Emperor Xianwen was silent, deeply impressed by his mother's strategy.Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, are you still worried about the rebels from the east and the west? Please rest assured, your Majesty, my elder brother Changli Wang Feng Xi has secretly left the palace according to my palace's order, and went to the army of the Great General Yihun to give a face-to-face lecture. Opportunity. In less than a month, the east and west rebels will be wiped out!"

Emperor Xianwen was overjoyed, and asked in surprise, "What is the queen mother's strategy, so she is so confident?"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "My elder brother, Feng Xi, found out that the three kings conspired, and they rebelled together in a hundred days. I decided to act first, and catch them by surprise before they are ready to do the work."

"This palace is above the imperial hall, and it announces the dispatch of soldiers from all walks of life. The three kings are all at ease when they hear that they have invaded the road to the capital, and they have no soldiers to stop the court. It is Leping King Tuobabo, the biggest bet is on Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe."

"As long as Lu Li and Yuan He can withstand King Leping for one month, the big thing will be settled. King Tuobabo of Leping, the only person who is worried about is General Cheqi and Dongjun Gong Yihun. See Ben Gong Diao Yihunbei Zheng Rouran, King Leping's confidant is gone, his heart must be at ease, and he will not take Lu Li and Yuan He seriously."

"However, Lu Li and Yuan He, who have received the favor of the court, will fight the enemy to the death. Together, they can resist King Leping's rebels for three months. Kuang Leping was planning to rebel after three months. The rebels were annihilated, and they rose up in a hurry without preparation, so how could they achieve great things?"

Emperor Xianwen was surprised and said: "It seems that it is not the original intention of the Queen Mother to tune Yihun to conquer Rouran in the north?"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "Although Rouran has repeatedly violated our territory, she has no desire to dominate the Central Plains. She only wants to plunder the border people and other petty profits. Seeing my army rise, Rouran will not move easily, but wants to watch the tigers fight from a distance. Take advantage of it. Lu Ruowen, the king of Puyang in the east, is the weakest. Although Lu Li, the king of Pingyuan, is more powerful than him, he will leave the camp, but the king of Puyang dare not move his troops to invade the capital."

"The same is true of the general Zhengxi on the west road and King Yongchang Tuoba Ren. Seeing his rival Longxi Wang Nantiao, he was secretly happy, but he did not dare to attack lightly. Both of them were led by Leping King Tuobabo. After Leping King Tuoba raised troops, these two dared to raise troops to respond."

Emperor Xianwen Tuoba Hongruo realized something and said: "My mother's strategy is to make Yihun's Northern Expedition Rouran falsely, but in fact it is to destroy the two kings by surprise?"

Empress Dowager Feng said: "Of course! King Lu Ruowen of Puyang and King Tuoba Ren of Yongchang, seeing that the powerful enemy has retreated, they must feel at ease and not take other precautions. My palace ordered Yihun's army to pretend to make a northern expedition. According to the practice of our dynasty, the army cannot pass through the capital. , so Yihun's army must pass through the weakest King Puyang's garrison."

"Although the king of Puyang has rebellious intentions, he must not show his opposition before he takes action. Seeing the imperial army passing by, he will go out of the city to reward the army according to the usual practice, and use food and grass to help Yihun. Yihun has received a secret decree from the palace. King Puyang died, and Yihun's army entered the city. The old troops of Puyang King had no one to rely on, so the whole army must surrender to Yihun. In this way, within ten days, the danger on the east road will be over!"

Emperor Xianwen was full of admiration, and went on to say: "Mother's queen, the children and ministers know the meaning of mother's queen. Yihun's army pacified Queen Puyang, and quickly sent troops westward. General Zhengxi, Yongchang Wang Tuobaren was unprepared, and his military strength was far inferior to Yihun's. Hun, whether it is surrender or war, within a few days, the troubles on the West Road will be eliminated!"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said: "Of course! Your Majesty is indeed talented and intelligent. This is my great Wei's blessing. In time, your Majesty's strategy has been completed, and my palace can also retreat into the harem, and my majesty can govern by himself! My palace's strategy is exactly what Gao Yun said. Xian Tianji's horse racing strategy is exactly the same. It's just that King Leping is so powerful that neither Pingyuan Wang Luli nor Longxi Wang Yuanhe can resist him. If King Leping is in a hurry to attack and capture the capital, then what's the use of Tian Ji's horse racing method?"

"Therefore, the Palace uses Pingyuan King Luli and Longxi King Yuanhe to join forces to fight against King Leping, and uses Yihun to catch him by surprise, one against two, and a strange army to achieve a miraculous effect. This is the changed method of Tian Ji's horse racing."

Emperor Xianwen was overjoyed, and he was deeply impressed by his mother.At this time, Empress Dowager Feng had no ambitions, and regarded Emperor Xianwen Tuo Bahong as her own.She thought that the emperor was young and unable to control the government, so she devoted all her energy to helping Emperor Xianwen stabilize the country.

The only selfishness is that Empress Dowager Feng sent her elder brother Feng Xi and her close servant Li Yi to the two armies respectively.Empress Dowager Feng was supposed to return the government to Emperor Xianwen after the overall situation was settled, and retreated to the deep palace by herself.She sent two of them to serve as heavy orders because she knew that after she retired to the deep palace, she feared that something unexpected would happen. After all, the palace struggle was dangerous, so she wanted the two of them to make great contributions, so that they could be reused and saved.

As expected by Empress Dowager Feng, Yi Hun killed the unsuspecting King of Puyang Lu Ruowen at the gate of the city.After the King of Puyang was destroyed, Feng Xi followed the Queen Mother's secret decree to stay in the fiefdom of the King of Puyang to reassure the people. Yi Hun took a short rest, and within ten days, he dispatched troops to the place of General Tuoba Ren, King of Yongchang.

Tuoba Ren, king of Yongchang, was shocked when he heard that Yi Hun had killed King Puyang and was coming to kill him.He sent envoys to seek help from Leping King Tuoba, and resisted desperately.Yongchang Wang Tuobaren knew very well that since the founding of the Great Wei, the rebels were rebels, and they all killed the three clans without exception.Therefore, he didn't dare to take any chances, he could only wait desperately for King Leping Tuoba to come to rescue him, or King Leping Tuoba sent troops to force Yi Hun to return to the army to rescue him.

Hearing that King Lu Ruowen of Puyang was dead and King Tuobaren of Yongchang was besieged, King Tuoba of Leping was shocked.He knew very well that the balance had turned and he could no longer afford to fight. As long as King Yongchang was defeated and Yi Hun returned to his army, it would be the time for him to die without a place to bury him.

Therefore, after Tuoba Bo, King of Leping, received the letter of help from King Tuobaren of Yongchang, he asked the people to tell King Yongchang that he must stick to it for a month and hold back the army of Yihun. Congratulations with Wang Yuan of Longxi.

Although King Leping Tuobabo hastily raised troops, he had worked hard in his lair for decades and had a solid foundation. In just a few days, he defeated Lu Li and Yuan He, and he was trapped in the city without daring to leave.

King Leping urgently ordered his soldiers to attack the city. Seeing that the situation was critical, Luli, the king of Pingyuan, negotiated with Yuanhe, the king of Longxi, and wanted to abandon the city and leave.They knew in their hearts that their own strength determined their status in the court.If you defend the city desperately, you will not be able to resist King Leping's army for a long time. If the city is broken, even if the two kings escape by chance, there will be no soldiers under them.

This is the Queen Mother Feng's plan to kill two birds with one stone, so that the two kings hold back Tuobabo, one is to buy time for Yi Hun to return to the army, and the other is to take the opportunity to weaken the strength of the two kings, so as to strengthen the absolute control of the central dynasty.

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