Power in the World: After Eternal Age

Chapter 98 Feng Xi Enters the Palace

On this day, Yi Hun was discussing matters with officials in the court hall, when he suddenly saw Empress Dowager Feng and Emperor Xianwen appear, he couldn't help being shocked.

When the officials saw the emperor and the queen mother, they all knelt down to pay their respects.Emperor Xianwen boarded the dragon chair, Empress Dowager Feng sat down beside it, Yi Hun bowed down and asked, "Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, why did you come to the court today?"

Emperor Xianwen kept silent, and Empress Dowager Feng smiled and said, "My dear dears, I have lived in the deep palace for a long time, and the burns I suffered have healed up. I came to the court today, and I have something to say to my dear dears!"

All officials bowed down in unison, Yi Hun was terrified, he didn't know why the queen mother and the emperor suddenly appeared.It turned out that after Empress Dowager Feng made up the four major strategies and decided to kill Yihun, she began to take action quietly.

Just at this time, Feng Xi, the king of Changli, had finished his errands and went to the palace to meet the queen mother.Due to Feng Xi's special status, the guards did not dare to stop him.

Empress Dowager Feng was overjoyed to see her brother Feng Xi coming.She and Feng Xi finished talking about the past, and said intentionally: "Brother has been away for a long time, can you hear anything new? I live in a deep palace, and I am really nervous. I also ask my brother to explain the worldly affairs to me, so as to relieve my boredom! "

When Feng Xi was on business outside the court, he had already heard about the internal affairs of the court, and he learned that Yi Hun was in charge of power, but he only concealed it from the queen mother and the emperor.Feng Xi didn't believe it at first, he thought that his younger sister, Empress Dowager Feng, was so knowledgeable that it was impossible for her to fall into such a stupid state.But the facts did not allow him to doubt. On the way back to Beijing, he heard many important events in the imperial court through hearsay.

When Feng Xi heard rumors that the Queen Mother was having an affair with Li Yi, his mood was extremely complicated.Empress Dowager Feng is his own sister, and she is also the queen mother's honor, so she actually had an affair with a subject, which made Feng Xi feel quite embarrassed.Li Yi followed Feng Xi earlier and was regarded by Feng Xi as his own brother. He actually tempted the Queen Mother to do such a shameful thing, which made Feng Xi feel angry.

But Feng Xi is a person who has gone through hardships after all. He thought about it, his sister was just young, and Emperor Wen Cheng died young. It is understandable that Empress Dowager Feng could not bear the loneliness in the palace.Feng Xi knew that his wealth and honor were all bestowed by his sister, Empress Dowager Feng, so he suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and didn't say a word about it.What he thinks in his heart is to help his younger sister, Empress Dowager Feng, wake up as soon as possible and take charge of the power in person, so that the Feng family's lineage can be preserved for a long time.

He just didn't know what to say to Empress Dowager Feng, and it happened that Empress Dowager Feng asked him to tell him something new about the court. Wei is getting more and more prosperous day by day, so I can't help but be overjoyed. However, at the beginning, the common people all praised the empress dowager for being wise, and then I saw that all the subjects in the world are all empress dowagers, is this strange?"

Empress Dowager Feng understood in her heart, pretending to be surprised and said: "My elder brother's words are really hard for me to understand, so I ask my elder brother to speak auspiciously!"

Feng Xidao: "I dare not say it!" Empress Dowager Feng said: "The King of Changli is an important minister of the country, and he is also the elder brother of this palace. Why don't you dare to speak up? Brother, it's okay to say, even if there is a big disrespect, this palace forgives you. !"

Feng Xidao: "Thank you, Empress Dowager! According to what I have heard, the people all over the world are afraid of the Empress Dowager, not because of the Empress Dowager herself, but because they are afraid of the Empress Dowager's carelessness in employing people and using Yi Hunyan a lot!"

Empress Dowager Feng pretended to be surprised and said: "What do you mean by this? Yihun is the pillar of the country. Before his death, the late emperor said: Yihun is loyal, brave and upright, has no ambition, and can be reused!"

Feng Xi sighed: "The empress dowager, this time is the same as the other time! When the first emperor was alive, Yi Hun was naturally available; when the first emperor passed away, the empress dowager obeyed the edict and reused it, which is also the way to employ people. Yi Hun also lived up to the high expectations of the empress dowager." , To put down the chaos of the three kings, I have made great contributions to the country."

"However, the empress dowager was injured, and the emperor was in mourning at a young age. It was a mistake to rely on Yihun's merits and entrust her with the position of Taiwei, ranking first among the three princes. Yihun was the empress dowager, arrogant and domineering, and dissatisfied with Situ Liuni , Sikong and his slaves were restrained by Zhongshu Ling Gaoyun, and wanted to monopolize the power. Therefore, Yihun's ambition suddenly arose, and he wanted to eliminate differences, form cliques and bring disaster to the court."

"The minister heard that Yi Hun was stopped by Shangshu Yang Baoping, Pingyang Gong Jia Airen, and Nanyang Gong Zhang Tiandu for proposing bribes to him, so Yi Hun was jealous of the three of them. Yi Hun pretended to appoint three supervisors Yun The building of the Buddha statues in the Gang Grottoes made all the subjects in the world think that Yi Hun repayed virtue with resentment, but they didn’t know that this was Yi Hun’s plan to kill the three of them! I don’t know what trick Yi Hun used to deceive the Queen Mother and frame Shangshu Yang Baoping and Pingyang Duke Jia Airen The three of them, Nanyang Gong Zhang Tiandu, corrupted the law by corrupting the law, and ordered Anyuan General Jia Xiu to kill these three people and their entire family."

"All the ministers were shocked. Situ Liuni, Sikong and their slaves fought against Yihun, but unexpectedly Yihun bought off the guards, took advantage of the queen mother's recovery and the emperor's funeral, and blocked the inside and outside, so that the queen mother and the emperor had no knowledge. Zhongshu Ling Although Gao Yun knew in his heart, he was not as good as the Sangong regardless of his official position, status, or real power. Zhongshu ordered Gao Yun to be a wise man in the world. He knew that Yihun was powerful, so he didn't want to compete with him, but he saved his life and waited for the right time."

"Yihun became more and more rampant when he saw that the plan to block the emperor, the queen mother, and the officials had succeeded. He often pretended to kill ministers who disagreed with him, and Situ Liuni, Sikong and his slaves also arranged for Yihun to kill their opponents. The promotion of officials and other matters are all issued by the Empress Dowager's order or the emperor's edict, although the two suspect Yihun's false edict, there is nothing they can do about it."

"Yihun got the help of Anyuan General Jia Xiuzhi, and wanted to monopolize the government and steal the post of prime minister. Although the officials suspected that Yihun was pretending to be the prime minister, the empress dowager said that this was the empress dowager's intention. All the officials I am afraid and dare not speak. Now that the three princes are in the position of prime minister, Yi Hun still leads the Taiwei. Situ Liuni, Sikong and his slaves have been relieved of real power by Yi Hun's order as prime minister, and have been entrusted with emptiness. Zhongshu Ling Gao Yun was originally a civil servant, with no soldiers or generals in his hands, and in order to protect his strength, he pretended to put his love on mountains and rivers, poetry and prose, and no longer interfered with the affairs of the court."

Empress Dowager Feng pretended to be surprised and said, "Is it true? I don't believe it either!"

Feng Xi sighed, "Does the empress dowager know that Tuoba Yu, the minister in the palace, was killed by Yi Hun?"

Empress Dowager Feng nodded and said: "This palace is also aware of this matter, Yi Hun played to this palace: "The Shangshu Tuoba Yu led the troops to break into the forbidden palace and turned back. Fortunately, Yi Hun found out and executed him!""

Feng Xi sighed: "Your Majesty, the Minister of the Palace, Tuoba Yu, is in charge of the imperial guards inside and outside the Forbidden Palace. May I ask the Empress Dowager, if the Minister of the Palace, Tuoba Yu, wants to rebel, who in the court can stop him?"

Empress Dowager Feng pondered for a while and said: "Although Yihun is in charge of the army of the world, according to the law, foreign soldiers cannot enter the capital. The forbidden army inside and outside the forbidden palace is all controlled by Tuobayu, the minister in the palace. If Tuobayu wants to rebel, the imperial court No soldiers can stop it!"

Feng Xidao: "The empress dowager is holy! Tuoba Yu is a veteran of the three dynasties, and a loyal member of the Tuoba clan. During Emperor Taiwu, Tuoba Yu was reused and granted the title of Minister of the Palace, and even now the emperor ascends the throne, he is still the Minister of the Palace!"

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