The afterglow of the setting sun dyed City A bloody, and Zhang Xiaolong's three or four thousand horsemen rushed towards Shuangyi's lair.

Shuangyi's old nest is a leisure bathing pool called Jiashui World. The block where it is located is called Hua Street. There are some old houses in the block, and it is also a famous red light district in City A.

At night, the entrances of shops, big and small, along the street are full of young ladies, all of whom are dressed up in fancy dresses, and some of them are less than three feet of cloth from top to bottom, but they just formally cover the three basics. What's more, even the most secret place is exposed to the outside.

In the dark corners of the streets, there are still many peddlers peddling Viagra and drugs.

From time to time on the street, men with dirty smiles on their faces walk quickly into some small shampoo rooms, while at the entrances of large bath centers and hotels, they are often full of high-end cars of various styles. The men who come here have the same purpose. Relatively primitive.

The bustling Flower Street is the busiest place at night in City A, but tonight, Flower Street is destined to become the place where people feel the least feared. Thousands of vicious horsemen with weapons appear in every corner of Flower Street, and shops that feel something is wrong Closed for business.

Longtang's horse boy directly broke into Jiashui World and the property under the name of Shuangyi, and scared the people inside. They used to be inspected by the police, and they had never seen the underworld. They went to Jiashui World to consume The guests were kicked out by their necks before they put their **s in. As for the ladies who were still lying on the bed, it was inevitable that horsemen would rush to them while they were being robbed.

Hundreds of horsemen searched Jiashui World and seized a large amount of cash and drugs from Shuangyi's office.

Zhang Xiaolong asked the crew to send back the prop car of the crew. He took over Kaifeng’s second-hand Shanghai Volkswagen. Although the appearance of this car is a bit broken, the performance is still very good. The glass is bulletproof and the steel plate is also very thick. Before dealing with the double benefit, we must be careful.

When Zhang Xiaolong rushed to Jiashui World, Huajie had been completely controlled, and the whole street was full of horsemen holding murder weapons. The originally peaceful Huajie was full of bleak murderous aura.

The 24 peripheral cadres under Shuangyi were all arrested and squatted in a circle outside the gate of Jiashui World, all of them pale and afraid to vent their breath.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't get out of the car at the entrance of Jiashui World. Hai Mule walked over quickly and said, "Brother Landlord, that kid from Shuangyi has escaped, but a lot of cash and drugs were found in Shuangyi's office, so he should not have escaped far."

The blood in Zhang Xiaolong's eyes hadn't dissipated, and he sat quietly in the car, as if exuding bursts of evil spirits, which made people feel shuddering. Even the sea mule seemed a little reserved in front of Zhang Xiaolong.

Zhang Xiaolong said: "Let the telecommunications and mobile customer service in the city send customer service text messages, offering a reward of 100 million for Shuangyi's life, and send it a few more times so that everyone in city A can see it."

The sea mule hesitated, and said, "Brother Landlord, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back when I do this."

"After tonight, City A will belong to Longtang. Whoever is dishonest will be deposed." With the unification of City A imminent, Zhang Xiaolong's aura is also gradually changing.

Hai Mule nodded and said, "Understood, Brother Landlord, Mao Junchi is better at this matter."

Zhang Xiaolong said, "I'll call him."

Mao Junchi and Hai Mule had the same status in the Dragon Hall, so it was inappropriate for Hai Mule to turn orders to Mao Junchi, Zhang Xiaolong had to give the order himself.

Mao Junchi readily agreed, and in less than 5 minutes, Zhang Xiaolong's mobile phone received four mobile phones in a row looking for Shuangyi. Now everyone in City A knows that Shuangyi's head is worth 100 million.

The horse boys around took out their mobile phones to check, the excitement and enthusiasm in their eyes reached the extreme.

Hai Mule looked around and admired Zhang Xiaolong's courage and means. If it were him, he would never dare to do such a thing.

Hai Mule asked: "Brother Landlord, how will Shuangyi's subordinates deal with it?"

"Put it up first, and wait until you catch Shuangyi." Zhang Xiaolong looked at the prisoners who were being held together. Shuangyi escaped without notifying them, which meant that these people were not Shuangyi's confidantes, so let them live for a few days.

Hai Mule nodded in agreement, turned around and waved, and asked Ma Zai to escort the 24 people into Jiashui World.

Just as Zhang Xiaolong was leaving, suddenly a lady rushed out from the corner, knelt in front of Zhang Xiaolong's car, and cried, "Boss, I know Shuangyi is there."

The boy of the sea mule went up and searched, and after confirming that the lady was not armed, he brought her to Zhang Xiaolong's car.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaolong was very young, the lady was stunned for a moment, then knelt on the ground and kowtowed and begged: "Boss, I know where Shuang Yi is hiding, please let my sister go."

Zhang Xiaolong frowned and asked, "What's wrong with your sister?"

The stage name of the lady who stopped the bus was Feiyan, and she also had a younger sister who came out to do it, her stage name was Hede, and the combined name was Feiyan Hede, which was the name of a bunch of beauties and sisters in the Han Dynasty.

Feiyan's younger sister, Hede, went to work in Jiashui World the day before yesterday, and something happened in just a few days. Hede just sent a text message to ask her sister for help, saying that he was raped by dozens of horse boys, and he was about to lose it. Yan wanted to save her sister, so she rushed out to ask for help.

Zhang Xiaolong frowned, looked at Hai Mule and asked, "What's going on here?"

The sea mule also frowned. Not all the horses who broke into Jiashui World were his people, because there were too many people, and he couldn't fully control it, and it was very chaotic inside.

The sea mule said, "I'll ask someone to check it out right away."

Feiyan begged: "Boss, can I follow?"

"Go." Zhang Xiaolong asked Fei Yan to follow Hai Mule's younger brother in to find his sister. He said to Hai Mule: "This group of things with handles is really worrying. If you don't catch Shuangyi, what do you do to embarrass the lady who came out to do it, miss It was also raised by mother and father, and asked people to release all the young ladies inside."

Hai Mule's old face flushed for a while. This matter was completely caused by his lax restraint of his subordinates. He secretly decided that he must rectify after returning.

Soon, Feiyan helped her younger sister Hede out. The lady named Hede was wearing a bath towel, and there were obvious bruises on her thighs. She walked unsteadily, and her legs seemed to be stuck together. , It is said that more than [-] horse boys have been raped by turns just now, and there are dozens of horse boys queuing up. If Zhang Xiaolong hadn't ordered her to be released, she would have died on the massage table of Jiashui World.

Zhang Xiaolong glanced at it, he was indeed very beautiful, no wonder the boys couldn't hold it back.

Zhang Xiaolong ordered: "Find a doctor to show her, don't let anyone die."

Hai Mule called his subordinates and asked them to send him to a gynecologist near Huajie. Fei Yan wanted to follow, but was dragged back by Ma Zai.

Zhang Xiaolong asked: "You said you knew where Shuangyi was, tell me."

Feiyan knelt in front of the car, kowtowed to Zhang Xiaolong, and said: "A sister of mine was Shuangyi's concubine. She said that Shuangyi loved a new Beimei the most, and she was still giving to that Beimei in Fuxinglu. Opened a supermarket, few people know about it, I think Shuangyi must be hiding there."

Zhang Xiaolong said: "You are responsible for leading the way. If Shuangyi is really there, you sisters will not have to come out in the future."


No. 133, Building 2, Fuxing Street, City A, is a supermarket named Tongda, and it is also the home of Shuangyi Xinwaifang.

Shuang Yi led four confidantes, Lai Pi, Ye Gou, Er Niu, and Si Zai to discuss countermeasures in the back room. He failed to kill Zhang Xiaolong with his joint idea, and now he is completely passive.

Lai Pi said: "Brother, Zhang Xiaolong's people have already occupied Huajie, and the bastards who stayed behind surrendered without resistance."

Er Niu said cursingly: "Spicy mother, big brother has raised them for nothing. Apart from attracting fans and cannons, there is nothing they can do."

"Don't blame them. Zhang Xiaolong dispatched 4000 to [-] people at a time, and the people who stayed behind were no opponents at all." Shuang Yi was also very helpless. He was not prepared enough for this operation, so he fell into a passive position.

Among the four younger brothers, Si Zai was the calmest, he pushed his glasses.Said: "We believe in the ability of ideas too much. We didn't expect him to be such a waste. He didn't kill Landlord Zhang. Instead, Landlord Zhang cut off his hands. He has probably fed the fish by now. Now the people of Longtang have occupied Huajie. We should leave City A as soon as possible."

Shuang Yi nodded, he thought the same way, the enemy is outnumbered, it is not easy to regain Huajie.

At this moment, the mobile phones of the five people rang with the sound of text messages, but five consecutive text messages came in at the same time. The five people picked up the mobile phones and looked at them, and their faces became extremely ugly at the same time.

"One million? Is my life worth one million? Landlord Zhang is too deceitful." Shuang Yi pretended to be calm, and observed the expressions of his subordinates while talking.

Lai Pi, Ye Gou, Er Niu, and Si Zai all looked at Shuang Yi with different expressions.

The fourth son was the first to say: "Brother, you know me well, and my fourth son will never betray the eldest brother."

"Me too." Er Niu was the second to say, this brother has a very down-to-earth personality.

"Brother, you know me well, I will not betray my brother for money." Wild Dog expressed his position.

"Brother, we've been with you for so many years, you know us well, we won't betray you, but..." Lai Pi raised his eyes in the middle of speaking.

Shuangyi suddenly realized that the brothers in the house would not betray, but the woman outside would not necessarily. One million is definitely a huge temptation.

"Little bitch." Shuang Yi picked up the gun and walked out with an extremely angry expression, as if she recognized a woman and would betray him.

As soon as Shuangyi came out of the back room, there was a gunshot, and the smoke filled the air, and Er Niu behind Shuangyi was shot out, hitting the milk powder cans piled up like a hill, and rolling everywhere.

"Er Niu." The wild dog yelled anxiously, and then shot again, and the wild dog was also sent flying.

Shuang Yi and the others hurriedly crawled to the ground. The lights in the supermarket were very dim.


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