

Gao Yundao: "Among the three kings, General Cheqi and King Leping Tuoba Bo are the most powerful, followed by General Zhengxi and King Yongchang Tuoba Ren, and King Lu Ruowen of Puyang is the last. The soldiers available to our court should be General Cheqi, Duke Yihun of Dongjun is the leader, Longxi Wang Yuanhe is the assistant, and Pingyuan King Luli is the last."

"Tuoba Ren, the king of Leping, was opposed by Yihun. Although his military strength was slightly inferior, Yihun was resourceful, brave and good at fighting, and won the trust of the late emperor. Within a year or two, the imperial court may suffer losses, but the imperial court is what the people want. The enemy is sharp, and will be in a stalemate. After three to five years, the strength of the two sides will gradually decline, and Yihun will destroy the rebel army of King Tuobabo of Leping."

"Longxi Wang Yuanhe's strength is also slightly inferior to Zhengxi General and Yongchang Wang Tuobaren; Pingyuan Wang Luli is also slightly inferior to Puyang Wang Lu Ruowen. If the three kings rebel at the same time, the court will use three armies to control them. The loss. However, although the three kings are strong, they are unpopular. Given time, the strength of the three kings will be exhausted, and the strength of our court will become stronger, and the three kings will be destroyed."

Empress Dowager Feng sighed: "Ai Qing's words are not unreasonable. It's just that the foundations created by the Ming monarchs of the Great Wei Dynasty will be consumed by the rebellion of the three kings, and the country will be empty. Even if the three kings are destroyed, let alone The north softly plundered our border people, and Liu Song of the Southern Dynasty saw that our country's power was empty, and he would invade the north, and our great Wei was also in danger!"

Gao Yun said: "Yes! The old minister offered his advice to the Empress Dowager. Why don't you use Tian Ji's horse racing and Sun Bin's skillful victory as a countermeasure?"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "May Xiangxiang hear about it!"

Gao Yun said: "The three armies of our imperial court are all slightly inferior to the enemy facing us. The minister Gao Yun thought that the General Cheqi and Yihun, the Duke of Dongjun, could direct his troops to attack the General Zhengxi and Tuoba Ren, the king of Yongchang. If Yihun's division strikes the King of Yongchang, it will be like destroying the dead, and if the King of Yongchang is destroyed, then we will have no worries on the West Road of Great Wei!"

"Let Longxi Wang Yuanhe raise an army to attack Puyang Wang Luruowen. Although Longxi Wang Yuanhe is inferior to Zhengxi General and Yongchang King Tuoba Ren, he is far superior to Puyang King. It can be determined with one blow; General Qiqi and King Leping Tuobabo, although the strength of the two sides is very different, if Pingyuan Wang Luli resists desperately, and it can be delayed for half a year, then General Qiqi, Duke Yihun of Dongjun and Wang Yuanhe of Longxi will win and return. Gather together in one place, why worry that King Le Ping will not be defeated?"

All the ministers bowed their heads and whispered, praising Gao Yun's strategy.Emperor Xianwen was also delighted, and said to Empress Dowager Feng, "Queen Mother, do you think Gao Aiqing's plan is good?"

Empress Dowager Feng pondered: "Gao Aiqing's play is definitely the best strategy, but there are also worries. May I ask, can the soldiers of King Luli of Pingyuan stop Leping King Tuoba Ren's army for half a year? What about Hun and Longxi Wang Yuanhe's great victory? If King Leping's rebel army defeats Pingyuan Wang Luli, there are many rebels, and they are approaching the capital, who can save them? If the capital is destroyed, our ancestral property of the Great Wei will be destroyed!"

Everyone was silent, knowing very well that what Empress Dowager Feng said was true, and with Pingyuan Wang Luli's strength, it would be a blessing if she could hold back Leping King's army for a month, why dare to say it for half a year?

Empress Dowager Feng said: "This palace has made a decision. I expect that the three kings have no rebellion. They can adjust Longyou Wang Yuanhe and Pingyuan Wang Luli to the south, and join forces with Leping Wang Tuobaren. Liu Song didn't dare to underestimate our court; he also ordered the general of chariots and riders, Duke Yihun of Dongjun, to send his troops northward to suppress Rouran in the north!"

"The order in the book ordered Gao Yun to be the supervisor of the army. According to the imperial edict, the king of Pingyuan, Luli, and the king of Longxi, Yuanhe.

Gao Yun wanted to remonstrate bitterly, but because of the empress dowager's worries, Gao Yun had no good way to deal with it, so he could only sigh and thank you for the imperial edict.

Back in the harem, Emperor Xianwen paid a visit to Empress Dowager Feng and said, "Queen Mother, what Gao Yun said is not unreasonable. My sons and ministers also have to report that the three kings want to rebel, and they are preparing. Now Rouran in the north invades our border. It is not enough to hurt my roots; if it is the best policy to conquer it with a large army, I am afraid that the three kings will take the opportunity to commit an offense, and our dynasty will be in danger! The mother and queen have always had great opinions, and the first emperor always accepted the words of the mother. Why do you not see the worries of the three kings today? "

Empress Dowager Feng said indifferently: "How can I not know what the Emperor is worried about? Don't worry, Your Majesty. I expect Gao Yun to seek an audience soon. If Gao Yun arrives, I can offer it to the Emperor!"

Emperor Xianwen said doubtfully, "My mother has refuted Gao Yun's performance in the court hall, and Gao Yun has also been ordered to supervise the army. How can I remonstrate my mother?"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Gao Yun is upright and takes the world as his own responsibility. Above the court, seeing that my strategy is quite risky, how can I take care of myself and stop admonishing him? The emperor waits for it, and Gao Yun will ask to see him Of!"

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