Gao Yun was terrified, bowed down in the tunnel and said, "How can I, Gao Yun, be so favored by the empress dowager and the emperor? I can only serve the country faithfully and thank God!"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Gao Aiqing is flat, just sit and talk, there is no need to be too polite. Gao Aiqing, since you know the meaning of my palace, what worries do you have? You will leave Beijing tomorrow according to the order!"

Gao Yun got up and sat down and said: "I obey the order! It's just that I still have some concerns in my heart. I hope the queen mother and the emperor will enlighten me. If I have a bottom in my heart, I can devote myself to the responsibility of supervising the army!"

Empress Dowager Feng nodded and said, "What is Gao Aiqing worried about? You might as well tell me!"

Gao Yun thought for a while, then asked cautiously: "If I were to supervise the army, I would lead Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe to the south and guard against Leping King Tuobabo. If the three kings are aware of it, the rebels will be the first, and there are still ministers in the south. Fighting with the two kings to fight against King Leping, the capital is facing east and west, and the situation may be critical, I wonder if the emperor and the queen mother have a clever plan?"

Emperor Xianwen said: "Gao Aiqing, Lian also has this concern, so I came to my mother's harem to ask my mother to show it. Just because Gao Aiqing came, you might as well ask my mother to explain it to Lian and Aiqing."

Empress Dowager Feng said sternly: "I expect you two to know that I want to send General Yi Hun to command the north finger not for Rouran, but this is a way of blinding the eyes. I really want to make Yi Hun command the army to destroy Lu Ruowen, the king of Puyang. With General Zhengxi, Yongchang King Tuoba Ren."

Gao Yun doubted: "Queen Mother, if the secret is leaked, the rebels from the East, South and West routes will rise together. Although there are small ministers on the South Road who will fight against the two kings, how can the rebels from the East and West Routes fight against them? Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe are all gone. Stationed in the south, these two routes are empty, although Yi Hun, the chariot and cavalry general, has a strong army and horses, but he can't take care of his head, how can he defeat the rebels of the east and west routes at the same time?"

The Empress Dowager smiled and said: "Gao Aiqing, you can rest assured that the second army horse will be destroyed within three months. You and the two kings can only guard Leping King Tuoba with all your heart. After three months, the chariot general Yi Hun will surely die Sending troops to the south, combining the strength of the three forces, we will definitely wipe out the rebel army of Leping King Tuobabo."

Gao Yun got up and said: "The queen mother's strategy is beyond the reach of the minister. Since the queen mother has a clever plan, it is inconvenient for the minister to ask more questions. The queen mother, the emperor, and the minister will bid farewell. Tomorrow, I will go to Pingyuan Wang Luli with orders!"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "Wait a minute, Gao Aiqing. If you go here, I am afraid that Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe will not take Aiqing seriously. I want to have one person in my palace. I will go with Gao Aiqing and obey Gao Aiqing's orders. When the two kings see this person, Don't dare to neglect Gao Aiqing!"

Gao Yun was extremely pleasantly surprised, and blurted out: "Queen Mother, could it be that King Changli wants to go with his minister?"

Empress Dowager Feng shook her head and said: "No! The King of Changli has other important responsibilities, so he cannot go with Gao Aiqing. Come, call Suwei Zhonglang to bring Li Yi in!"

Not long after, Li Yi came to the palace, bowed down to Empress Dowager Feng and Emperor Bi, and stood aside.Empress Dowager Feng said: "Gao Aiqing, Li Yi is a guard of the Forbidden Palace. Although his position is not high, he represents the palace and the emperor. Li Yi is accompanying you now. When the two kings see him, they must know the meaning of the palace and dare not despise you."

Gao Yun and Li Yi knelt down to thank each other at the same time, Empress Dowager Feng said: "Li Yi, although you act as the emperor and my palace, you can't be arrogant because you are favored. You must obey Master Gao's command in everything, and you must not make mistakes!"

Li Yi stepped forward, clasped his fists and bowed his head, and said, "Promise! The young general is obeying the Queen Mother's order, and only the lord Gao will follow!"

Empress Dowager Feng said indifferently: "Gao Aiqing, Wang Yuanhe of Longxi, is a loyal and upright person, and this palace has no worries. Only Wang Luli of Pingyuan, this palace is not at ease. This palace grants you two secret decrees. The red box is for Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe. It is the decree that on the day of his victory, the palace and the emperor will personally serve wine for the two kings, and allow his descendants to inherit the throne!"

Gao Yun said: "The empress dowager and the emperor have treated the two kings so kindly. How dare the two kings refuse to serve them with death? I, Gao Yun, thank the empress dowager and the emperor on behalf of the two kings!"

Empress Dowager Feng said again: "The secret decree in the black box grants you privileges. If Pingyuan Wang Luli refuses to accept the dispatch of the supervising army and delays the battle, Gao Aiqing can show the secret decree and kill Pingyuan Wang Luli in front of the two armies, and take her military power and replace her. Shou."

Gao Yun broke out in a cold sweat, knelt down and said, "Thank you, Empress Dowager! Even though I accept this decree, I will not read it out. I dare to ensure that Lu Li, the king of Pingyuan, will not destroy the country's great plan because of personal grievances!"

While speaking, the maid held out two sandalwood brocade boxes, one black and one red.Empress Dowager Feng said: "Li Yi listened to the decree. These two secret decrees are handed over to you. You should keep them carefully, but you have no right to dismantle the secret decrees privately. Those who violate the decree will be punished by the three clans. Only Mr. Gao needs to use the secret decree in response to the situation. At that time, you can give it to Mr. Gao to open it. If Mr. Gao opens the brocade box, the other secret decree must be destroyed on the spot with Mr. Gao in front of Mr. Gao, and the contents are not allowed!"

Li Yi knelt down to receive the order, and he and Gao Yun led the order to leave the palace.

After the two left, Emperor Xianwen doubted: "My mother gave Gao Yun two secret decrees, fearing their power, the two kings are worried, and have no intention of resisting the enemy!"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't panic! Does Your Majesty know the specifics of these two secret decrees? I have spoken the truth to the Emperor. These two secret decrees, no matter red or black, have the same content. They are all intended to reward the two kings!"

Emperor Xianwen was greatly surprised, and Empress Dowager Feng explained: "Your Majesty, Wang Yuanhe of Longxi, Wang Luli of Pingyuan, and Ling Gaoyun of Zhongshu are all pillars of the country. These three people are all loyal to the emperor, so there is no need to doubt him. I am worried about it. Pingyuan Wang Luli is coquettish, regardless of Gao Yun's command, he can't be united and guard against Leping King."

"Therefore, the palace specially set up two secret decrees, which were handed over to Li Yi for safekeeping, but only Gao Yun can reveal them. This is a secret decree for them to get a glimpse of the mystery. The palace expects Pingyuan Wang Luli to disobey Gao Yun at the beginning, but seeing Li Yi accompanying him, and Do not attack. In order to frighten Pingyuan Wang Luli, Gao Yun must have an unpleasant relationship with Pingyuan Wang Luli."

"However, Gao Yun is a man who is loyal and upright, so he will not use private reports to share. I expected Gao Yun to open the red box, and Pingyuan Wang Luli felt it, and she and Gao Yun let go of the previous suspicions and fought against the enemy together. In this way, after the thief is defeated , the court's three important ministers have no gaps, and they can all work together to assist the emperor, this is the emperor's blessing!"

Emperor Xianwen was deeply impressed, but then doubted: "If Gao Yun was in a hurry and opened the black box to watch it, how would it end?"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "In the black box, like the red box, it is for the purpose of awarding awards. The palace has already paid Li Yi secretly, and this purpose can only be read orally by Gao Yun. After the edict is announced, it will be burned with fire. None of them can look at it, even Li Yi is no exception."

"If Gao Yun opens the black box, Li Yi must know that it is the decree for death. However, after Gao Yun opened the box, the decree was intended to be a reward. Although Gao Yun was very surprised, he did not dare to doubt it, and he must destroy it immediately according to the words of the palace. Secret decree. In this way, Wang Luli of Pingyuan escaped death, and he must think that Gao Yun repaid his grievances with virtue, and secretly changed the secret decree to protect his life. Would Luli of Pingyuan dare not repay him with death? If this is the case, there will be no worries on the south road!"

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