Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe originally divided into two forces, forming horns with each other to prevent Leping King Tuobabo, but Leping King Tuobabo was too powerful to compete with them, so they had to join forces and retreat into the city Stick to it.

King Leping was eager to attack the city, but he did not dare to pass through it.He was afraid of Ruo Rao City and invaded the capital. The capital was in danger, and the general of chariots and riders, Yihun, the Duke of Dongjun, would definitely send his troops south to rescue him.Compared with Yihun's military strength, although he has a slight advantage, King Leping has no idea if he wants to defeat Yihun. With Wang Yuanhe of Longxi, he took advantage of the situation to attack and directly took his old lair, attacking from both sides, he would be defeated.

King Leping ordered his soldiers to attack the city day and night.Grain and grass in the city gradually decreased, and more than half of the soldiers defending the city were killed or injured.Wang Luli of Pingyuan discussed with Wang Yuanhe of Longxi that they wanted to abandon the city to preserve their strength, and retreat while fighting, waiting for the Yihun army to come to help.

When the two were discussing the matter while drinking wine in the commander's mansion, the sergeant suddenly reported that the secretary of the supervising army ordered Gao Yun to come.Gao Yun entered the commander-in-chief's mansion and saw the two kings drinking, he couldn't help sneering: "The city is in danger, but the two kings are still in a good mood!"

Pingyuan Wang Luli had a rift with Gao Yunsu, and when she saw Gao Yun coming, she pretended not to see him.Wang Yuan of Longxi congratulated: "Lord Gao, this city may not last long! I am discussing with King Pingyuan, why don't we abandon the city and leave, preserve our strength, and stop King Leping's rebel army step by step, what does Lord Gao think?"

Gao Yun said solemnly: "You and I are both ministers. If you eat the king's salary, you should do your best to repay the king with your thoughts. If you don't defend this city to the death, the rebel army of King Leping will be strong, and the capital will have no more guards. The emperor is in danger! Two The lord occupies a high position and is deeply relied upon by the empress dowager and the emperor. He is the pillar of the country, so why do you say such disloyal and unfilial words?"

Longxi Wang Yuanhe was ashamed and could not speak, Lu Li said arrogantly: "Master Gao, you are a scholar, do you know the reason for marching and fighting? I and the king of Longxi have gone through the battlefield for a long time, followed the late emperor to fight in all directions, and won the throne after making great contributions. The situation is critical now. , We are not retreating timidly, but we are preserving our strength and blocking the rebels step by step in order to wait for the chance of victory. You don't know military affairs, so you can't speak too much."

Gao Yundao: "Prince Pingyuan, the lowly position still offends the prince. However, this country is in the autumn of life and death, why does King Pingyuan forget the righteousness of the country with his personal grievances?"

Pingyuan Wang Luli was furious, throwing a wine glass and said: "In terms of title, I and the King of Longxi are both princes, and you are only a small Zhongshu Ling; for the position in the army, I and the King of Longxi are both the chief and deputy commanders, and you are the supervisor of the army. How dare you be so presumptuous in front of the two of us?"

Gao Yun said: "Gao Yun knew that his position was low and humble, so he didn't dare to look at the two princes. However, before Gao Yun left Beijing, he was entrusted by the queen mother and the emperor to coordinate the military affairs of the two princes to fight against the bandits. Gao Yun didn't dare I owe the emperor's favor, so I risk my life to ask the two princes to stick to this city, waiting for the chariot and cavalry general Yi Hun to return to the army to suppress the bandits."

Wang Luli of Pingyuan didn't care about Gao Yun, and insisted on not calling him.The two argued for a long time, and King Pingyuan said angrily: "Gao Yun, don't think that you are trusted by the emperor and the queen mother, so you don't put me in your eyes. At this very moment, I and the king of Longxi will decide all major matters. You quickly Back off, or I will kill you!"

Gao Yun sneered and said: "I am the supervisor of the army. I am going to fight at the order of the queen mother and the emperor. How dare you kill me?"

Pingyuan Wang Luli was furious and went up against the crime.In an instant, more than a dozen soldiers rushed in outside the tent, surrounded Gao Yun and Li Yi, his bodyguard.King Pingyuan sneered and said, "Master Gao, those who know the current affairs should retreat quickly. If you offend me, why not kill you? I am the prince of Wei, and I will kill you at an extraordinary opportunity. The queen mother and the emperor know it, and they can't punish you severely." I."

Li Yi was shocked, and he stood up and said: "Wait a minute! Whoever dares to touch Mr. Gao will be treated as a crime of regicide!"

King Pingyuan laughed loudly and said, "Master Li, you have been serving as a general in the guard all night, do you dare to make alarmist remarks?"

Li Yi sneered and said: "Prince Pingyuan, when the humble official leaves Beijing with Lord Gao, he will receive two secret decrees from the queen mother! The queen mother ordered the humble official to keep it secret in her body, so that it is easy and not to be leaked! These two secret decrees are divided into dividends and black brocades. The box, according to the Empress Dowager's orders, is up to Mr. Gao to decide which secret decree to read. When the decree is announced, no one is allowed to spy on the secret decree, and it will be destroyed in public after the reading!"

Wang Luli of Pingyuan and Wang Yuanhe of Longxi heard that the Empress Dowager had given Gao Yun two secret decrees, they could not help breaking into a cold sweat from fright, and their drunkenness subsided.

Gao Yun saw that the situation was critical and Li Yi had revealed the secret decree, so he decided to take the secret decree to suppress the two kings.Li Yilang said: "Master Gao, Pingyuan Wang Luli is in a high position and does not want to repay your favor, and wants to escape before the battle, please read the secret decree of the black box.

Gao Yun heard Li Yi's words, and thought in his heart: accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger, and there are many crises in the court.Since the Empress Dowager was able to entrust me with two secret decrees to subdue the two kings, why can't she secretly entrust Li Yi to supervise me?What's more, Li Yi is the former guard Zhonglang general, the empress dowager and the emperor's close minister. He said that he used the black box to deal with Pingyuan Wang Luli, so why don't I follow his words.

Thinking of this, Gao Yun stretched out his hand to Li Yi and said, "Master Li, please give me a secret decree!"

Li Yi took out two brocade boxes, red and black, from his bosom, bowed and handed them to Gao Yun.Gao Yun hesitated for a moment, handed the red box to Li Yi, took out the black box and said loudly: "Pingyuan Wang Luli, Longxi Wang Yuanhe, kneel down to accept the order!"

They didn't dare to be negligent, they left their seats and bowed before Gao Yun, and the sergeants in the tent also knelt down one after another.Gao Yun opened the black box, took out the secret decree, and slowly unfolded it.

As soon as the secret decree was opened, Gao Yun was shocked.It turns out that the secret decree in the black box is not to kill Pingyuan Wang Luli and seize his military power, but to reward Pingyuan Wang Luli and Longxi Wang Yuanhe for fighting the bandits to the death, and to allow their descendants to inherit the throne.

Gao Yun was terrified in his heart, thinking carefully about the reason.He is sure that for such an important and confidential matter, it is absolutely impossible for the Queen Mother to put the wrong brocade box carelessly, it must be done on purpose by the Queen Mother.

Why is Queen Mother Feng like this?Gao Yun pondered for a long time before he suddenly realized.He knew it must be because the Empress Dowager couldn't bear to kill Pingyuan Wang Luli, so the two brocade boxes all contained the same secret decree.Empress Dowager Feng hoped that Gao Yun would be able to assist the two kings in defending the city, and she only showed it as an award. The purpose of preparing a black box must have other deep meanings.

In the black box, Empress Dowager Feng told her to face to face that it was the intention to kill Pingyuan Wang Luli. This was to comfort Gao Yun, making him feel that he had a bargaining chip in his hand and could control the two kings at a critical moment.Another deep meaning is that if Gao Yun is angry and announces the decree of the black box, it is the intention of rewarding the two kings. After the decree is announced, Li Yi will destroy the red and black boxes in public according to the order, and no one will know the contents.And Li Yi was also shocked, thinking that Gao Yun secretly changed the secret decree and forgave Lu Li. Lu Li knew it, and she must be grateful for Gao Yun's kindness and let go of her previous suspicions.

Li Yi saw that Gao Yun kept the decree and did not announce it for a long time, thought Gao Yun was indecisive, so he urged in a low voice: "Master Gao, please read the Queen Mother's secret decree!"

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