After careful consideration, the Empress Dowager Feng decided on the fourth strategy, which is to find a reliable person to contact the inside and outside, and disclose the top-secret news that the Empress Dowager wants to kill Yihun to those who are loyal to the royal family. Lu Bingma openly rebelled.

This person is very important, if Empress Dowager Feng misreads it, it will backfire, forcing Yi Hun to rebel as soon as possible, the lives of Emperor Xianwen and Empress Dowager Feng are in jeopardy, and the Kingdom of Wei will surely perish.This is a very risky bet. After experiencing all kinds of inner sufferings, Queen Mother Feng finally thought of a suitable candidate and made up her mind.

This candidate is Feng Xi, the elder brother of Empress Dowager Feng.Because Feng Lang, the father of Empress Dowager Feng, was born in an army, Feng Xi was able to practice bowing and horse proficiency under the careful guidance of his father Feng Lang when he was young.

Feng Xi's uncle, Feng Miao, went out to fight in Rouran, but was murdered by traitors. He went deep into the army alone, cut off food and grass, and a courtier told Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao that Feng Miao had surrendered to the enemy before the battle, which made Taiwu Emperor furious. Bewitched by Zhongchang Shizong'ai, he decreed to exterminate the three Feng clans.

Feng Miao was very angry when he learned that his brother's elder brother was full of males and female relatives were punished as slaves. Under the pressure of internal and external worries, he had no choice but to take refuge in Rouran.When Feng Lang was destroyed, although Feng Xi was proficient in bows and horses, because he was young, he could not fight against the imperial guards. He was also Feng Lang's loyal monarch, and would rather die than rebel. Rescue Di and save him from death.

Shituo brought Feng Xi to the place where Feng Lang's subordinates were in charge. In Qiangdi, because of Feng Xi's handsome appearance, witty intelligence, and chivalrous spirit, many local capable people and strangers were willing to follow him. he.

When Feng Xi was old, he secretly returned to Chang'an, studied "Book of Filial Piety" and "Analects of Confucius" under his teacher, and learned the art of war and the five elements.This makes Feng Xi not only have a high cultural accomplishment, but also have extraordinary thinking ability and wit.

Feng Xi likes to make friends when he is in the world of Feng Xi.He is forthright, he doesn't stick to small details in everything, he doesn't care about heroes, and he is willing to make friends with people of all religions and ranks.This is too important.

This personality is very important for Feng Xi to be able to hide outside for so many years without being captured by the court.Because when Feng Lang was kidnapped and beheaded by the whole family, although he escaped with the help of Huahu and Shituo, the imperial court also issued a sea arrest document, and the whole territory of Wei Dynasty was looking for him.

At that time, the Northern Wei Dynasty had a small population, let alone mobility.If a person comes from a certain place for a lifetime, it will attract the attention of the local people.If someone recognizes him as an absconded court criminal and informs the local government, Feng Xi will definitely be captured.

It is precisely because Feng Xi likes to make friends by nature, and he is bold and chivalrous, so wherever he goes, he has to make friends with many local people of insight and strange people. Almost everywhere there are people who are willing to protect his safety, so Feng Xi has always He absconded and was not caught by the court for questioning.

Ten years later, Feng Yuan, the younger sister who was rescued by Huahu and Shituo, an eminent monk from the Western Regions together with Feng Xi, was sent to the Great Wei Palace by Huahu and handed over to her aunt Feng Zhaoyi.Under the careful training and care of her aunt Feng Zhaoyi, Feng Yuan gradually grew into a beautiful and talented girl.

After Emperor Wencheng Tuoba Jun came to the throne, Feng Yuan, with the strong support of her aunt Feng Zhaoyi and the Empress Dowager Chang, was suggested by Lu Li, an important minister of the court, to become the nobleman of Emperor Wencheng Tuoba Jun.

Because after Feng Yuan became a nobleman, Emperor Wencheng Tuoba Jun met Li Shi again by chance, and after being infatuated with Li Shi and canonized her as a noble person, he stayed at Li Guiren's place every night, which caused Feng Yuan's great dissatisfaction and wariness.

Feng Guiren, who is well aware of the sinister and cruel court battles, at this time, although she has been canonized as a nobleman by the emperor and pardoned her father's crimes by Emperor Wencheng Tuoba Jun, Feng Guiren is still cautious and dare not propose to Emperor Wencheng. Look for her elder brother Feng Xi to avoid complications.

On the surface, Feng Guiren kept his face on the surface, often gave money to court ladies and eunuchs, and tried his best to win the favor of the Empress Dowager Chang and his aunt Feng Zhaoyi, which made Emperor Wencheng trust her more. Feng Guiren made up his mind. To let Li Guiren conceive the prince, I want to take the camera.

At this time, she was in desperate need of a confidant, and it was like God's help.Emperor Wencheng personally led an army to conquer Rouran, and when he fell into a tight siege, he was assisted by Hua Mulan and defeated his class teacher.When the meritorious officials were conferring awards, she unexpectedly learned that her brother Feng Xi was in Hua Mulan's army.

At this moment, Feng Guiren, who had won the trust of Emperor Wen Cheng, dared to recognize Feng Xi.As a result, Feng Xi also received the gift of Tuoba Jun from Emperor Wencheng, and he was granted the title of Marquis Fat as Marquis, and he was appointed as the Consort Captain.Later, he served as the governor of Dingzhou and was promoted to the king of Changli. Because he was the uncle of the country, he was also able to enter and leave the palace freely.

Feng Yuan also met Li Yi, who is outstanding in appearance, because of her brother Feng Xi's recommendation, and summoned him to the palace to make him a general of Suwei Zhonglang.With the help of Li Yizhi, she cleverly avoided pregnancy, avoiding the bad luck of giving birth to a prince and having her mother die according to the ancestral system of the Northern Wei Dynasty.Later, with the great help of his brothers Feng Xi and Li Yi, he successfully cast a golden man and became the queen of Emperor Wencheng.

Therefore, Feng Xi, capable of both literature and martial arts, because of his rich social experience and extensive acquaintances, and being the elder brother of Empress Dowager Feng, became the key figure in Empress Dowager Feng's fourth major strategy of eliminating Yihun.

In Empress Dowager Feng's view, this key person must first give Empress Dowager Feng a sense of absolute trust.Feng Xi and Empress Dowager Feng are brothers and sisters of the same father and mother. If she can't trust her elder brother Feng Xi, who else can Empress Dowager Feng trust?

Secondly, the status of this key figure must be high and have certain influence among the courtiers.At this time, Feng Xi was the king of Changli, the governor of Bingzhou, and even a relative of the emperor. He had a special status in the court, which was quite high.

Thirdly, this person must have military power in his hands. At this time, Feng Xi has been changed from the governor of Dingzhou to the governor of Bingzhou.

Fourth, this person must have a close relationship with the queen mother and the emperor, and be able to freely enter and leave the palace without arousing Yi Hun's suspicion.Feng Xi is the uncle of the country, a relative of the emperor, of course he has different treatment from foreign ministers, and can freely enter and leave the palace.

Finally, this key person must be capable and resourceful in dealing with change.Feng Xi's experience of absconding because of the extermination of his family when he was young made him communicate extensively, have extraordinary insights, and be able to adapt to changes.

Since Feng Xi has met the five conditions of the key figure in the fourth major plan in Queen Mother Feng's mind, he is naturally the best candidate for the key figure in Queen Mother Feng's plan to get rid of Yi Hun.

Empress Dowager Feng's four major strategies are established, and the next step is to gradually and quietly implement them.In order to thoroughly understand Yihun's movements and closely monitor his every move, Empress Dowager Feng believes that it is necessary to send a loyal and reliable person to infiltrate Yihun's forces and become Yihun's trusted person.

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