In the season of falling leaves, the blue sky, and a bright and refreshing day, Zhang Xiaolong's life is always so ridiculous and sad.Walking in the vast sea of ​​people, he saw a dark sky and darkness in front of him, his eyes wandered without focus, and his heart was full of bitterness and helplessness.

His childhood sweetheart, sincere and indescribable love and affection have long been a thing of the past in his heart, and the heart-wrenching pain, that innocent girl who was only 15 years old and was tortured by illness until she was skinny, and finally closed her eyes reluctantly to the world, has always been An indelible memory in his heart.

This is God's jealousy of talents, this is the vicissitudes of the world, and this is the old people's hearts!

Three years later, when Zhang Xiaolong recovered from his disappointment and finally walked out of that uninhabited village and came to this bustling metropolis, his aroused passion was hit and destroyed again.The only 6000 yuan he had was cheated by a young man who was sanctimonious and disillusioned with humanity.

His stomach was empty, his hands and feet were weak, Zhang Xiaolong's steps were a little bumpy, and he had no sense of direction for a long time.He didn't expect that he would be reduced to such a field after only three days in the metropolis with his mastery of drilling mountains.There is no despair, only misery in his heart. After living for 20 years, from the deep mountains to the big cities, all he saw was the injustice of the world and the faces of the fallen people. He sighed and grieved for everyone around him.

Xiaoying, who is terminally ill, is lonely and helpless, like a mandarin duck in another world, the Cowherd and Weaver Girl in the sky and the earth, if she wants to meet again, she has to be reincarnated as a human being.The father and mother who abandoned him since he was a child and have never met since childhood, as well as the young liar who acted as a good man and called him a brother and brother to cheat him of money yesterday, all became tragedies and the most pitiful people in the world.

It's hard to be a good guy.Zhang Xiaolong never considered himself a good person, and he did many hateful deeds in that remote mountain village with less than twenty families.For example, going to other people's fields to pick vegetables, dig potatoes, etc., this kind of unearned activities did not happen in the years when he was about ten years old, and at the same time, he was chased by those simple villagers with hoes on their backs. It was more than ten miles away. In the end, the simple and kind Xiaoying beat two hares with him and sent them to the villagers' homes to settle the matter.Otherwise, the old guy whom he called the bad old man who taught him the art of strengthening his body since he was a child would have knocked him to death with a chestnut a day.

With the passage of time, Zhang Xiaolong, who has matured day by day, also understands what it means to understand righteousness and what it means to value love and self.However, it seems that this is not necessarily a good thing now, because the good people who took care of him and those who taught him to do good are all dead, and now he has become an out-and-out unlucky person.Zhang Xiaolong thought, maybe this is the sad fate of fate.He is full of confidence in the future, but he has been immersed in his past. He can't forget the pure and lively girl Xiaoying who played with him since he was a child, the old man who lived until he was 130 years old and died of old age, and yesterday who deceived him A liar all over.

At the moment when they are forced to go to Liangshan, people have to think, so what if there is justice in their hearts. Steaming meat buns, do you swallow your saliva or collect your fists?

"Su Zhouzhou, bastard, don't let me see you next time, or my Zhanshan Vajra Fist will send you to hell to drink Mengpo soup." After wandering on the street for a long time, Zhang Xiaolong's unfocused eyes inadvertently Shooting two cold lights, staring coldly at the front, he stopped, clenched his fists, and made a cracking sound, which made the middle-aged man who was coming forward with a leather bag shiver involuntarily. I bypassed him and walked faster. I didn't turn my head until five meters later. When I saw that the young man with long hair and straw sandals was not acting abnormally, I muttered: "I'm sick."

Zhang Xiaolong let go of his rough fists, turned his head to look at the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop on the right, gritted his teeth and walked over, looked at him without any impurities in his eyes, and said, "Boss, bring me ten steamed stuffed buns."

The owner of the bun shop is a man in his 30s, with a burly body. His arms that knead and pull dough all day long look very strong, giving people a shocking effect. He stands on the steps and looks down at the pale man in front of him. The young man who looked like a savage, after seeing countless people, he immediately guessed two situations, but he didn't point it out to his face, but calmly picked up the clip and cloth bag, and quickly put ten meat buns on them and handed them over.

To Zhang Xiaolong's surprise, the other party didn't ask him for money. This made Zhang Xiaolong, who originally wanted to take the bag and run away, hesitate for a moment. He looked at the other party deeply, and was still cursing in his heart that all the good people in this world are dead. There was a slight change in the thought.However, the subversive mood did not make him relax his vigilance against the bun shop owner in front of him, because he had already been cheated once.

"Eat! If it's not enough, there's more here." The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop had a thick face, he didn't look like a good person, but he looked at Zhang Xiaolong very kindly.

Zhang Xiaolong swallowed his saliva, inadvertently aimed at the chest muscle that was hidden under the vest that trembled from time to time, looked at the friendly face, and without thinking about it, grabbed the buns in the bag and ate them voraciously.Harmful people are hard to guard against, and you must have the heart to guard against others. What Zhang Xiaolong is most worried about at the moment is being cheated. He was so hungry that he didn't realize it for a while. At this moment, he has nothing to deceive.If what he is holding in his hand at this moment is a bun of human flesh, or poison, then he considers himself unlucky, but in order to meet Su Zhouzhou who lied to him all his wealth again, Zhang Xiaolong, who had previously wanted to pass out on the street In order to fill his stomach, he can't take care of everything, even if he eats the overlord's meal and is beaten severely by the other party, he is willing.

He is strong and strong, Zhang Xiaolong is strong now, and the diamond boxing that he has practiced hard in the mountains for more than ten years has a mighty and thick penetrating power. Absolute self-confidence, which is why he didn't even blink his eyelids when he saw the boobs of the owner of the bun shop just now.

He gnawed half of it in one bite, and killed a bun in two bites. The cloth bag of ten fist-sized Northeast buns was swept away in an instant. The owner of the bun shop saw all this. While eating, his eyelids twitched unconsciously, and he asked involuntarily, "Are you full? There's more here."

Before Zhang Xiaolong could reply, he picked up two more buns and handed them over.Zhang Xiaolong watched him reach out to take it, this time he ate slowly, his eyes glanced at the kettle on the table in the back room from time to time.It was difficult to swallow in the mouth, and I burped.

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop finally showed a smile when he saw him, and he greeted him into the room knowingly, and the two sat facing each other, keeping a certain distance: "Little brother, you are a master, I can tell at a glance. I said , How can a master like you be so hungry?"

The owner of the Baozi shop handed Zhang Xiaolong a high-quality red camellia with hope and doubt in his eyes, his curiosity filled his brain.The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop who used to hang out on Zhenxing Street and was honored as Brother Rhinoceros by many social gangsters believed that he would not be mistaken.It's just that Zhang Xiaolong looked at him with a pair of focused eyes without any impurities, but shook his head violently, his mouth was full of minced meat and dough, and he didn't stand up until he swallowed the last half of the bun in his hand.

"Boss, thank you, I'm full, but I don't have any money, but don't worry, when I have money, I will definitely come to pay you back today's bun money." Standard and slightly awkward Mandarin, this is Zhang Xiaolong's true nature, thank you only after you leave after eating, not pretentious.Living in the remote northern mountains since he was a child, the bad old man who is well-informed and well-informed enough to live in his early years did not make him lose his proper language organization ability, not only in Mandarin, but also in reading, writing, and practicing kung fu. Down.It's just that in recent years Xiaoying and the old man have left one after another, Zhang Xiaolong sticks to the mountains and has little contact with the outside world, and it seems a bit rusty to return to his old business.

Living in the deep mountains all year round with beasts, practicing kung fu, hunting and killing for self-amusement, Zhang Xiaolong's quick thinking has not degraded, and he traveled thousands of miles south to Kunming. Quite a few, it's just that he, who has never really traveled far to see the world, was still deceived inhumanely.

"Little brother, you don't look like you are in a hurry, why are you so unwilling to sit down and talk to me?" Seeing Zhang Xiaolong's hesitation, the owner of the bun shop said kindly: "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person , take a step back, even if I am a bad guy, I can't beat you, right? To be honest, when I saw you for the first time just now, I saw that you are a master, a master who hides your body, and I guessed you when I heard you speak I am from the Northeast, and I am also from the Northeast. My hometown is Yichun City, Heilongjiang. I have been in Spring City for 12 years. When I came here, I was only a year or two older than you. At that time, I was not much better than you are now. .By the way, my name is Zhao Xiniu. Look at this body. Everyone who knows me calls me a rhinoceros. What about you?"

Zhao Xiniu, who wanted to keep Zhang Xiaolong behind and ask the truth to satisfy his curiosity, in order to gain the trust of the young man he considered to be a hidden master, he revealed his family background and name in one go, fully embodying the men of the Northeast. bold demeanor.Zhang Xiaolong really felt it too, but how could he completely trust the other party after he was deceived and believed that all the good people in the world were dead? Zhang Xiaolong, who was determined to hide himself completely, had an extra heart, but he couldn't refuse directly. This enthusiastic man who just gave himself food and clothing.

I had no choice but to pretend to be crazy and said in a subtle way: "Boss Rhinoceros, I... am called Landlord Zhang, you can just call me Landlord. It is true that I am from the Northeast, but the old man said that he picked me up at the gate of an orphanage in Spring City." .”

"Landlord, yes, good name." Zhao Xiniu responded with a habitual smile, and then his expression froze, "What, your name is Landlord Zhang?"

The three thousand characters in Zhang Xiaolong's mind were all learned by rote copying by the old man in the mountains. When he came to the big city for the first time, he naturally didn't think there was anything wrong with the name, and he didn't know the generalization of the word funny. It was his pseudonym combined with Xingkou combination of the Chinese characters he had learned. Fortunately, he still looked at the other party solemnly, feeling a little upset: "Well, my name is Landlord Zhang,

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