Emperor Xianwen was in doubt, when the eunuch came to report that Gao Yun had something urgent to see the queen mother.Emperor Xianwen couldn't help being surprised, Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, Gao Yun is here, what do you think he wants?"

Emperor Xianwen was raised by Feng Yuan since he was a child, and he respected and feared Empress Dowager Feng in his heart.He said in admiration: "The empress mother has far-reaching insights, and my son deeply admires her. My son expected Gao Yun to come, and he must have been bitterly admonishing the mother to withdraw and order to deal with the rebellion of the three kings with Tian Ji's horse racing method."

Empress Dowager Feng nodded and said: "Your majesty is smart and wise, and he is indeed a wise gentleman. However, Gao Yun has no plan to offer to the emperor when he comes here. He can only beg my palace to change his life, and follow his plan!"

Emperor Xianwen didn't believe it, so Empress Dowager Feng ordered the eunuch to bring Gao Yun into the palace.

Gao Yun entered the empress dowager's bedroom and was surprised to see that the emperor was also grown up.When Gao Yun paid homage to the queen mother and the emperor, he knelt down on the ground and wept bitterly.

Emperor Xianwen Tuo Bahong was surprised and said: "Gao Aiqing, why are you crying bitterly when you asked to see the Empress Dowager for important matters?"

Gao Yun wept and said: "Your Majesty, my minister Gao Yun is not crying for himself, but for our great Wei Jiangshan community. The three kings have been rebellious for a long time, so it is unbelievable. If the queen mother believes that the three kings will not rebel, she will switch the chariot and ride The Great General, Gong Yihun of the Eastern Commandery, will attack Rouran with heavy troops, and the three kings will turn against each other when they see an opportunity, and our Great Wei will be in danger!"

"Chen Gaoyun proposed to the Queen Mother to deal with the three kings with the method of Tian Ji's horse racing. The Queen Mother refused, but still insisted on her own opinion. I have no other choice but to risk my life and bitterly advise the Queen Mother to withdraw her order!"

Empress Dowager Feng said in a deep voice: "Bold and generous, although the strategy of makeup is clever, don't you know it is extremely dangerous? If you follow your plan, King Luli of Pingyuan will lose to King Tuobabo of Leping, and the rebel army will march northward. Who can defend the capital?"

Gao Yun cried bitterly: "Empress Dowager, although this plan is extremely risky, there is still a three-point chance of winning. The order of the Empress Dowager may trap the Great Wei in a place where there will never be a catastrophe. I hope the Empress Dowager thinks twice, if it doesn't work, I would rather stand still The chaos of the three kings, although the national strength has been greatly damaged, can still preserve our great Wei!"

Empress Dowager Feng suddenly let out a 'puchi', and said with a smile: "Gao Aiqing is flat, and your loyalty and uprightness are known to both the Palace and the Emperor. How can you vent lightly on important military affairs? Above the court, Ru'an can guarantee that there will be no eyes and ears of the three kings." ?”

Gao Yun was overjoyed, so he got up and said: "The humble minister is stupid and doesn't know the subtleties of the queen mother. Presumably the queen mother has a perfect plan, and the words of the court are only to confuse the three kings!"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Of course! This palace's policy is also the method of Tian Ji's horse racing that Ai Qing said. It's just that Qing's method is not perfect. The success or failure depends on how long Lu Li, the king of Pingyuan, can resist the army of King Leping."

She pondered for a while and said: "Gao Aiqing, half of what the court officials said is true. I ordered you to be the supervisor of the army, and issued an order to send Lu Li, the king of Pingyuan, and Wang Yuanhe, king of Longxi, to leave the station and go to the south for defense. On the surface, The two kings assisted Leping King Tuobabo to defend against Liu Song in the Southern Dynasty, but actually secretly monitored Leping King Tuobabo, if he raised troops to rebel, then Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe would act as horns to prevent King Leping's rebels from going north."

Gao Yun murmured: "Empress Dowager, although King Luli of Pingyuan and Wang Yuanhe of Longxi are important officials of the imperial court, they are resourceful and resourceful, but King Leping is powerful. Even if the two kings join forces, they may not be King Leping's opponent!"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Gao Aiqing, the success or failure of the strategy you offer depends on whether Wang Luli of Pingyuan can fight against King Leping for a year. Among the three armies of the imperial court, only Wang Luli of Pingyuan is the weakest. With his strength, how can he support a whole army?" Years? If you order Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe to join forces, how long does Gao Aiqing think that the two armies can defeat Leping King Tuobabo's rebel army?"

Gao Yun kept silent, closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then opened his eyes and said slowly: "The queen mother, if the two kings join forces, with the same heart, and desperately protect the lord, they can resist the rebel army of King Leping for half a year. If it’s not good enough, it can support March.”

Empress Dowager Feng said: "However, my palace still worried that the two kings had different hearts, so I ordered Gao Aiqing to be the supervisor of the army and stationed in Pingyuan King Luli's camp. With Gao Aiqing here, the two kings will work together to resist King Leping's rebel army and repay the court."

Gao Yun hesitated for a moment and said: "Empress Dowager, the previous time Pingyuan Wang Luli said that the emperor wanted to overhaul the palace, but the minister stopped it. The emperor followed the minister's words and gave up the idea of ​​building large buildings, but the Pingyuan Wang Luli's official position and title are higher than Wei's. My minister, my minister refuted it, swept her face, Pingyuan Wang Luli has already turned his anger on my minister. If the minister supervises the army of Pingyuan Wang Luli, it may backfire, and Pingyuan Wang Luli will not serve the court desperately, I hope the Queen Mother thinks twice!"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Gao Aiqing, you have been an official for many years, and your family is poor. Pingyuan Wang Luli told the emperor the truth, and the emperor and my palace went to your house to see it. It was just like Pingyuan Wang Luli's performance. The emperor pity Qing and give you silk Grain, and made you the general of Suiyuan and the prefect of Changle. This is all due to Pingyuan Wang Luli's recommendation of Aiqing, which shows that Pingyuan Wang Luli has a big heart and does not regard Gao Aiqing as an enemy."

Gao Yun sighed: "Empress Dowager, I don't understand. Pingyuan Wang Lu Lishang hates Yuchen, but why does he recommend Yuchen? I hope the Queen Mother will call me!"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "Gao Aiqing, since you have doubts in your heart, I can tell you the truth. Wang Luli of Pingyuan did not recommend Aiqing, but really wanted to make Aiqing embarrassing in front of all officials!"

"I have no salary for all the officials of the Great Wei Dynasty, and they all sued their properties to maintain them. Gao Aiqing is a small writer. If he has no power, how can he seek personal gain? Pingyuan Wang Luli was upset when Aiqing refuted his play, and tried to find an opportunity to repay it. This book The emperor of the Gong Dynasty appointed Aiqing as the order of Zhongshu. Wang Luli of Pingyuan thought that all the officials in the world were corrupt. He expected that after Gao Aiqing was promoted to the order of Zhongshu, he would search for money. .If you get rich suddenly, you will be greedy, and the emperor will be angry and punish Aiqing."

Gao Yun broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the words, trembling and dared not speak.Seeing this, Empress Dowager Feng smiled lightly and said: "Gao Aiqing, above the court, I am loyal and upright, and no one can surpass Gao Aiqing. I have heard the performance of Pingyuan Wang Luli, and I know her thoughts. However, I expect Gao Aiqing will not Greed, played by Pingyuan Wang Luli, is really eager to avenge Gao Aiqing's humiliation, and it is too late to examine the truth."

"Thus, even though the palace knew that Pingyuan Wang Lu Li had bad intentions, he did not interfere. The intention of the palace is to make this matter show Gao Aiqing's poverty as an official, and to declare to the world that Aiqing should be reused!"

Gao Yun was terrified, and bowed down in the tunnel: "I have nothing to repay the love of the empress dowager and the emperor. I can only do my best for the great Wei and die. I have the bottom of my heart to tell the truth about the empress dowager. I went to Pingyuan Wang Lu Lijun In the middle, we must not disgrace the mission, so that Wang Luli of Pingyuan and Wang Yuanhe of Longxi will fight against the enemy with one heart, so as to protect our great Wei world!"

Empress Dowager Feng said, "Gao Aiqing is highly respected, knows classics, and understands strategies. This is the second king's supervisor. I firmly believe that Gao Aiqing will fulfill her mission. Both my palace and the emperor can feel at ease!"

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